Figure 3. Cardinality of Agents and Places
Step4: Travel Schema of Mobile Agent Types
The travel schema of each mobile agent type
includes origin, final destination, list of atomic
movements, and paths. The origin is the place type
where the mobile agent starts the movement to
accomplish the tasks assigned. The final destination
is the place type where mobile agent will reside after
it completed the tasks assigned. The atomic
movement is the smallest granularity movement
required to accomplish the tasks assigned. The paths
are the list of atomic movements that the mobile
agent may travel in order to accomplish the tasks
The Smart Lecture Theatre system is a multiagent
system, where a different type of agent manages
each type of interaction. Within the Smart Lecture
Theatre architecture, agents will be stationary and/or
mobile. Each agent will have a task assigned and it
will seek to perform and fulfil the task assigned. For
example, a student needs to find out the contact
details of lecturer A. This student will query from
his/her user device. First the student is required to
login into Smart Lecture Theatre system and a
unique user agent handles this operation. Once the
query has been triggered, the user agent creates a
query agent automatically. The query agent with the
assigned task (i.e. “What are the contact details of
lecturer A?”) will migrate to the lecture theatre and
attempt to answer the student’s query. The design of
Smart Lecture Theatre requires the mobile agent to
move from the user device to the lecture theatre to
accomplish the task assigned. There are three types
of users in Smart Lecture Theatre system namely
student, lecturer and administrator. Each particular
user has different types of services available.
Student can query lecturer details, such as lecturer’s
URL address, lecturer’s room number and email
address, and query unit details, such as unit’s name
and unit’s URL address. The administrator performs
update of the lecture theatre features, such as
disabled access, capacity, speakers, OH projectors
and LAN connections and also the user details, such
as username, real name, URL and user type. The
Lecturer can list lecture theatres based on the
features such as disabled access, capacity, speakers,
OH projectors and LAN connection, query lecture
theatres on available times and book the specified
lecture theatre at a particular campus and negotiate
with another user when the other user has booked
the lecture theatre for a particular time slot. The
analysis and design of the Smart Lecture Theatre
system was done using mGaia and the
implementation was performed using the
Grasshopper mobile agent toolkit.
We have presented a conceptual modelling
methodology for mobile agent systems. We
presented our experiences in mapping the mGaia
models to Grasshopper mobile agent toolkit
(http://www.grasshopper.de) in (Sutandiyo et al.,
2004), which showed mGaia to be effective. These
experiences have indicated that there are several
open issues that need to be addressed which are the
focus of our current work. The key issues include
identification of additional constructs for mobile
agent systems, formalization of the constructs,
specification of mobility of agent contexts/places
and addressing the mobility of roles – or mobility in
the analysis phase of the modeling.
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