Pessimistic consistency control for distributed
databases (Bernstein et al., 1987) is based on the prin-
ciple of “locks” in order to avoid concurrent transac-
tions to access to the same object in an inadequate
mode. The use of “locks” minimizes the number of
aborted transactions, but degrades the performance of
the system, because the complexity introduced by the
management of the locks.
On the other hand, the traditional approach for op-
timistic consistency control was presented in (Kung
and Robinson, 1981), and its main advantage consists
on the reduction of the blocking time of the transac-
tions, using “versions” (or “timestamps”) as the basis
for its implementation. The main disadvantage of op-
timistic consistency protocols consists of the increase
in the abortion rate.
The presented approach uses a optimistic consis-
tency control, with lazy replication, and has been im-
plemented in a real environment (COPLA).
Lazy update protocols have not been widely exploited
due to its excessive abortion rate on scenarios with
high probability of access conflicts. Nevertheless,
such protocols can provide important improvements
in the performance of a distributed system, when the
abortion rate can be kept low, and the locality of the
accesses is appreciable.
We have presented an statistical study of the abor-
tion rate (as disadvantage of lazy protocols), in or-
der to provide an expression for the probability for an
accessed object to be out of date (P A
)), and
cause a further abortion of the accessing transaction.
An statistical analysis has been performed in this
paper, in order to provide an expression for the prob-
ability for a requested access to obtain a stale value of
the required object.
The application of the expression has been also dis-
cussed, in order to determine the convenience, using
a general algorithm, to update along the execution of
a transaction the objects predicted to be stale. This
discussion has provided a set of conditions, in base
to a number of parameters, where these generic algo-
rithms can improve the abortion rate of a lazy update
Consequently, the improvement has also studied, in
base to the established decrement of the update-time
of the accessed objects, giving as conclusion that such
reductions may considerably improve the probability
for an object to be updated, thus reducing dramati-
cally the abortion rate of lazy update protocols.
Thus, this work theoretically validates the imple-
mentation of not-so-lazy update protocols based on
statistical prediction of stale accesses to reduce the
abortion rate. These protocols conform possible im-
plementations of the mentioned generic algorithm, as
a real improved update algorithm.
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