Edwige Fangseu Badjio, François Poulet
ESIEA Recherche,
Parc Universitaire Laval-Changé
38, rue des Docteurs Calmette et Guérin
53000 Laval
Keywords: Usability, human-machine interaction, visual data mining
Abstract: Visual data mining is a field of research which needs knowledge from several domains: statistics, data
analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, human-machine interfaces, data or information
visualization. We are interested in visual data mining environment usability (man-machine interaction
quality). This paper investigates how usability aspects can be incorporated in visual data mining
environment so that usability can be taking into account during the design process of the tool without
prototype evaluation tests which are time consuming at design stage. We have defined and we present here a
set of criteria for improving visual data mining tools usability.
In many research areas needing interfaces for
treatments needs, for a long time only technical
aspects were taken into account in the design of
systems. A lot of problems result from that process,
namely the end users difficulties to use the system in
order to realize their task. For this purpose, we
propose a new method for improving usability of
visual data mining tools. In the actual stage of our
research, this method consists of a set of criteria and
strategies for setting up each criterion. We have
made some experimentations of a subset of these
criteria but we just present definitions and strategies
According to (Fayyad & al, 1996) data mining is
the non-trivial process of identifying valid, novel,
potentially useful, and ultimately understandable
patterns in data. Visual data mining consists of
visualization use as a communication channel for
data mining. For (Wong, 1999), visual data mining
lies in tighly coupling the visualizations and
analytical process into one data mining tool that
takes advantage of the strengths of all worlds. Visual
data mining is a recent research field.
In man-machine interaction research field, there
are usability evaluation techniques (Nielsen, 2000),
(Scapin et al., 1993). We took these techniques as a
starting point for the development of our method.
The techniques used to improve usability of software
in man-machine interface will be presented in the
third paragraph, after usability definition, followed
in fourth part of this paper by the method which we
worked out.
There are several usability definitions:
(IEEE, 1990) defines usability as how easily a
user can learn to operate, prepare inputs for, and
interpret outputs of a system or component.
For (ISO 9241-11, 1998) usability is the way
specified goals can be achieved with effectiveness,
efficiency, and satisfaction in particular
(Nielsen, 2003) define usability as a quality
attribute that assesses user interfaces ease of use.
The word "usability" also refers to methods
improving ease-of-use during the design process.
Nowadays, in most of research teams, there is a
usability evaluation test after the development of a
product. That evaluation makes the quality of
human-machine interaction evaluation possible.
Fangseu Badjio E. and Poulet F. (2004).
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 254-258
DOI: 10.5220/0002654202540258
Many user interfaces guidelines can be used to
improve usability when applied in the design step.
These guidelines could not be applied in visual data
mining at all because visual data mining has some
particularities. We have to study the visual data
mining domain before the definition of criteria
which will be appropriate for improving usability.
We are going to present the visual data mining
process, before this presentation, in the next sub-
section, we present some methods for usability
design products.
3.1 Design for usability
This part presents some techniques used in order to
improve software usability. We have:
Iterative design and evaluation: this
method involves design, evaluation and
redesign of the software,
A method which implies the user in a
model or a designed product usability
The last method implies the domain
expert in usability evaluation of a model
or a designed product.
These methods are time consuming. Our main
idea for our work is to take visual data mining tools
usability guidelines into account before starting the
design process. The study of visual data mining
process helped us for this purpose. Knowing that,
usability performance is measured relative to users'
performance on a given set of tasks, the measures
are success rates (whether users can perform the task
at all), the time a task requires, the error rate, users'
subjective satisfaction (Nielsen, 2001). We have
defined a list of usability metrics. Before explaining
these metrics we are going to present the visual data
mining process in the next sub-section.
3.2 The visual data mining process
There are different stages in the visual data mining
1. selection of the data to be exploited,
2. choice of the visualization method to use
or passing to stage 4.,
3. data visualization,
4. choice of a visual data analysis method
among those proposed by the system,
5. visualization of the results,
6. evaluation of the results (which must be
easily understandable), followed by a
possible return at stage 1 or 2,
7. analysis of the results considered as new
8. return at stage 1 or stop.
Visualization is a stage of visual data mining
process, which provides graphical displays, and
animation on which investigator observations are
based. The user of such a system is not intended to
be a data mining or data analysis specialist but an
expert of the data domain. In order to perform a
significant analysis, the user must be helped
because, due to his lack of statistical background, he
may not be able to perform the right choices. The
usability criteria we define are intended to help
4.1 Adaptability
4.1.1 Definition
The adaptability is the capacity of the system to be
adapted to the user's needs without any explicit
intervention from the user or its capacity to be
reacted according to the context and the needs and
preferences of the users.
4.1.2 Strategy
For setting up this criterion, we thought of the
possibility for the user to personalize his interface.
The purpose of user interface personalization is to
take into account the user strategies or preferences.
We also thought of the development of means
available for taking into account the experiment
level of the user (beginning, tested, occasional) like
his profile.
4.2 Curability
4.2.1 Definition
Curability is the user capacity to correct a non-
desired situation.
4.2.2 Strategy
Error rate, time required for a task execution are
factors usually taken into account during man-
machine tools usability evaluation. This criterion
recommends visual data mining tools designers to
display curatives means for the errors likely to occur
in their environment so that usability evaluation will
be successful.
4.3 Errors management
4.3.1 Definition
Error management refers to means allowing on one
hand to avoid or reduce errors, and on other hand to
correct them when they occur.
4.3.2 Strategy
It is a question here of setting up means to detect and
prevent errors. For example, all the possible actions
on the interface must be considered and more
particularly the accidental supports keyboard keys so
that not awaited entries are detected. Another case: if
the data analysis method chosen by the user is not
successful (method execution is not completed), it is
necessary to be able to propose another method to
the user without any system crash. The user must be
able to execute another algorithm for data analysis,
the method selection tool must be able to give not
only the most adequate algorithm to the problem
resolution but also the list of ranked algorithms.
Classification is done according to algorithms
evaluation criteria.
4.4 Feedback
4.4.1 Definition
Feedback recommends that after achievement of an
action, the system provides an answer to the user
informing him about the accomplished action and its
result, this, with a deadline for reply suitable and
homogeneous according to types of transactions.
4.4.2 Strategy
The visual data mining cycle can be time
consuming, depending on the size of the treated
data. Some information showing the user that the
treatments are going on, the progress report of the
treatments should be provided to the user.
4.5 Guidance
4.5.1 Definition
User Guidance refers to the available ways to advise,
orient, inform, instruct, and guide the users
throughout their interactions with a computer.
Good guidance facilitates learning and use of a
system by allowing the users: to know at any time
where they are in a sequence of interactions, or in
the accomplishment of a task; to know what the
possible actions are as well as their consequences;
and to obtain additional information (possibly on
demand). Ease of learning and ease of use that
follows good guidance lead to better performances
and fewer errors. (Bastien et al., 1993)
4.5.2 Strategy
In the visual data mining process, users have to
select an analysis method for the resolution of their
problem. Algorithm selection is an exploratory
process highly dependent on the analyst’s
knowledge of the algorithms and of the problem
domain. Our end users are not experts of data
mining or data analysis but an expert of the data
domain. When making choice of data analysis
method to execute, they have to execute the set of
available methods and select the most adequate
algorithm for the given problem. Running an
algorithm for a given task is time consuming,
especially when complex tasks are involved. Our
strategy here is to provide help to the user for the
selection of the most adequate algorithm for a given
task. A trivial solution for this problem is to
determine the best analysis algorithm. But, the No
free Lunch theorem (Wolpert et al., 1996) states that
if algorithm A outperforms algorithm B on some
cost function then there must exist exactly as many
other fonction where B outperforms A.
Given the wide variety of analysis method
available the selection of the right algorithm for a
problem is an important issue. There are some
research works from that field. For example we have
the StatLog and the METAL projects. As far as
METAL is concerned, several approaches have been
used. These approaches investigate the problem of
using past performance information to select an
algorithm for a given problem. For this purpose,
knowledge about past performance information are
stored and the authors use the approaches such as:
ontologies, case based reasoning, induction
algorithm to predict the performance of a given
algorithm on a task. For new cases these approaches
proceed by successive approximations and so lead to
a loss of information.
We chose a multi agents system for the
evolutionary needs of the system. We thus will be
able to use the assets of this paradigm, and more
particularly the autonomy of the agents as well as
the possibilities to distribute our treatments.
4.6 Multiplicity of returned
4.6.1 Definition
This criterion refers to the system capacity to
provide several visualization methods.
4.6.2 Strategy
Current state-of-the-art data visualization or
information visualization propose many data
representation techniques: geometric techniques,
icon-based, pixel oriented techniques, hierarchical
techniques, graph-oriented techniques, distortion
techniques, and dynamic or interaction techniques.
Everyone agrees on the fact that none of these
methods is better than the others in all cases. For the
same set of data, it is a question of envisaging
several possible methods of visualization.
4.7 On-line help
4.7.1 Definition
This criterion relates to the documentation
availability of the user.
4.7.2 Strategy
Data visualization is based on graphical methods. A
possible approach to set up this criterion is to make
appear contextual texts to the screen to inform the
user or to provide him explanations associated with
the visualisation method used or about the choice of
a split-criterion for decision tree.
4.8 Plasticity
4.8.1 Definition
This criterion refers to the system ability to
dynamically react to fluctuation on resources while
preserving ergonomic continuity.
4.8.2 Strategy
The transition from one stage to another one in the
visual data mining process must be perceived by the
system as well as the transition to the analysis of a
data base different from the previous one.
4.9 Training data re-use
4.9.1 Definition
Training data re-use criterion refers to the possibility
of pursuing a data mining process. Particularly, the
outputs of the system can be used like data input.
4.9.2 Strategy
Visual data mining process included preprocessing,
treatment, postprocessing. For example a decision
tree can be interactively constructed (instead of the
usual automatic approach). The first representation
of the data corresponds to the initialization of the
decision tree construction algorithm. The tree
growing can be stopped at any level of the
construction. An important and untreated aspect in
this type of environment is the possibility for the
user to go on with a previously stopped treatment.
Indeed, if the user stopped the visual data-mining
algorithm before the task is finished, the idea here is
to enable him to continue in the process without
having to start again at the initial stage.
As we have seen, data mining tools users can be data
mining experts, visualization experts or expert of the
data domain. Our visual data mining approach is
dedicated to the experts of the data domain. We have
presented some work about the usability of visual
data mining tools, in order to develop a software
program able to help that type of users, and to avoid
any redesign step generating waste of time and high
production costs (without however guaranteeing the
performances). To get this usability, we have
established criteria having to be taken into account
for a development of reliable and useful software.
These criteria are applied to visual data mining. We
have started the development of the corresponding
software program: a visual data-mining environment
dedicated to the data specialist. The criteria we have
defined can be used as a basis for other
Bastien, J. M. C., Scapin, D. L., & Leulier, C. 1999. The
Ergonomic Criteria and the ISO 9241-10 Dialogue
Principles: A pilot comparison in an evaluation task.
Bastien, J.M.C., Scapin, D.L. 1993. Critères
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1993, INRIA : Le Chesnay.
David H. Wolpert, William G. Macready, 1996. No Free
Lunch Theorems for Optimization, IEEE Transactions
on Evolutionary Computation, 1:67–82.
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knowledge and meta-data for case-based model
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Nielsen J., 2000. Designing Web Usability: The Practice
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( )
Wong P. C., 1999 Visual data mining, IEEE Computer
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