David Sammon, Frederic Adam, Fergal Carton
Business Information Systems, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Keywords: ERP, ERP II, Post-Implementation, Nee
ds Discourse, Sales Discourse
Abstract: This paper presents the first stage of a larger research project focusing on understanding the emergence of
ERP II. ERP is now being seen for what it really is: ‘a means to an end’, in that, its primary benefit is in the
integrated infrastructure that it introduces and its ability to support future IS investments. The paper focuses
on the changes that have been observed in the services offered by vendors and consultants in the now
renamed ERP II market. Now terms like ‘ERP’ and ‘e-business’ are for the most part avoided by vendors
and consultants as they are perceived to be out-of-date. For example, SAP once promoted that fact that they
were ‘29 years in the business of e-business’ with ‘the best-run e-businesses run SAP’, but now their
message promotes, ‘30 years in the business of helping businesses grow’ with ‘the best-run businesses run
SAP’. In this paper, issues of concern with the realities of ERP post-implementation are presented through
examining: benefits realisation; informational requirements; and generic to specific solutions. While we
would argue that it is difficult to understand the rationale for the introduction of these ‘newer’ ERP
extensions, we must acknowledge that a market has been created and that once again the ‘new-look’ ERP
vendors are the dominant ERP II players. This leads us to question whether there is anything new in ERP
There is no doubt that the introduction of a new
Information System into an organisation should
deliver multiple benefits and achieve the desired
Return On Investment (ROI), in that it meets a
business need or solves a business problem.
Therefore, an organisation’s ability to identify the
need for the introduction of an Information System
is extremely critical to ensure success and realised
benefits. In relation to ERP systems, benefits have
not been realised due to the lack of understanding by
managers of what these systems entail (Sammon et
al., 2003) both in terms of implementation and use.
Therefore, it seems that there is an inherent danger
in the way that ERP systems, were and are currently
being, adopted by organisations. As ERP systems
are being introduced, the specific needs of the
organisations and the specific features that make
them different may be lost or eroded in a way that is
not controlled or understood by managers. In certain
cases the enormity of the system leads the business
rather than the business leading the system. Brown
and Vessey (2003) comment on improving the
understanding on how to leverage, what they call,
the ‘enterprise system maturity curve’ in an effort to
reduce the high risks and costs of implementing ‘the
next wave of complex enterprise systems’.
Based on these observations, we propose that
nisations need to dictate the ERP systems
agenda, now and in the future, to a much greater
extent, therefore, strengthening their needs discourse
and thereby improving their chances of realising all
of the benefits expected from integrated enterprise-
wide systems. However, while strengthening their
needs discourse, organisations are now being
subjected to successive waves of post-ERP hype. In
this paper we present our initial observations in an
attempt to understand what this needs discourse is
and why it has emerged, and examine the recursive
elements in the emergent sales discourse (the
essence of what is new in ERP II). Fundamentally,
we attempt to identify if, in fact, ERP II is
positioned to address these needs. In an attempt to
position the ERP II trend in the overall evolution of
the integrated enterprise-wide systems market, a
number of research questions are presented.
Sammon D., Adam F. and Carton F. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 466-472
DOI: 10.5220/0002653704660472
To date, researchers have looked at the ERP market
as the place where organisational needs, in terms of
integrated enterprise-wide systems, were met by the
packages and services proposed by ERP vendors and
ERP consultants. However, current research in
integrated enterprise-wide systems (e.g. Hossain and
Shakir 2001; Wood and Caldas 2001 and Sammon
and Adam 2002) has found that the ERP market
reality is characterised by a strong vendor and
consultant push whereby organisations appear to
have little choice but to ‘jump on the bandwagon
(as described for Activity-Based Costing by Jones
and Dugdale 2002; and IT outsourcing by Michell
and Fitzgerald 1997; and to some extent for e-
commerce development by Howcroft 2001). The
strong vendor push that characterises the ERP
movement inherently favours the sales discourse
(that which is proposed by ERP vendors and ERP
consultants) and replaces the needs discourse (that of
the implementing organisation). The accuracy of
this contention is now more obvious than ever, or
indeed should be to an implementing organisation,
due to the fact that a ‘bizarre trend’ (Hayler, 2003
p.1) is now emerging: the re-implementation and
extension of ERP, referred to as ERP II (Humphries
and Jimenez, 2003; Hayler, 2003). It is hard to
imagine an organisation wanting to undertake an
ERP II initiative having just finished an ERP
systems implementation. Therefore, this trend
further heightens our contention that the
implementing organisation needs to be empowered
and made aware of the complexities of the ever
changing ERP market and needs to internally assess,
if not their readiness for ERP, or now ERP II, their
ability to manage the external parties (the ERP
vendor and the ERP consultant) within the ERP
Community (Sammon and Adam 2002).
According to Sammon and Adam (2003) the
three entities that comprise the ERP Community are
the de facto actors that play a role on the ERP
market, where the implementing organisation is
dependent on the offerings of the ERP vendor and
the ERP consultant. This may not be 'by-choice' for
the implementing organisation, but few, if any
organisations can use exclusively internal resources
to undertake an ERP implementation. Therefore,
they are subject to the 'system' (Carlton Collins,
2000) and the dependent actors in the ERP
Community. Markus and Tanis (2000) also believe
that due to the all-encompassing nature of all ERP
offerings, a level of dependence is created that "far
surpasses the dependence associated with prior
technological regimes" p.203. They further pose the
questions "does this dependence have negative
effects on organisations?" and "how do the effects
manifest themselves?", "how do organisations
cope?" and "what are the costs of picking the wrong
vendor?" pp.203-204. However, they also question
how adopting organisations "influence the strategic
plans (behaviours) of vendors?" p.204. Kestelyn
(2003) offers some insight into this ‘level of
dependence’ stating that enterprise applications –
whether for traditional enterprise resource planning
or ‘newfangled’ ERP II processes, “form the central
nervous system of the intelligent enterprise, [such
that] as they go, your entire business goes”.
However, Kestelyn (2003) further comments that “a
vortex of emerging customer requirements are
forcing [enterprise application solutions providers]
to rethink how their companies develop, market, and
maintain business-critical software”. This
observation is further supported by Pallatto (2002)
who states that “the major consultants, integrators,
and vendors are responding to this management
focus by beefing up the ERP capabilities that go to
the sweet spot of the value chain for a wide range of
industries, such as chemical, health care,
manufacturing, and even service”. In effect, this is
addressing the discourse gap between the needs and
sales discourse highlighted by Adam and Sammon
(2004), where the ERP vendors and ERP consultants
(sales discourse) appear to be addressing the
concerns of the implementing organisation (needs
discourse). Alternatively, it could also be a simple
re-packaging exercise by vendors and consultants to
ensure future market growth. To solve this riddle
we analyse the discourse of the ERP Community
actors, as explained in the next section.
The term discourse and discourse theory has become
common currency in a variety of disciplines, and
plays an increasing significant role in many branches
of the human and social sciences (Howarth, 2000;
Mills, 1997; Van Dijk, 1997), so much so that it is
frequently left undefined, as if its usage were simply
common knowledge (Mills, 1997). Van Dijk (1997)
comments that the 'notion' of discourse is essentially
'fuzzy', however, discourse analysts try to go beyond
the 'common-sense' definitions and introduce a more
'theoretical concept' of discourse "which is more
specific and at the same time broader in its
application" p.2, and provides a definition for this
'complex phenomena' (Van Dijk, 1997).
Discourse theory "does seek to provide novel
interpretations of events and practices by elucidating
their meaning"…"by analysing the way in which
political forces and social actors construct meanings
within incomplete and undecidable social structures.
This is achieved by examining the particular
structures within which social agents take decisions
and articulate hegemonic projects and discursive
formations" (Howarth, 2000). Mills (1997) states
that “the constituents of discourse itself are less
important than the range of practices which are
necessary to support that discourse and to exclude
other discourses from positions of authority” p.24.
Thus, the study of discourse is not simply the
analysis of utterances and statements; it is also a
concern with the structures and rules of discourse
(Mills, 1997). Howarth (2000) further points out
that the "adequacy or inadequacy of discourse theory
as a whole depends on its ability to engender
plausible accounts of social phenomena”. In this
sense, the ultimate criterion for judging the
adequacy of the discourse approach as a whole is
pragmatic; it can be evaluated by the degree to
which it makes possible new and meaningful
interpretations of social and political phenomena it
Panteli (2003) argues that “discourse analysis is
not a fancy new approach in IS research, but that it
could indeed make a real contribution to our
discipline”. Panteli (2003) takes the view that
‘virtual workplaces’ cannot be understood from a
‘simplistic view’ of a physical organisation centred
around ‘peripheral, dispersed and electronically-
linked segments’, but instead centred around,
“human cooperation and flows of information that
bring together and separate at the same time their
dispersed segments”. This view is also shared by
Sammon and Adam (2002) with regard to the
concept of the ERP Community. They propose that
the ERP Community might be understood from a
discursive approach, in that, actors are engaged in
the creation of complex discourses (Adam and
Sammon, 2004). As a result, analysing the ERP
market as a network of actors with different
interests, different techniques, and different modes
of interaction, will foster novel ideas for improved
ERP post-implementation trends, and the emergence
of ERP II. Therefore, we plan to use discourse
analysis in an attempt to understand the needs and
sales discourse of the de facto actors, within the
ERP Community, and their contribution to the
structure of the evolving ERP market.
For more than a decade, organisations have adopted
a number of different approaches to IS integration;
from Data Warehousing in the early-to-mid 1990s,
striving to achieve informational integration,
through to ERP in the mid-to-late 1990s, focusing on
operational integration. In particular the evolution
of the ERP movement has gone through a number of
waves in an effort to achieve the required level of
enterprise integration. According to Kalakota and
Robinson (2001) Wave 1 addresses the emergence of
MRP, Wave 2 relates to ERP, Wave 3 positions
Customer-Centric Integration (CRP), and Wave 4
identifies Inter-Enterprise Integration (XRP)
(Jeanne, 1999). However, we identify a new wave,
Wave 5 which positions ERP II as the ‘new’, or is it
in fact ‘nothing-new’, integration’, as illustrated in
Figure 1.
One of the most significant factors for Wave 2
ERP adoption was Y2K preparation (Brown et al.,
2000; Kalakota and Robinson, 2001;
Themistocleous et al., 2001; Hayler, 2003),
however, a level of understanding is now required to
uncover what the most important factors are for the
emergence and adoption of this new wave, Wave 5.
In this research project we focus on improving our
understanding, and identifying the important factors
for the emergence of ERP II, through examining the
concept of:
• benefits realisation
• informational requirements, and
• generic to specific solutions,
in terms of the realities of ERP post-implementation.
4.1 Post-Implementation: Benefits
As organisations moved toward the post-
implementation phase of their ERP projects, post
Y2K for the vast majority of organisations, the real
issue of benefit realisation emerged (Sammon et al.,
2003). Pallatto (2002) comments on the fact that
some vendors and consultants are presently ‘soft-
peddling’ the term ERP due to bad experiences and
management frustration, when original business
goals and benefits were not achieved, with their ERP
implementations. Pallatto (2002) adds that
concessions and compromises in the design of these
rushed Y2K upgrade projects (ERP) had negative
impacts on systems performance and benefits which
were not promptly and fully communicated to the
Figure 1: IS Integration Evolution
implementing organisation. Hendrickson (2002)
supports this argument, stating that “organisations
that have future designs developed from a clear
understanding of [business] requirements will gain
more vision and value from their ERP
4.2 Post-Implementation:
Informational Requirements
Due to the monolithic style integration of the mid-
to-late 1990s, many organisations are now
discovering that the solution to leveraging
investment decisions in, and retrieving useful data
from, an ERP system is to undertake additional
initiatives, for example Data Warehousing, in
conjunction with the implemented ERP system
(Sims 2001; Raden 1999; Inmon 2000; Radding
2000; Hewlett-Packard 2002; Hayler, 2003;
Sammon et al., 2003). Sammon et al. (2003) refer
to this as a ‘double learning curve’ for an
organisation, undertaking additional projects in
quick succession to the ERP project, in an attempt to
finally achieve the benefits expected but never
realised. The harsh reality of ERP systems
implementation, to the expense of those
organisations that invested resources in the initiative,
is that ERP only gets data into the system, it does
not prepare data for use and analysis (Inmon 2000).
This is due to the fact that ERP systems lack certain
functionality and reporting capabilities (Adam and
Doyle, 2001). However, it bears thinking that as
long as organisations can analyse data, supporting
different business processes, even across differing
data structures that change with the diversity of
systems, there is no need to force a rigid
standardisation of business processes (a
straightjacket) across the organisation (Hayler,
2003). For example, organisations that expected
ERP systems to solve their Information Systems
problems have found that ERP systems solved some,
but hardly all, of these problems. Many
organisations experience frustration when they
attempt to use their ERP system to access
information and knowledge (Radding 2000). It has
been quickly realised that ERP systems are good for
storing, accessing and executing data used in daily
transactions, but it is not good at providing the
information needed for long term planning and
decision making (Radding 2000; Adam and Doyle,
2001) as ERP systems are not designed to know how
the data is to be used once it is gathered (Inmon
4.3 Erp Ii: From Generic To Specific
It appears that much of the value of these ‘all-
encompassing’ systems lay in the infrastructure
foundation they created for future growth based on
Information Technology. As a result organisations
are now focusing on implementing the extensions
and components of ERP that “managers think have
the greatest potential to improve the bottom line,
manufacturing, and supply-chain management
systems” (Pallatto, 2002). However, managers, for
Figure 2: The Myth and Reality of ERP Systems Benefit Realisation
Adapted from CGEY
ocumentation. Note: The term ERP II is an addition to this figure
the most part, want “assurances that the system will
deliver the performance and business benefits that
were promised when they agreed to sign on the
dotted line”. That is because they know from bitter
experience that “keeping such promises is easier said
that done” (Pallatto, 2002). Nowadays the focus is
on “enterprise collaborative systems”. Pallatto
(2002) argues that it is “better to focus on thespecific
components and the benefits they deliver, rather than
the all-encompassing concept of ERP. The main
interest is in systems that make interactions between
customers, partners, and suppliers more efficient and
contribute to improvements in the bottom line”.
Organisations can now implement these ‘new’
collaborative systems because they have already
implemented an ERP, but, what is really new about
implementing these ERP II extensions?
The ‘new-look’ ERP vendors and ERP consultants
now talk about collaborative, component-based
systems for specific vertical rather than all-
encompassing generic ERP; opening and
maintaining full communication channels with
implementation partners to avoid disputes over
business objectives, deadlines, project scope and
system design, which were common in ERP
implementations; shorter implementation projects;
quicker actual ROI and benefits realisation; systems
implementation knowledge transfer and dedicated
system experts for implementation.
As an illustration of how discourse analysis must
be included in our observations of the ERP market,
we examined a recent product brochure titled
‘Optimise your ERP Investment’ by Cap Gemini
Ernst & Young (CGEY), promoting their E³
solution. In this it was argued that “most companies
have high expectations of their ERP
implementations but some of these fail to deliver on
all the benefits that were promised. In fact, these
ERP implementations experience high
dissatisfaction levels, which is evidenced by many
operational glitches and limitations”. Furthermore,
they state that “in effect, the ERP implementation
gives you sight of business potential – but may not
deliver much of the expected value”. As a result,
they propose that “E³ can help you detect and correct
ERP-related lost value in your business and deliver
those benefits you expected in the first place”. A
graphical representation, adapted from the CGEY
brochure, is presented in Figure 2.
In essence, if we examine what Figure 2
represents, the achievement of potential value is
through the use of ‘fine-tuned’ (New Straits Times,
2003) ERP II type functionality. “With proper
implementation and full utilisation of these tools,
and using software applications that are highly
scalable, enterprises will be able to see returns on
their investments” (New Straits Times, 2003).
In a further illustration of our application of
discourse analysis to the ERP market, we tried to
understand the full implications of the “Square Peg,
Round Hole – No Problem!” message appearing on
the JDEdwards (now acquired by Peoplesoft)
website in April 2001, as illustrated in Figure 3.
This highlights the fundamental over-simplified
nature of the ERP vendors’ sales discourse.
Furthermore, SAP are now delivering “a business
platform that unlocks valuable information
resources, improves supply chain efficiencies, and
builds strong customer relationships”, while it
delivers “the tools, technologies, and methodologies
that minimize total cost of ownership and maximize
your return on investment in SAP solutions” and
“proven implementation methodologies give you
control over deployment to reduce risks and ensure
reliable results. Best practices anticipate your
business needs, reduce costs, and decrease your
reliance on external consultants”
(SAP, 2003a,b).
Based on our initial observations in this research
study, it appears that further investment of resources
is required for an organisation to realise the initial
benefits promised from their ERP system
investments. However, the worrying issue here
seems to be ERP vendors and ERP consultants
admittance of not addressing critical implementation
issues, or fulfilling the organisational requirements,
in the previous ERP implementations. Therefore, in
light of the current market trend, it is legitimate to
question whether ERP II is addressing ERP post-
implementation concerns or new emerging business
issues. In an attempt to understand the positioning
of ERP II within the evolving ERP market, the
researchers pose two research questions as follows:
Research Question 1: with regard to the sales
discourse, is the market positioning of ERP II
functionalities, in terms of their proposed benefits,
addressing some of the ERP post-implementation
concerns, within organisations?
Research Question 2: in relation to the needs
discourse, will ERP II solutions be implemented by
organisations to [1] address dissatisfaction with
their ERP implementation, or, [2] support new
emerging business requirements?
It is hoped that these questions will fulfil the
objective of the study, to understand the nature of
the discourse gap (Adam and Sammon, 2004)
between the needs and sales discourse in the
evolving ERP market.
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