Oshadi Alahakoon, Seng Loke, Arkady Zaslavsky
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash University,900 Dandenong Rd, Caulfield,3145, Australia
Keywords: Unobtrusive Interfaces, user modelling, e-commerce
Abstract: E-commerce has become a common activity among many people. Although widely used, the interfaces
which users communicate with e-commerce systems are still at an early stage of development in terms of
intelligence and user-friendliness. Unobtrusiveness is recognized as one of the most important desired
attributes of an intelligent and friendly interface. In this paper we describe our work on an information
architecture to minimize obtrusiveness. A layered information architecture supported by a structured user
profile model is described in the paper. As example scenario is presented to clarify the new architecture and
the development of a cost model for measuring the level of obtrusiveness is discussed.
Recommender systems are being used by increasing
number of commercial websites to guide consumers
locating the products they will like. To provide such
personalized results, recommender systems require
information about user preferences and needs.
Although the obvious method is asking from the
user, this will result in user filling out lengthy forms
or conducting long dialogs with the system. Such
time consuming activities may make the system
unpopular with the user. Therefore these interfaces
providing personalized services need to be
unobtrusive. Such unobtrusiveness may be achieved
by minimizing direct user inquiry and providing
users with an easy to use interface.
Although the most reliable first hand information
is obtained from direct user inputs, it compromises
the unobtrusiveness. As a solution we can use other
less reliable information sources as web contents,
stereotypes or prediction techniques based upon
available information. Therefore it is apparent that
with unobtrusiveness the precision of the user
information is reduced. In our model we attempt to
achieve a balance between unobtrusiveness and
information precision.
eHermes is a web based multi-agent system
(Jayaputera et al., 2002, Alahakoon et al., 2003),
which is currently being developed at Monash
University. It has a flexible and extensible open
architecture, which can adapt to changing
environments. eHermes helps users with their
information needs such as financial services and
online shopping for goods and services.
Our work is related to the on going work of the
personalization component (front-end) of the
eHermes system. The main challenges of this
component are of two fold.
1. Unobtrusive acquisition of user information
2. Building and maintenance of adaptive user
The information (described in 1) is required for
construction of long term, reusable user profiles and
also to identify current user need within a given
application domain. Then storing and management
of such acquired information as user profiles is
required. Such profiles are organized (structurally)
to be used in recommending online goods and
services in different domains. (eg. Real estate,
Insurance polices and Purchasing various
commodities). In that profile structure, some
components are reusable irrespective of the
application domain.
In this paper we focus on the unobtrusive
acquisition of information from the users. We
identify ‘levels of obtrusiveness’ in information
acquisition from a user, and relate these levels to a
user profile with a layered architecture. Therefore
the layers of the user profile represent different
levels (or degrees) of obtrusiveness that will be
‘forced’ on a user during information acquisition.
Using this definition, we present a model to
Alahakoon O., Loke S. and Zaslavsky A. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 3-8
DOI: 10.5220/0002633400030008
minimize the obtrusiveness by acquiring certain
information from other sources and maintaining user
information in structured profiles.
We structure our user profiles to hold user
information belonging to different application
domains in separate modules. Application domain
independent information is to be stored in a common
module. For example an individual using eHermes
to seek for a recipe need not to re-enter some
information (eg. highly obtrusive user demographic
data), when he/she needs a recommendation for a car
insurance policy. In that context, our system
contributes to unobtrusiveness by not collecting the
same information again.To demonstrate our model,
we use a recipe recommender as an example
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes past work, which are related to
our research. Section 3 introduces our information
architecture and the layered user profile model.
Section 4 describes the user interface, which makes
use of the new architecture described in section 3. A
cost model for measuring the level of obtrusiveness
is also discussed in section 4. Section 5 provides the
concluding remarks with a discussion of the future
Personalized user adaptive systems are used in many
application areas, as information filtering and
retrieval, email filtering, recommendations in e-
commerce and intelligent user interfaces. These
systems obtain user preferences through interaction
with the users, build user models and utilize these
models to provide users with customized results. In
long term they learn about the individual user and
adapt themselves to give more personalised results.
The work we describe here lines up with the e-
commerce recommendation systems. In addition to
precise recommendations, our intension is to provide
users with an unobtrusive interface, which makes
system-user interaction an enjoyable one. Recent
work on recommender systems includes
personalized systems recommending music
(Shardanand and Maes, 1995), electronic TV
programme guides (Ardissono et al., 2001),
restaurant recommendations (Tewari et al., 2000,
Burke, 1999, Thompson et al., 2002), information
retrieval (Middleton et al., 2001, Balabanovic and
Shoham, 1995, Marko Balabanovic and Shoham,
1995), real estate (Shearin and Lieberman, 2001)
and many other application areas.
The user profiles created in above systems are
only to be used in particular applications. In that
context, users have to employ different systems for
their different information needs. Users have to
disclose their information to each of these
applications. Again these users need to get familiar
with various user interfaces. To avoid such efforts,
we propose a single system, with the ability to create
and maintain an adaptive and application
independent user profile. The profiles created in our
model hold some common information for number
of application domains.
In addition to above application dependent user
modelling systems, there are user modelling shell
systems (Orwant, 1991, Kobsa and Pohl, 1995, Kay,
1995). Shell systems maintain knowledge about
users and assist interactive software systems in
adapting to their current users by providing
assumptions about user requirements.
Generally shell systems too maintain different
user profiles for different applications.
DOPPELGANGER (Orwant, 1991) is a server
based shell system which has centralised user
profiles for providing applications with assumptions
about user behaviour. User information acquisition
in DOPPELGANGER is done from various
resources using number of techniques. Some of this
information is gathered using sensors. This
information is application independent. As most of
the user modeling data that is useful for an
application, remains application specific, this may
not acquire useful information (Pohl, 1996). In our
model, although there is a single user profile for all
the domains, it is a collection of application specific
user profiles.
The uniqueness in our model is in the use of 3-
layered information architecture, which maintains
user information according to obtrusive levels. Such
information structuring gains more control over the
user information. Using the cost model (section 4)
together with structured profiles, it is possible to
control the obtrusiveness of a particular user session.
Again such structured profiles could be used to
impose different security levels over user
information. For example user information in the
first level (more personal and private) of the profile
structure can be regarded as confidential. Access of
such information could be controlled using different
authority levels.
In this section we discuss the categorization of
information in to different levels and the structured
user profile architecture.
3.1 Categorization of User
As our model is used in many domains for different
user needs (using possibly different user interfaces)
the profile generated should have both general and
domain dependent information. We categorized the
information requirement into 3 separate levels.
1. User Classification information – domain/
request independent(Eg. Demographics).
2. Domain dependent information – long-term
user needs in the problem domain.
3. Request dependent temporary information
– spontaneous/temporary user needs
In our proposed information acquisition model,
all required information is categorized into the above
3 levels. Level 1 contains more personal & private
information. The 2
level of information is less
private as it only describes the user with respect to a
particular information domain. Level 3 is very
general temporary information. We propose that a
user would consider an attempt to acquire
information at level 1 (classification information) as
highly obtrusive while level 2 (domain) and 3
(request dependant) information as of lesser
obtrusive nature. Therefore we allocate the degrees
of obtrusiveness as high, medium and low to the
information category levels 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Since level 1 and 2 information can apply to a
number of transactions we relate this information to
a user’s profile. This information represents a
particular user or user group. On the other hand,
level 3 information (although may be influenced by
level 1 & 2) are only directly related to a particular
transaction or event. To include the concept of this
layered information architecture, we have developed
a two-layered profile architecture of users (described
3.2 Structured User Profiles
As introduced above we create profiles that may be
used in multiple application areas. Therefore we
organize the structure of user profiles in to a two
layered architecture.
The information required for these long term
adaptive profiles are mainly of two types.
1. Information regarding general characteristics
of the user – do not change values depending on the
application area. Example demographic information.
2. User’s likes and dislikes towards item
attributes he/she is expecting to purchase-
application dependent.
We call former attributes as Classification details
and latter as Prediction details. Classification details
are kept as domain independent. They are obtained
from user inputs, past behaviour and using
stereotypes. Some of the attributes never change as
name, date-of-birth or gender; these are called static
attributes. Attributes that can change over time such
as address, occupation or income are called default
As an existing user make requests, for items
from different application domains, system updates
the default user classifications (if changed) and re-
generates appropriate prediction details.
Classification part
Suburb Caulfield
Marital status Single
Occupation Clark
Monthly Income $3000
Weight 80kg
Height 170cm
Smoker Mild
Health Issues Diabetes
Profile Id 34
Given Name John
Surname Smith
DOB 30/11/70
Gender Male
Predictive part -
Car Insurance
Car_Used_Locally H
Freq_visited_SC 1,2
LongDis_Travel L
Predictive part - Recipe
Keen_to_Cook H
TSpent_Cooking H
Prefered_food_Cul C
Preferred_Main_Ingredient 1,4,2
BS_Concern M
Figure 1: Layered user profile architecture
Each time a new request is received from a new
application domain the profile grows by adding a
new prediction layer instance. As classification
details are domain independent, they are stored in
the main module to be used commonly within
different application domains.
Figure1 shows how two layers of user
information in two different application domains
(cooking recipe recommendation and car insurance
policy recommendation) are connected to the main
module. There is a main module consists of
application domain independent user information.
Rests of the modules are for different application
domains holding user information corresponding to
that particular domain.
In user modelling literature, unobtrusive information
(about the user) gathering is considered as one of the
main challenges. In our work we take several
measures to minimize system intrusiveness.
1. Ask for user inputs only when unable to use
an alternative information source.
2. Ask clear and short questions that are quickly
3. Provide options/possible answers, so that the
user can reply with just a mouse click.
4. Finally, include user selected and system
selected preferences with the results.
To obtain optimal unobtrusiveness, the following
indirect sources are used in our system.
1. A well organized domain database
2. Stereotypes
3. Related information repositories - Eg. online
recipes, food nutrition information, supermarket
4. Past user behaviour – Accepting or rejecting
a system recommendation
4.1 The Unobtrusive user interface
The goal of our user interface is to acquire as much
information as possible regarding the user’s
requirement(s) and preferences. The challenge is to
acquire this information whilst minimising
The system maintains a static question graph
with all the questions it needs in order to determine
the most suitable recipe for a particular user.
Questions in the graph may belong to any of three
information layers described in section 3.1. The
answers to the questions are used to filter out the
large number of recipes. The most suitable once are
presented to the user, with the option of browsing
through a list of close matches. The question graph
consists of
(a) A standard set of questions representing the
domain of interest
(b) A set of links providing directions over
possible alternative question sequences.
When a user logs into the system the questions
will be activated. Depending on the level of
obtrusiveness (calculated using a cost model -
section 4.2), system decides either direct acquisition
(i.e. ask the user) or indirect acquisition of answers
(using one or more of the sources listed earlier).
Progression of questioning is described with an
example in section 4.3.
4.2 The cost model
A cost model has been developed to measure the
unobtrusiveness during a user interaction session.
We are hoping to use this as an optimizer to provide
system users with unobtrusive interactions. The cost
model is described below.
Each question is allocated a level of
obtrusiveness (L), according to the information
categorization level. This value is ‘high’ for level 1,
‘medium’ for level 2 and ‘low’ for level 3. Each
question can obtain its answers from different
resources, namely user input (UI), stereotypes (St),
past user behavior (PUB), Information Repositories
(IR) and available profile information (PI).
Depending on the information source used, the
degree of obtrusiveness (Obs), the certainty of
values obtained (UN), and the time needed for
acquisition (T) will vary. We calculate the cost
incurred for each information acquisition act, by
identifying values for these three parameters. The
information source dependant values for the
parameters are given in table 1.
Since the cost of question q
will depend on the
three values and the level of the question (within the
) = L (a
Obs + a
UN + a
× T)
where ai Ν, i{1,2,3}, 0
1 and a
+ a
3 = 1; L is
level of obtrusiveness with in the
Table 1
ness (Obs)
Time (T)
High Low Low
Low High Medium
Low Medium High
Low Medium Low
Low Low High
Costs Obs, UN and T can take values low,
medium or high. For example values 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9
can be used for low, medium and high respectively.
The total cost of a query would be,
where N is the number of questions required to
satisfy the query.
Values in table 1 demonstrate that we can build
reliable profiles within a short time span by being
highly obtrusive (or vice versa). The cost model can
be used to adapt to the context (whether priority
should be unobtrusiveness or reliability and/or
speed). ie. using a maximum allowable total cost (as
a threshold) the system can select the information
sources for satisfying the questions, maintaining the
cost within the threshold value.
4.3 An example scenario
In our example scenario, system interacts with the
user in an unobtrusive manner and recommends
recipes from a large recipe collection. We developed
a database consisting of 50 recipes for testing
purposes. These recipes are obtained from the
AllRecipes (AllRecipes) website. The recipes are
described in terms of user needs. Some of the
attributes are Dish Type (eg. Main, Dessert,
Appetizer etc), Meal Type (Lunch, Dinner, etc),
Tradition (eg. Chinese, Indian, Malaysian, etc), Food
Type (e.g. Beef, Fish, Poultry, etc).
4.3.1User Interface
In our implementation, the questions are displayed
one after the other in dialog boxes. The user can
either answer or ignore the questions. Most of the
questions come with options (possible answers), for
the user to select with a mouse click. A subset of
questions and answers in a session is shown in the
4.3.2 System Questions
The questions ask may belong to different ‘levels’ of
information categories as described in section 3. For
example questions and their possible information
level (given within brackets) are as follows.
Q1: What meal Time? (3)
Q2: What is the occasion? (3)
Q3: What season?
Q4: What dish?
Q5: What traditional food preferred?
(2, 3)
Q6: Any health issues?
Q7: What cooking times preferred?
Q8: Any preferred main ingredient?
(3, 2)
It is possible for certain questions (Q5 and Q8)
to belong to two or more levels. In such a situation,
the Cost calculation will require a pre-defined
fraction of membership to each level.
Figure 2 demonstrates the question graph with
two alternative routes. The path may divert to
another node depending on the answer/information
for a particular question. For example (figure 2) for
different answers to Q1 (meal time) the path will be
directed to another node as some questions (eg: Q4)
becomes irrelevant.
in fo rm a tio n
to find
UI - Dinner
UI - Tea
UI - General
IR -S um m er
UI - Soup
UI - No
St - High
Need m ore
in fo rm a tio n
PUB - B'day party
IR - Summer
S t - Ita lian
St - Stereotypes
PUB - Past User Behavior
IR - Information Repositories
UI - User Input
PI - P rofile Info
PI - Beef
Figure 2: The question graph
The paper described some on going work on
building an unobtrusive interface to an e-commerce
system. The main contributions of this paper is the
concept of identifying levels (or layered)
information architecture and the categorization of
the user requirements into this architecture. The
structured user profiles (Alahakoon et al., 2003)
described, supports this model and thus provides the
foundation for our cost model. The structured user
profile provides the advantage of separating the
domain independent information, thereby making it
possible to use the top layer of the user profile for
many domains.
Support for this project from the Australian
Research Council (ARC) Linkage Grant LPO211384
and Microsoft is thankfully acknowledged.
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