ıs Carric¸o, Carlos Duarte, Nuno Guimar
Dpt. of Informatic, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
Campo Grande, Edificio C5, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
onio Serralheiro, Isabel Trancoso
R Alves Redol 9
User Interface Generation, Model-based Tools, Accessibility, User Diversity
This paper presents a framework for automatic production of rich Digital Talking Books (DTB). The pro-
duction process converts existing audio tapes and OCR-based digitalization of text books into full-fledged,
multiple synchronized, multimodal digital books. The framework deals with the content organization pro-
cesses and User Interface definition. The first one identifies content units and its relations. The latter, based on
abstract, yet DTB specific, pattern-based UI specifications, allows the definition of various forms of interaction
and presentation, required by the diversity and constraints of targets users (e.g. visually impaired persons) and
situations of use (e.g. learning). The framework also permits to balance the complexity and flexibility of the
generated DTBs, in order to cope with the resources provided on the different execution platform.
Audiotapes have served as an important medium,
and sometimes the only alternative, for print-disabled
reader’s access to books. In several public libraries,
as in the Portuguese National Library, a long time ef-
fort was made in speech recording of a large amount
of printed material. However, the limitations of this
analogue approach, even when compared with their
printed counterparts are noteworthy.
Digital Talking Books (DTBs) are a logical answer.
Work around these identifies requirements and has re-
cently issued a standard specification (ANSI/NISO,
2002). Nevertheless, it does not propose specific
solutions for interaction. In fact, the combination
of synchronization, structural navigation and anno-
tations management, using visual, audio, speech and
standard interactions, poses ambiguity and cognitive
problems that must be dealt with at the UI design level
(Carric¸o et al., 2003a; Morley, 1998). These issues
are stressed by the diversity of targeted users, their
particular disabilities and perspectives. Exploring and
evaluating distinct UIs for the same book, with dif-
ferent multimodal combinations, eventually enriched
with new media contents, is therefore mandatory.
This paper describes DiTaBBu (Digital Talking
Books Builder), a framework for the production of
rich DTBs based on media indexing, speech align-
ment and multimodal interaction elements. The work
was done in the context of the IPSOM project, joining
the Portuguese National Library, a speech processing
research group and multimedia interaction designers
and engineers. The framework draws its requirements
from: (1) the existence of large amounts of recorded
material; (2) the DTB standard; (3) the flexibility
needed for generation of exploratory and adjustable
UIs; and (4) the ability to integrate new multimedia
units in the production process.
In the following section, the article presents the
requirements imposed by users, usage scenarios and
particular project goals, referring related work. Sec-
tion 3 points design decisions that had an impact
on the generated DTBs’ architecture and the execu-
tion platform. Next, the production framework is de-
scribed focussing on its modularity. Finally, conclu-
sions are made and future work is drawn.
The DiTaBBu framework results from requirements
emerged from the diversity of DTB target users, the
DTBs’ usage possibilities, in terms of situational con-
text, richness and support technology, its repurposing
and reuse, and from the characteristics of the available
source material.
Carriço L., Duarte C., Guimara es N., Serralheiro A. and Trancoso I. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 158-163
DOI: 10.5220/0002643901580163
2.1 Main Target Users
DTBs aim to provide easier access to books, for print-
disabled communities. Work done with those com-
munities, resulted in several guidelines (Daisy Con-
sortium, 2002). The following resumes a list of rec-
ommended navigation features (NISO, 1999a): (1)
support basic navigation (advancing one character,
word, line, sentence, paragraph or page at a time,
and jumping to specific segments); (2) fast forward
and reverse, and reading at variable speeds; (3) nav-
igation through table of contents or control file (to
obtain an overview of the book material); (4) read-
ing notes, cross-referencing, index navigation, book-
marks, highlighting, taking excerpts, searching. . . .
DTBs recommendations also point different com-
binations of media, with emphasis on the audio com-
ponent. Here, one should consider the limitations of
audio. Alone, its one-dimensional nature can present
only few items at a time. Combining visual and
spoken presentation requires accurate synchroniza-
tion or specific visual marking (Duarte et al., 2003).
Methods for conveying structure and assist naviga-
tion, in a non-visual environment, have been re-
searched: 3D audio (Goose and Moller, 1999), audi-
tory icons (Gaver, 1993), multiple speakers and sound
effects (James, 1997), among other techniques. For
DTBs with multiple media presentations, the use of
contextual information (such as containing sentence,
paragraph or section), when navigation or continuous
presentation occurs, was evaluated as well (Carric¸o
et al., 2003a) - results point to the need for differ-
ent contextual units (e.g. the further the navigation
“jump” the bigger the required context). Most of the
studies, however, are not yet conclusive. Exploring
these and other techniques and comprehending the ac-
tual need of visually-impaired people must be still a
subject of evaluation.
2.2 Usage and Playback Devices
The NISO Committee characterizes three types of us-
age and playback devices for DTBs (NISO, 1999b):
(1) basic - portable with simple playing digital au-
dio capabilities (no access to full-text and aims pri-
marily to play continuous audio); (2) advanced - also
portable but should allow to access documents ran-
domly, with navigation possibilities, bookmark set-
ting, etc.; and (3) computer-based - complete and so-
phisticated features. The Daisy Consortium expands
these further, in terms of media combination (Daisy
Consortium, 2002): (1) full audio with title element
only; (2) plus navigation control; (3) plus partial text;
(4) full audio and text; (5) full text and some audio;
and (6) text and no audio. All these should be sup-
ported under the DTB umbrella, which means that
same book ”edition”, and to some extent the same
book (structure and content), could be presented and
interacted in different ways, using more or less re-
sources, and different media and mode combinations.
Consequently, the DTB production mechanism or
execution platform should build on an architecture
that promotes a clear separation between the books’
content and user interface (UI). This will reinforce the
coherence among several usage settings of the same
book. Modularity is further emphasized when con-
sidering a distributed usage (e.g. access to digital li-
braries through remote ”reading places”).
The standard (ANSI/NISO, 2002) identifies a set
of DTB modules (Content, Navigation, Media, Syn-
chronization, Resources, . . . ), for which XML DTDs
are defined. Presentation is handled with style sheets
(CSS or XSL) and SMIL 2.0 (synchronization). This
architecture enables different presentation designs,
and the choice of web-based technology ensures the
required wide dissemination. However, content and
presentation are still intermixed at the same level. For
example, for book’s content, the media correspon-
dence and the presentation sequence are both defined
in the Synchronization file. This one-level modular-
ity, although coping with several configurations for
the same book (a DTB for each configuration), hardly
embraces the intrinsic correspondence among them.
It can (as a standard) be used as a final format for
DTBs, but a clearer separation of content and UI is
required, on DTB production frameworks and DTB
architectures that provide an enhanced flexibility or
adaptability (Duarte and Carric¸o, 2004).
The use of the DTB standard format has recently
gained momentum (Dolphin Audio Publishing, 2003;
Innovative Rehabilitation Technology inc., 2003; Vi-
suAide, 2003). Nevertheless, other web-standard so-
lutions should be envisaged, if a wider dissemina-
tion and ease of evolution is pursued. Formats fully
compatible with common Web browsers, executing in
general mobile devices, should definitely be available.
2.3 Reediting and Repurposing
Beyond these ”problem-oriented” proposals, a rich
framework for multimodal interaction opens the way
for information repurposing and creative combination
of elementary media (Carric¸o et al., 2003a). This
broader view of DTBs further affects the modularity
of DTB production and architecture. Along this rich
DTBs construction, multimedia units must be iden-
tified and classified, and later reused in the author-
ing of new books or general documents. The stress,
apart from the separation of UI and content, is now on
the modularity of the content itself. Meta-information
and classifiers must be introduced, either explicitly or
(preferably) using content analysis techniques. A pro-
duction framework that facilitates this authoring pro-
cess is also further emphasised.
2.4 Source Material
The Portuguese National Library provides services
for visually-impaired persons. It has a large amount
of analogue spoken books (audio tapes) and it is also
committed to build digital versions of the books -
scanned, within a XML/HTML envelope. A need for
its integration and the introduction of DTB function-
alities, was clearly felt, particularly by the visually-
impaired community.
Coherence and the huge amount of existing mate-
rial require an ”as automated as possible” form to pro-
duce the DTBs. Such framework should handle: (1)
the expedite identification of speech excerpts that cor-
respond to the textual units (alignment); and (2) an
easy specification of different UIs and UI patterns for
a book content. The first problem is generally handled
by speech recognition technology. The latter is related
with transformation tools and UI generation. Here,
model-based approaches were adopted to handle gen-
eration of UIs for different users and devices (Patern
2000), the creation of UIs for multiple devices (Eisen-
stein et al., 2001; Ali and P
nones, 2002; Lin
and Landay, 2002) or its adaptation to different de-
vices (Calvary et al., 2001). This is a field where the
transition to the commercial software world has not
occurred, in part because of the abstraction level used
in the specification. However, in the case of DTB pro-
duction, with the particularities of the domain, there
is not such a great emphasis on abstraction, and the
generation process can be more easily adopted.
In view of the stated requirements, the work con-
ducted within the IPSOM project has evolved through
a series of design options presented next.
3.1 Navigation Features
The navigation functionalities are fully considered in
the built DTBs, except for the variable speed-reading
and the thinner (character and word-based) basic nav-
igation support. The first requires a complete speech
model in order to maintain low voice distortion and
was not considered. An alternative, currently un-
der evaluation, is the reduction or extension of sen-
tence separation (silence, or breathing times), com-
bined with small speed changes. The second feature
strongly depends on the ability to isolate character
and word sounds from the continuous speech record-
ing. However, tests made with word-based navigation
generated incomplete sounds, that users felt displeas-
ing in evaluation studies (Duarte et al., 2003). An al-
ternative may be the introduction of speech synthesis.
Pertaining to DTB categories all variants are sup-
ported, from full audio and text, to plain audio or plain
text. Here, the DiTaBBu production framework facil-
itates the several versions’ maintenance and provides
the means for exploratory modality combinations.
3.2 Architecture and Platform
Based on DTB recommendations, Web-based tech-
nology was adopted. Several DTB formats and ar-
rangements are possible. The architecture includes:
An XML-based content specification without refer-
ences to UI issues. Content includes text and other
media (in specific formats), media anchoring points
and correspondence (to text or between media), and
structure. Navigation facilities, bookmarking and
annotations, margin notes and other secondary con-
tent follow a similar approach, whenever possible,
close to the DTB standards. No presentation or
synchronization are considered at this level.
One or more XSLT-based translation specifications
enabling the creation of UIs for the content.
The UI, including specific interaction objects when
required. Presentation could use several formats
and arrangements, from plain SMIL (plus CSS), to
versions fully compliant with the DTB standard.
The introduction of the XSLT level permits to build
different UIs, using alternative DTB formats, and still
maintaining the coherence towards books’ content. It
also allows to balance the generation of the UI, be-
tween the production framework and the execution
platform (fig. 1). The framework generates XML
and XSLT documents (plus target language templates,
CSS, . . . ) representing the DTB and the UI build-
ing rules. If the execution platform is able to process
XSLT, a book following the above three-layer organi-
zation can be used. Alternatively, if performance is
an issue or the platform does not support it, DiTaBBu
could generate the final (one or two-layer) DTB con-
figurations (e.g. a DTB fully compliant with the stan-
dard or a SMIL version, in any DTB category).
CSS, …
WAV, …
Actual UI
(e.g. SMIL
+ CSS + …)
WAV, …
Actual UI
(e.g. SMIL
+ CSS)
DiTaBBu Framework
Figure 1: Balancing performance and flexibility.
Internet Explorer 6 was adopted as a base, yet
powerful, execution platform. This choice enabled
the use of HTML+TIME (and CSS), a representa-
tive of a SMIL 2.0 profile, and Microsoft’s variant
of VoiceML, for voice interaction. Both architectural
arrangements are supported, since the browser pro-
cesses XSLT. In the simplest form, the digital book
is a (set of) HTML+TIME, CSS and media files. For
voice interaction with DTBs, off-the-shelf products,
recognizing Portuguese language, were initially used
with very bad performance results. The Microsoft’s
implementation of VoiceML, provided better results,
but using English as interaction language. Currently,
Portuguese speech recognition software, developed
within the IPSOM project’s teams, is being integrated.
3.3 Automation and Initial Corpus
The initial pilot corpus was the ”O Senhor Ventura”
(a novel by Miguel Torga). Since the audio quality
of the existing tape was very poor, both in terms of
noise and diction, a clean audio stream was recorded
on a soundproof booth, using a professional reader.
Other books were also used (Serralheiro et al., 2003).
For the moment, however, the automation process re-
quires fairly good audio recording, making it difficult
to use the original audio tapes. Refinement of the
speech alignment component is currently under work,
in order to circumvent audio tapes quality.
The DiTaBBu framework generates DTBs through
an automatic production process, configured by a set
of specification files that allow the required flexibil-
ity. Internally the framework is decomposed into two
main phases: content organization and UI-generation.
4.1 Content Organization Phase
This phase (fig. 2) is responsible for the integration of
media files and auxiliary content (margin notes and
indexes) with the main book content. The phase in-
cludes a set of modules for specific media processing,
a structuring module and a set of linker modules. All
modules generate files according to particular XML
dialects. The phase result is: (1) a content description
file, compliant with the DTB standard and containing
the book text and other information extracted from the
media files (e.g. ”Part I” sounds like ”part one”); (2)
a set of media and linking files that establish the cor-
respondence between content and media; (3) a set of
auxiliary components (not in the figure) also linked
with the content. The modules are:
The media-processing modules generate indexa-
ble-media components, with media and media-
anchoring files. These describe the media content
and a set of anchor points that enable direct ac-
cess to locations within the specific media (Dexter
components). For example, an image-processing
file could contain anchors to regions - <region
id=’1’ position=’3:5’ size=’10:20’>A BARKING
DOG</region>” - of an image file (e.g. a JPG).
The structuring module (re)introduces the book
structure into the main content. The result is a DT-
Book.DTD compliant file. The module input is the
raw digital text, a set of rules to extract structure
and specific structure definition if needed.
The linker modules draw information from the
above results, enrich the textual content description
and structures, and convert the media-anchoring
files into link specification files. Specific linker
modules link auxiliary content with the main con-
tent. The process is similar to media integration
except that input files may be composed of several
media (e.g. margin notes with text and audio).
Figure 2: DiTaBBU: content organization phase.
As an example of media-processing module, con-
sider speech alignment (fig. 3). This module is re-
sponsible for locating word limits on the speech au-
dio signal and generating the indexable-media com-
ponent. It is built of four sub modules: a striper, a
characteristics extractor, a forced aligner and a tag-
ger. The first extracts punctuation and expands abbre-
viations, in order to feed a stream of words, similar to
the audio version, into the forced aligner.
Extractor and forced aligner form a speech recog-
nizer. The latter is based on Weighted Finite State
Transducer (WFST) (Mohri et al., 1998), as its search
space is defined by a distribution-to-word transducer
built outside the decoder. It can be used with and
without phonological rules (Trancoso et al., 2003).
The rules cover vowel devoicing, deletion and coales-
cence, voicing assimilation, and simplification of con-
Figure 3: DiTaBBU: speech alignment module.
sonantal clusters, both within and across word bound-
aries. All rules are optional and compiled into WF-
STs. The search space comprises a phone topology,
a lexicon and a language model. The phone topol-
ogy uses hybrid acoustic models, combining the tem-
poral modelling capabilities of Hidden Markov Mod-
els (HMM) with the pattern classification capabilities
of Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP). Three MLPs are
given the acoustic parameters and the streams of prob-
abilities are then combined using an appropriate algo-
rithm. The language model is the sequence of words
that constitute the orthographic transcription of the ut-
terance. The lexicon is extracted from that sequence.
The main advantage of this approach is that no re-
strictions are placed on the construction of the search
space. The result is a table with the audio stream tim-
ing for each of the spoken words.
The tagger normalizes the table into a XML media-
anchoring file, including a general speech description
(e.g. reader, full audio time) and anchors for each
aligned word.
4.2 UI-generation Phase
In the initial steps of the UI-generation phase (fig. 4,
DiTaBBu presents a set of interpreter modules. Each
module receives XML-based files with content, and
a specification file describing the patterns and rules
to be applied. Those specification files follow XML-
based dialects dependent on the module. Internally
it also uses XSLT code and XSLT templates that are
selected and adjusted according to the specification,
in order to generate the output (XML and XSLT).
Two groups of interpreters can be identified, relat-
ing to primary and secondary material. The primary
material modules are the playback and navigation in-
terpreters. They deal with the main content, not con-
sidering footnotes, margin notes and navigation auxil-
iaries (indexes, tables of content, . . . ). The respective
dialects handle the visual and audio logical markup
and their synchronization. For example:
<showsync delay=‘2s’ sunit=‘silence’/> means
that playback will show visual synchronization
marks (the visual effect is specified later in the
Figure 4: DiTaBBU: UI-generation phase.
CSS) delayed by 2 seconds and using the words
between reading silences as a unit - the whole unit
is marked (e.g. underlined) as narration evolves;
<onsearch sunit=‘word;paragraph’ base-
don=‘paragraph,section’ /> means that in result of
a search, the narration (sound) should start on the
word found or on the beginning of the paragraph
containing that word, depending on how distant
(paragraph of section) from the current reading
position the searched text is.
The secondary modules handle auxiliary naviga-
tion structures, user annotations, etc. Apart from the
specificity of their dialects (e.g. <show summary>
on annotations), the synchronization rules with the
primary content are also specifiable.
The remainder steps of the UI-generation phase
provide: (1) the integration and filtering of the above
outputs; and (2) the (optional) generation of the final
presentation. The former generates a set of XSLT and
XML content files that can be also interpreted by the
execution platform.
This paper presented DiTaBBu, a framework for the
production of DTBs. We have described the require-
ments and the related work, and consequent options
taken for the framework design, the generated books’
architecture and the execution platform. The pro-
duced DTBs provide the functionalities intended in
the standards literature, including audio and text syn-
chronization, annotations, navigation through mouse,
keyboard and voice commands. Description and us-
ability evaluation tests of the multifaceted DTBs can
be seen elsewhere (Carric¸o et al., 2003a; Duarte et al.,
2003). These studies focused on UIs variants, gen-
erated by DiTaBBu from the same book (”O Senhor
Ventura”). Different synchronization units, visual and
audio marking of navigation anchors, playback and
annotation synchronization were used, as well as dif-
ferent forms of interaction.
The modularity of the platform’s architecture en-
ables the flexibility required for the creation of such
multiple UIs for DTBs, maintaining a mostly auto-
matic production and reinforcing coherence towards
the books’ contents. The use of rule based mod-
ules and templates stresses that flexibility, permitting
that specification languages are maintained at a con-
venient high level, focussed on DTB publishing.
As ongoing work, we are conceiving tools for
graphical specification of the modules configuration
files. In line of hypermedia related works (Carric¸o
et al., 2003b; Kraus and Koch, 2002) it is being de-
fined an UML description of those specification di-
alects, that in turn will generate the XML specifi-
cations. Work is also being done in the integration
of images: an image-processing module and image-
linker modules for textual and speech-based descrip-
tion of such images.
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