Ari P. Hirvonen
TietoEnator Oyj, P.O.Box 203, FIN-40101 Jyväskylä, Finland
Jarmo J. Ahonen
School of Information and Communication Technology, Seinäjoki Polytechnic, Kampusranta 9, FIN-60320 Seinäjoki, Finland
Mirja Pulkkinen
Information Technology Research Institute, P.O.Box 35, FIN-40014 University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Methodologies, large-scale provider, architecture management, software engineering, requirement engineer-
ing, consulting
The role of modern ICT-services providers has changed from easily defined system engineers to full-scale
providers. The types, or profiles, of projects supplied by such providers are not very well understood. In
this article a company specific analysis of a set of projects is presented. The analysis clarifies the types of
projects and discusses the features of those types. Five distinctive profiles of projects were found excluding
the maintenance. Some of the profiles were unexpected and seem to reflect the changing nature of the system
engineering market. This change shows that changes to existing methodologies and new methodologies are
required in order to offer proper methodological support for modern full-scale ICT-services providers.
In the modern business environment the traditional
role of information system engineering companies
has changed quite dramatically. One of the changes
has been the emergence of full-scale ICT-services
providers. Such providers have a much larger reper-
toire of services than companies providing traditional
information system development.
It seems that the changed variety of services reflect
the changed use of information systems. Informa-
tion systems are not any more used only to perform
very restricted tasks (DeMichelis et al., 1998). In
the current business world information systems span
different organizations and act as strategic business
tools (DeMichelis et al., 1998)(Johansen, 1988)(Rob-
son, 1997)(Ward and Peppard, 2002). That develop-
ment has created pressures for ICT-providers: it is no
longer enough to be very good in implementing sin-
gle information systems. From the experience of the
company analyzed in this paper it seems to be the case
that in order to get implementation deals the provider
has to have a much larger understanding of the busi-
ness environment and provide additional services.
The types and profiles of such services are not,
however, very well understood. It is common to char-
acterize those services as consulting, and that con-
sulting is further divided into management consult-
ing (Block, 2000), management ICT-consulting (Rob-
son, 1997)(Spewak, 1992)(Ward and Peppard, 2002)
and technical consulting, for which there are some
tools and approaches like (The Open Group, 2002),
(Armour et al., 1999b), (Armour et al., 1999a), and
(NCR, 2003). Such division is not accurate enough
because different types of projects require different
skills from the provider’s employees and act in differ-
ent roles in the overall business of the provider.
In this article we report a study performed inside
a single full-scale ICT-services provider. The aim of
the study was to obtain a better understanding of the
actual business. Such understanding is required in
order to be able to develop new methodologies and
process models. Those new methodologies and pro-
cess models should reflect the real business require-
ments. This is a very important consideration because
existing methodologies or frameworks, like (Zach-
man, 1987), (Sowa and Zachman, 1992), and (Put-
man, 2001), do not reflect the changing business well
In Section 2 we will outline the research setting and
the data collection, in Section 3 we will outline the
data, in Section 4 an analysis of the data is done. In
Section 5 we will provide a brief conclusion and dis-
cuss future research.
P. Hirvonen A., J. Ahonen J. and Pulkkinen M. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 123-130
DOI: 10.5220/0002632001230130
This study is a part of a larger, company-wide effort.
The aims of the effort are methodology development
and process improvement. One of the basic steps is
gaining a better understanding of the real business and
projects of the company. The company is one of the
ve biggest full-scale ICT-services providers in Eu-
The basic reason for the effort was that it seemed
that the existing information system and/or software
engineering methodologies and approaches do not re-
flect the changed business environment encountered
by a full-scale provider. The methodologies and other
approaches have to be changed in order to improve
the overall performance of the company. The selected
improvement methodology was process improvement
and methodology development.
Because the variety of the projects performed by
a full-scale ICT-services provider include much more
than pure software engineering or maintenance, it is
necessary to understand the types of projects provided
in order to be able to improve. The selected approach
to improvement was method development, process
modeling and improvement.
One way to get better understanding of the projects
is to analyze the different types of work and work dis-
tribution between those types. After evaluating the
project plans of several projects and having discus-
sions with project managers, the selection of differ-
ent types of work was decided. Project phases were
considered to represent the different types of work.
The selected phases are outlined in Table 1. The table
includes the shortcuts used for denoting the phases
in figures. Actual work distribution (provider’s ef-
fort) between phases was queried from project man-
agers. The questions included the size of the project
(provider’s effort as working days) and the relative
distribution of effort between different project phases.
In this section we briefly describe the data and pro-
vide a short analysis on the found project types. A
more detailed discussion on the types of projects is
provided in Section 4. The data consists of 49 projects
and their metrics. A brief summary of the data is as:
number of projects = 49, mean size (working days) =
370, cumulative size (working days) = 18 506, me-
dian size (working days) = 155, minimum size (work-
ing days) = 10, and maximum size (working days) =
5 500.
The summary shows that the average size of
projects in the dataset is not very large, the average
size is the same as one and a half year’s work of an
individual. The distribution of size is shown as a box-
plot in Figure 1. The first impression of the mean and
the median of size is that the size of the projects is
surprisingly small. That seems to reflect the changing
nature of the business as will be discussed later on.
10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000
Figure 1: Boxplot of the size of the analyzed projects
(provider effort).
One of the basic analysis methods is to look at the
distribution of different variables. In addition to Fig-
ure 1 which shows the sizes of projects, the boxplot in
Figure 2 shows the distribution of effort in different
projects. The boxplot is very interesting, especially
because the plot suggests that there are clearly differ-
ent groups (or clusters) of projects.
Figure 2 suggests that the number of clusters is
four or five. In order to find out the actual number
of clusters we used the Partitioning Around Metoids
-technique described in (Kaufman and Rousseeuw,
1990). In that analysis we tried the cluster numbers
three, four, ve, and six; contrary to our prior expec-
tations, the most fitting number of clusters was five.
The clusters were separated by using the built-in
method provided by R version 1.7.0 on Windows NT.
The number of cases in each cluster are shown in Ta-
ble 2. In our opinion the clusters represent the real
types of projects although the number of cases in a
cluster is fairly small in some cases: two clusters have
only six members and one cluster has only four mem-
The boxplot of the work distribution in cluster
“Strategic consulting” is shown in Figure 3. The most
important phases are understanding of the current sit-
uation, target definition and strategic planning. The
average effort required by understanding the current
situation and target definition is over 60 % of the total
effort. It seems that the effort in strategic consulting
projects is in deriving the target situation from the cur-
rent situation. The explains the work distribution in a
natural way.
The second cluster is “Process consulting”, which
is normally considered to provide ICT-related con-
sulting for business process re-engineering. The box-
plot of the work distribution in this cluster is shown
Table 1: Identified project phases.
Name of the phase Description Shortcut
Project planning and management Effort used for planning and managing the project plan
Quality definition Effort used for defining the target quality qde
Understanding the current situa-
Effort used for understanding the current situation or the context of
the project
Target definition Effort used for defining the outcome or target of the project tdef
Strategic planning Effort dedicated for strategic issues, i.e. strategic planning str
Technology architecture design Effort used for designing the technology architecture of the target
system (includes the definition of technology architecture of an en-
terprise level approaches)
Application portfolio design Effort used for the design of application portfolio a.po
Design of application architecture Effort used for designing the architecture of and application or an
individual system
Design of information architec-
ture (organizational level)
Effort used for designing organizational level information achitec-
Business process design Effort used for business process reengineering or design
Requirements engineer-
Effort used for requirements engineering and high-level specification
of the target system
Design Effort used for designing a system des
Implementation Effort used for implementing (including programming) a system impl
Unit/component testing Effort used for unit/component testing u.t
Integration testing Effort used for integration testing i.t
System testing Effort used for system testing s.t
Education and other activities re-
lated to taking the system into use
Effort dedicated into taking the system into actual use use
Customer satisfaction query Effort used for measuring the satisfaction of the client/customer c.s
Project closing Effort used for project closing activities p.clo
Other Effort used for other activities oth
in Figure 4. The majority of work is distributed be-
tween understanding the current situation, target defi-
nition, strategic planning, technology architecture de-
sign, and business process reengineering. It is worth
noting that not a single phase required more than 20%
of the effort in average, as is shown in Figure 8.
The third cluster Architecture consulting”, shown
in Figure 5, is a much more specific case. Most of the
effort is spent for understanding the current situation,
target definition, and application portfolio design. In
some cases effort is spent also for technology archi-
tecture design. It is not known what the phase “other”
means in this case.
The most outstanding type of projects is “require-
ment engineering”, shown in Figure 6. Almost all of
the effort is concentrated in the creation of require-
ments. This is the most specific type of projects.
The fifth type of projects is the system engineer-
ing (or system implementation) project, shown in Fig-
ure 7. The work distribution shown in Figure 7 is
very near the classical one discussed in literature, e.g.
(Pressman, 2000), (Sommerville, 1998), and (Boehm,
1988). The most interesting feature is the surprisingly
small amount of effort dedicated for requirements.
There is, however, an explanation for this, as will be
discussed in the next section.
Table 2: The number of cases in clusters.
Name of the cluster Number of cases
Strategic consulting 6
Process consulting 13
Architecture consulting 6
Requirement engineering
and specification
System engineering 20
The found clusters prompted us to perform further
analysis of the projects. This analysis is based on in-
depth discussions with project managers, specialists
and consultants responsible for the analyzed projects.
Those specialists agreed on the classification and con-
sidered it a natural one. The analysis provided in this
section is based on the achieved consensus based on
those discussions.
4.1 Strategic Consulting
This cluster consists of projects that set the direc-
tions for the whole client organization. This type of
plan qde und tdef str t.a a.po a.a i.a r/s des impl u.t i.t s.t use c.s p.clo oth
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 2: A boxplot of the relative distribution of work into different phases.
plan qde und tdef str t.a a.po a.a i.a r/s des impl u.t i.t s.t use c.s p.clo oth
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 3: A boxplot for the cluster “Strategic consulting”.
projects form the first step and the starting point of
enterprise wide ICT-architecture and solution devel-
This type of strategic development is a continuous
process. The continuous nature of strategic planning
makes it natural that there are parallel and simultane-
ous development within the operative units of an en-
terprise. Typically this type of projects are conducted
in order to solve some specific strategy, vision, and
business model enablement problem or development
The client participation in this type of project con-
plan qde und tdef str t.a a.po a.a i.a r/s des impl u.t i.t s.t use c.s p.clo oth
0 20 40 60 80
Figure 4: A boxplot for the cluster “Process consulting”.
sists of senior management or senior specialists from
strategic management and business leadership. The
consultants who represent the provider must be very
experienced people with good communication skills
and social competence. They have to employ the busi-
ness vocabulary with the client’s top management and
provide the client with additional business value by
pointing out new or cost-cutting uses of ICT. There-
fore this type of projects act as the essential starting
point for all other types of projects.
This type of project does not aim for a techni-
cal system. The aim is to create an abstract sys-
plan qde und tdef str t.a a.po a.a i.a r/s des impl u.t i.t s.t use c.s p.clo oth
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 5: A boxplot for the cluster Architecture consult-
plan qde und tdef str t.a a.po a.a i.a r/s des impl u.t i.t s.t use c.s p.clo oth
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 6: A boxplot for the cluster “Requirement engineer-
ing and specification”.
tem of business concepts, humans, and technology.
These projects may span a long time, but their results
are often compact and concise like strategic defini-
tions, vision, descriptions of services, or a high-level
road-map for the future. These results require good
business domain knowledge from the consultant and
proper understanding and commitment of the partici-
4.2 Process Consulting
When the strategic issues have been solved, the prac-
tical planning and implementation of the client’s busi-
ness models and service processes can be started.
That planning and implementation is normally per-
formed in business development projects. This type
of projects often include knowledge and change man-
agement. The implementation of the strategic aims of
the client may require business process re-engineering
in order to create ICT-enabled processes, business
models and services.
plan qde und tdef str t.a a.po a.a i.a r/s des impl u.t i.t s.t use c.s p.clo oth
0 20 40 60
Figure 7: A boxplot for the cluster “System implementation
This type of projects involve the operational man-
agement of the client. Therefore the improvement of
communication between the client’s operational busi-
ness management and ICT-management is an impor-
tant issue. The most important issues to be tackled
in this type of project are still soft issues, not tech-
nology itself. This type of consulting uses business
vocabulary combined with technology-oriented con-
siderations. The deliverables of this type of project
are more formal than the deliverables of strategic con-
The provider has created a methodology with no-
tations and process-models for the process consult-
ing subtype of these projects. The requirements for
the consultants are not as strict in this type of project
as they are in strategic consulting. Exhaustive under-
standing of the business domain and excellent social
skills may be compensated by more technical knowl-
edge and proper working practices.
Both strategic consulting and process consulting
are performed by special consultancy groups in the
company. Strategic consulting and process consult-
ing are important to full-scale ICT-service providers
because these projects focus on the client’s strategic
issues and increase the awareness of the client’s top
management of the provider and open new business
opportunities. In many cases such consulting is the
starting point of large business development projects.
In the modern world such projects require information
systems development and the benefits to the client
mean implementation projects for the provider.
It must be noted that the potential for the additional
value of ICT-utilization is highest here. Therefore
good deliverables and honest attitude in strategic con-
sulting and process consulting are essential for both
the client and a full-scale ICT-sevices provider like
the analysed one.
4.3 Architecture Consulting
The type of projects, architecture consulting, can be
seen as the first step in actual information systems re-
lated work. The focus of this type of projects may
be in system portfolio management, planning the sup-
port for new or modified business processes, planning
of the ICT-solution, technology adaptation, security
improvement and management, and many other tech-
nology oriented issues.
This type of projects shift the focus from the higher
management to the ICT-personnel of the client. This
type of projects are guided by specific semi-formal
methodologies with notations and process models.
That methodology has been internally developed by
the analysed provider. Knowledge of the business do-
main is still required by the consultants, but this is the
first type of projects in which technical knowledge
has risen to a dominant role. Technical specialists,
system architects and even system development spe-
cialists often contribute to this type of projects.
This type of projects acts as the bridge between the
more abstract strategic or process consulting projects
and traditional information systems development ac-
tivities. This type of projects is very important to the
analyzed provider and the client because the proper
needs and opportunities for actual system engineering
are defined in this type of projects.
4.4 Requirements Engineering
In many sources modern system development or soft-
ware engineering is considered to constitute an iter-
ative or incremental development process which re-
peats several cycles with requirements engineering,
specification, analysis, design and implementation.
The publicly known methodologies like RUP (Jacob-
son et al., 1999), OMT++ (Jaaksi, 1998)(Jaaksi et al.,
1999) and Catalysis (D’Souza and Wills, 1999) are
based on this approach. In many cases that is not,
however, true any more. The business environment
has changed in ways which make such incremental
projects more and more uncommon.
From the perspective of a full-scale ICT-services
provider the analysis part (this part is considered to
include requirements engineering, specification and
high-level analysis) is willingly splitted into a sep-
arate projects. The price of this type of projects is
often based on the amount of work (hours) required.
This minimizes risks because the need for this type of
projects is high when the final requirements and spec-
ifications of the target systems are vague and the esti-
mation of the size of the final implementation projects
are practically impossible to be performed.
One additional benefit of performing this type of
projects separately has clearly been noted by clients.
The separation of the requirement engineering from
the system engineering project enables clients to ask
several tenders from providers for the actual imple-
mentation because the analysis results describe the
target system in such a detail that providers are able to
prepare proper tenders and the client is able to com-
pare those tenders.
It is interesting to note that European Union legis-
lation suggests that the distinction between consult-
ing, analysis and system implementation should be
clearer. Such regulation would directly support the
separation of requirements engineering from imple-
mentation projects — especially in the public sector.
In this type of projects, the client’s representatives
are from various business fields. Requirements en-
gineering is formal and supported by methodologies
and rich notations like UML (Booch et al., 1999).
The analyzed provider uses an in-house developed
methodology for this type of projects. The skills re-
quired from the provider’s personnel are methodol-
ogy knowledge and understanding of the business do-
main. At least some understanding of the notations is
required from the client’s representatives also.
4.5 System Implementation
This type of projects consists of the activities tradi-
tionally associated with the information system engi-
neering. The main activities are design, implemen-
tation, testing and taking-into-use. It is more and
more often the case that this type of project does not
include the analysis phase because those phases are
performed in a requirement engineering project. The
provider performs most of the work, but the partici-
pation of the client is practically required in testing,
project management and the clarification of the un-
clear parts of the requirements. The participating rep-
resentatives of the client are normally the same as in
requirement engineering projects.
The key competencies of providers are project
work, methods, and implementation technology
skills. Staff is required to have at least elementary so-
cial talents and cooperative capabilities. Some knowl-
edge of the business domain is also needed.
The turnover provided by this type of projects is
very important for a full-scale provider. In the case of
the analyzed provider, for example, the implementa-
tion projects constitutes the largest part of the whole
4.6 The Continuum of Projects
In Figure 8 the distribution of work is shown. The
numbers used are the project type specific means for
every phase. There is an important issue proposed by
the figure. It seems that the different types of projects
form a natural continuum of work.
plan qde und tdef str t.a a.po a.a i.a r/s des impl u.t i.t s.t use c.s p.clo oth
0 20 40 60 80
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4
1 = strategic consulting, 2 = process consulting, 3 = architecture consulting, 4 = requirement engineering and specification,
5 = system implementation
Figure 8: The distribution of work compared between types.
The distribution of work shown in Figure 8 illus-
trates the empirically evident fact that the types of
projects found may be considered to form high-level
phases of the general business of a full-scale ICT-
services provider. The general flow of business appar-
ently follows a natural cycle. The provider performs
strategic consulting to the customer, and after suc-
cessful strategic consulting the provider may be given
a contract for process consulting which may, in turn,
be followed by architecture consulting. Architecture
consulting leads to the need for information system
development, which means requirement engineering
projects and finally system implementation projects.
In other words: the business of a full-scale provider
follows a cyclic meta-level process in which the dif-
ferent types of projects form the phases of the pro-
cess. That way of performing business is more and
more systematic and the required methodologies and
notations are developed step-by-step. It is, however,
interesting to note that there are no full-scale method-
ologies aimed for this new way of looking at the busi-
ness of a full-scale ICT-services provider or at least
we are not aware of such methodologies. Therefore
the development of an internal methodology was ini-
The aim of the internal methodology is to provide
support for the complete high-level cycle. Different
types of projects would act as phases of the over-
all customer management process. The methodology
should provide a coherent and clear backbone for all
types of projects performed by the provider.
A more technical issue is the separation of analysis-
oriented phases and the implementation-oriented
phases of normal information systems implementa-
tion projects. That separation is getting more and
more common. The separation will provide new
challenges for modern software engineering method-
ologies like RUP (Jacobson et al., 1999), OMT++
(Jaaksi, 1998)(Jaaksi et al., 1999) and Catalysis
(D’Souza and Wills, 1999), which currently assume
an iterative or incremental approach to the system en-
gineering work. In such cyclic approaches it is as-
sumed that the provider is able to incrementally work
with different phases and easily return to require-
ments if there are some uncertainties in the design
phase. In the emerging business models that is no
longer possible due to the separation of phases and
the use of competing providers. This will present new
challenges to methodology developers both in the in-
dustry and in the academia.
It must be noted that our results are from a single
provider and may not represent other providers and
markets. In addition to that, the number of projects
analyzed is not very large and fresh data from other
companies and markets should be acquired in order
to make the results more reliable.
The most important result of the analysis of the
projects is that the types of projects form a high-level
process that constitutes the client-provider relation-
ship. The profiles of projects and their relationships to
each other have consequences to the organization of a
provider’s activities. Those providers that take this
into consideration will have a competitive advantage.
The clusters of projects represent the changing na-
ture of the business. In order to get new system en-
gineering projects a provider has to be good in con-
sulting also. That is not very easy because there are
no existing methodologies or process models which
could be used for the management, measurement and
improvement of the provider’s business.
In addition to the need of a holistic methodology
for providers there is a real challenge to the existing
engineering methodologies. Modern methodologies
assume working practices that are less and less com-
mon in the business environment of a large full-scale
ICT-services provider. Methodology developers from
both the academia and the industry should develop
new methodologies that will be better suited for the
changing business environmet.
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