An Organizational Engineering Approach
Hugo Bringel
, Artur Caetano
, José Tribolet
CEO - Organizational Engineering Center, INOV, INESC Inovação.
*Department of Information Systems and Computer Science, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon.
Surface Mail Address: INESC, Rua Alves Redol 9, 1000-029 Lisboa, Portugal.
Keywords: Data Quality, Business Process Modeling, Object-Oriented Modeling, UML
Abstract: Data is handled everyday by information systems and its inherent quality is a fundamental aspect to opera-
tional and suppo
rt business activities. However, inappropriate data quality may lead to economic and social
problems within the organizational context. This paper addresses how to syntactically and semantically en-
sure data quality at information entity level. To do so, we define a business process-modeling pattern for de-
scribing the features required to ensure and validate business object data using a conceptual data quality at-
tribute model. This pattern makes use of object-oriented concepts such as inheritance and traceability and is
described as an extension to the Unified Modeling Language. A case study is presented to exemplify the
proposed concepts.
Assuring data quality is a complex process, in
which the tradeoff between cost and quality de-
pends on the application context and on the organi-
zation requirements.
Incorrect, incomplete or non-timely data may
cause econom
ic and social problems in organiza-
tions, which very often, only react to its conse-
quences, rather then having a proactive attitude.
Another common issue is that data quality is
not underst
ood in a process-centric, cross-
departmental perspective, but in a functional view,
as a duty or competence of the information sys-
tems department.
Problems with data quality occur widely on
nctional organizations, where specific databases
are created, forming information islands that con-
stitute one of the mainstream causes of lack of
consistency and of coherence of corporate data.
There are several approaches, but they are fo-
d at low-level data analysis, based on comput-
ing algorithms treating implicitly data quality at
the DBMS level, or they are mainly focused on
quality management systems, based on ISO stan-
dards. These approaches are however not sufficient
from the data consumers point of view, (Laudon,
Regarding this, we propose a proactive ap-
roach towards guarantying data quality, consider-
ing in our proposal two levels of granularity. First,
at high level when using a data quality business
processes pattern, focused on activities execution
upon information entities, consumed or produced
by business processes, as discussed in Section 2.1.
Second, at low level when assuming a data quality
attribute model, as discussed in Section 2.2.
The remaining of this paper is structured as fol-
ows: In Section 2, we define the problem and pro-
pose our approach to its resolution. In Section 3,
we illustrate an example of business process and
data quality modeling and finally in Section 4 we
present some conclusions.
The problem we intend to solve consists in how to
guarantee that attribute values of a business entity
are correct and correspond to the defined seman-
tics. To define data quality requirements, we need
multiple dimensions, depending on specific needs
from different organizational levels. For instance,
Bringel H., Caetano A. and Tribolet J. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 565-568
DOI: 10.5220/0002649305650568
the sales division may need inventory data to be
accurate and complete, while management may
need information that gathers other data quality
dimensions, like reputation or timeliness of data
for the decision making process.
2.1 Data Quality Modeling
In the past, data quality was often defined as non-
conformance to requirements, (Crosby, 1984).
However, just as there are several dimensions of
product quality, such as conformance, durability or
performance, in any industrial domain, data quality
embraces specific characteristics, denominated
quality dimensions.
In addition, data from several sources may have
common dimensions in which quality may be
measured. Even if data quality modeling does not
depend on business process modeling, the data
quality attributes should be tagged to business ob-
jects during entity/resource identification and defi-
Concluding, data quality is a multi-dimensional
and hierarchical concept, (Wang, 1995).
In our perspective, it is not possible to manage
different data quality perspectives of each data user
using an entity-relationship model. To accomplish
it, we need to model the several dimensions of data
quality requirements, proposing instead, the use of
role modeling, within the object-oriented para-
We shall use, in data quality modeling, two
concepts, namely (1) quality parameters and (2)
quality indicators, forming the quality attribute,
(Wang, 1995). Quality parameters relate with qual-
ity dimensions (qualitative aspects) while quality
indicators relate with measurable attributes (quan-
titative aspects, normally from physical goods).
For example, as quality parameters, we need to
attain confidence and timeliness, and as quality
indicators, we can decompose on data source and
creation date. The quality parameters and indica-
tors form the data quality attribute. This aggrega-
tion result in a hierarchical attribute tree that helps
defining the data quality requirements. This quality
attributes model provide a comprehension base to
understand the characteristics that defines data
2.2 Business Process Modeling Ap-
proach towards Data Quality
In this paper we use an object-oriented business
process modeling framework which is used to
model the interaction between process activities,
business goals, resources and information systems
(Vasconcelos, 2001).
To solve the problem stated above, we propose
the use of a business process pattern to ensure data
quality in an organization, making use of defining
data quality attributes upon information entities
considering different meanings on each business
In this paper, we introduce the notion of Terti-
ary Organizational Processes. Tertiary processes
represent activities that cross over operational and
support processes planes, interacting within active
business entities, with the purpose of achieving
some special purpose objectives. The modeling of
tertiary processes is facilitated by the introduction
of the concept of an “orthogonal” plane, relative to
the operational and support business process plans.
We therefore consider three layers in which lies
the organization modeling of any business process.
Figure 1 – Process diagram on business (core and
support) processes and data quality processes interaction
Figure 1, depicts the main conceptual structure
and layer separation we use on our approach.
The first layer models the operational business
process activities, whereas the third layer models
the support process activities. The middle layer
deals with data modeling and data quality evalua-
tion (and assurance) activities, where designed
classes of objects “resources” are instantiated from
different perspectives, the quality (tertiary) proc-
esses versus operational or support processes.
2.2.1 The Resource Stereotype
In business process modeling, resources are objects
within the business that processes manipulate. The
resource types are represented as classes while
resource instances are represented as objects. The
business object in discussion is the resource stereo-
type, which we focus in the informational entity as
specialization of a resource class. The informa-
tional entity is modeled at two different levels:
business process and class level.
The business process level is where the infor-
mation entity is modeled as a resource stereotype
and where it interacts with a process. The class
level is where data is modeled in object-oriented
classes, and where its attributes are specified.
There is an inherent complexity at this level, be-
cause, for the same data, we have overlapping and
crosscutting requirements (expressed by attributes
and methods) between core business processes,
support business processes and tertiary processes –
such as the data quality processes.
We shall also consider predefined quality
classes, with the data quality attributes of con-
ceived business objects. These classes compose the
quality attributes into the information entity.
We are thus extending the concept of informa-
tion entity by using new attributes devoted to qual-
ity, beyond the usual and basic pre-defined data
2.2.2 Data Quality Process Pattern
We propose the use of a data quality pattern at
business process level, based on (English 1999),
which integrates best practices from the quality
management universe. This pattern consists on a
business process model that can be reused through
adaptation in specific organizational scenarios.
Figure 2 depicts the flow between pattern’s top
activities. It is important to note that this pattern is
composed of tertiary process and applies to an or-
thogonal organization plan, as previously discussed
on Section 2.1.4
Figure 2 – A data quality business processes pattern
The “Quality and Architecture Definition” and
“Evaluate Data Quality” activities focus on the
evaluation of data quality, describing how the or-
ganization deals with data quality and what proc-
esses and resources are involved. The interaction
between entities or resources, either consumed or
produced by these activities, is represented at
lower granularity level to make possible the activi-
ties autonomy and promote this pattern reuse.
Two processes may interact with shared infor-
mation entities; however, to capture the informa-
tion entity interaction in different contexts, we
propose using role-modeling concepts (v. Section
2.3 Role-based Modeling
A role represents some unit of responsibility or
behavior. Actors play different roles while per-
forming business process activities. Roles can be
considered types in the sense they describe the
behavior that is carried out by an instance of that
role by a specific actor. Therefore, there may be
multiple instances of the same role when a process
is enacted. A single actor may also play multiple
roles. Role models can be instantiated, aggregated
and generalized.
By understanding the behavior of processes,
we are providing the means to reuse it and adapt its
organizational concepts.
2.3.1 Role modeling on data quality
Since role modeling allows the behavior of re-
sources to be clearly separated and identified, we
can have different contexts of data quality as at-
tributes of class that represents a business object.
Resources are specialized so that its attributes and
methods allow handling its quality features. Proc-
esses concerning quality attributes instantiate pre-
defined classes and set values to its quality attrib-
utes. The quality attributes, using predefined com-
binations of quality parameters and indicators, al-
low judging the data quality.
This approach leads to a better understanding
and confidence in data since quality information is
kept within a resource (informational entity type),
which facilitates the data quality evaluation proc-
This case study results from a research project on a
real organization. This scenario illustrates the
business processes of inbound logistics in a large
warehouse. The targeted company handles an aver-
age of 22.000 products and performs a few dozens
of daily inbound transactions.
The process starts when the materials arrive at
the warehouse. The process activities start with the
“Materials Checking”, “Materials Unloading”,
“Data Input” and ends with the “Material Storing”
in the warehouse facility.
Figure 3 – Data quality evaluation using role modeling
Figure 3 depicts how to ensure data quality at
business process level making use of role model-
Regarding the “Data Quality Evaluation” (Fig-
ure 2) sub-process, it is here (Figure 3) represented
as “Data Quality Process”, while the “Core Proc-
ess” represents a logistics operational business
An oval represents the role associated to a
class. It is a shorthand modeling for aggregating
the role class with the base class.
In this example, “Material” corresponds to the
“Material Set” used in the “Core Process”. “Data
Users” are the actors, which specify data quality
requirements as part of a “Data Quality Definition”
process. In this process, they define their respec-
tive data quality requirements, for instance: as Q1=
{Timeliness, Completeness}; Q2= {Accuracy, Cur-
rency} for the “Material Set”. The “Core Process”
produces updated “Material Data” informational
entity, later audited using of a sampling set of ma-
terials. A “Data Quality Team” acts in the data
quality requirements auditing. The “Data Quality
Process” result is a “Quality Report” for later
analysis. The overall process goal is to “Evaluate
Data Quality” generated by “Core Process”.
In this way, we have ensured data quality, using
role modeling to manage different context and se-
mantics of data quality, combined with the core or
support business processes, which have data qual-
ity support in their informational entities.
This paper proposes a data quality pattern to model
the data quality intrinsic to business processes.
This pattern can be used for data improvement on
any organization, and makes use of a set of busi-
ness processes to syntactically validate the data
according to a model, which depicts qualitative
and quantitative data quality attributes. Role mod-
eling is used to manage different quality contexts
quality from different data users, assuring data
quality at semantic level.
This contribution addresses data quality from a
organizational engineering perspective using busi-
ness process modeling, leveraging data confidence
and promoting continuous data quality improve-
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