• to represent the context of a given concept
through the notion of scheme;
• to conceive a reasoning methodology based
on schemes;
• to use schemes to communicate between
This paper has presented the work in progress in a
three-dimensional project, including three
complementary lines of research incorporating our
project: user modeling in a distributed cooperative
system, interactive cooperation in a multi-agent
structure, and knowledge representation in cognitive
agent architecture. These lines of research have
diversified theoretical foundations: cognitive
mapping; multi-agent interaction; cognitive agents;
knowledge representation; interaction protocols in
open systems, such as service-oriented
architectures; cognitive science foundations and
contemporary psychological theorists. We intend to
make propositions regarding the use of multi-agent
systems in organizations, namely in what concerns
support to decision making processes and, in a
general way, knowledge management within
organizations. Finally, the result of our project will
be provided to the research community, throughout a
software library allowing the implementation of
these ideas in organizations.
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