Intrusion Risk Analysis and the Power Law Distribution
of Attacks
Juan Manuel Garcia Garcia
Department of Computer Systems
Instituto Tecnol´ogico de Morelia
Morelia, Mexico
Abstract. Risk analysis is the first essential step in the risk management process.
In order to do an effective risk analysis, is necessary to identify and quantify the
threats to information technology assets. Then statistical models of information
security threats are required to develop effective risk analysis methodologies. We
present experimental evidence suggesting that network intrusion attacks follows
a power law distribution and then we explore some implications for intrusion risk
Keywords: Risk analysis, network intrusion detection, power law distribution.
1 Introduction
Risk analysis, also known as risk assessment, is the first essential step in the information secu-
rity architecture deployment [11]. Information security controls implemented in any organization
should be commensurate with its risks. The purpose of information security risk analysis is to
determine, on the most objective basis, which security controls are appropriate and cost effective.
There are several approaches to risk analysis. However, these can be classified into two cate-
gories: quantitative and qualitative. [10]
In the quantitative approach, probability data is not required and only estimated potential
loss is used. The main drawback of this approach is its very subjective nature and that it heavily
relies on the expertise of the risk analysis team’s members. However, it is the most widely used
approach to risk analysis.
The quantitative approach focus on two elements: the probability of an event occurring and
the likely loss should it happen. Quantitative risk analysis make use of a single indicator called
the annual loss expectancy (ALE), calculated for an event as the product of the potential loss by
the probability of the event occurrence. Then it is possible to rank events in order of risk and
to make decisions about control and countermeasures based on this. The effectiveness of this
approach depends on the reliability and accuracy of the statistical data associated with the event.
One of the most important security controls to be considered into an information security
architecture are intrusion detection systems, (IDS) [2][8]. An IDS needs to be cost-effective in
the sense that it should cost no more than the expected level of loss from intrusions. Despite this,
IDS cost-benefit analysis is seldom done.
In a previous work [6], major cost factor associated with an IDS were examined, including
development cost, operational cost, damage cost due to successful intrusions, and the cost of
manual and automated response to intrusions. Cost factors are qualified according to a definite
Manuel Garcia Garcia J. (2004).
Intrusion Risk Analysis and the Power Law Distribution of Attacks.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 47-52
DOI: 10.5220/0002659500470052
attack taxonomy [7], which main categories are illegal root access, illegal user access, denial of
service, and information gathering. A cost-benefit analysis methodology for network intrusion
detection had been proposed [12], based on an investigation of the cost factors and categories of
various intrusions.
But, in order to do a full cost-benefit analysis for NIDS, a loss expectancy value must be ob-
tained, and then a model for potential loss and probability of intrusions is required. In this paper,
we present a probabilistic model for network intrusions that follows a power law distribution.
2 Experimental Data on Attacks
In order to get some insight about what kind of probabilistic distribution follows network intru-
sion events we analyse data collected by an IDS over several months. The IDS used was Snort
using arachNIDS database
of network attacks signatures.
Alert frequency
Fig.1. Frequency versus rank of alerts.
Over eight months of observation, 5091 alerts were logged, 137 different kind of attacks
were observed, where arachNIDS database includes more than 500 different attack signatures.
The most frequent kind of attack logged was port scanning, like SYN FIN Scan (IDS198) or
Probe SYN Scan (IDS441), and one of the most rare attacks logged was, for example, a buffer
overflow attempt on IMAP service (IDS147) with a single occurrence on the observed period.
Virus and worms attacks were not considered because they are not longer supported by Snort.
After ranking attacks by frequency of occurrence, we observed that the most innocuous at-
tacks, those included in the information gathering category, are also the most frequently seen. We
observed a high incidence of few probe kind of attack and a very low incidence of more varied
and more dangerous attacks, like buffer overflow attempts. In figure 1 we show a plot of rank ver-
sus frequency, when can be observed how few attacks are most frequently seen. This observation
suggest a power law distribution like that related to many phenomena like Internet traffic [4], web
requests [3], etc.
When we plot rank against frequency in a log-log scale we obtain what is showed in figure
2. The least-squares regression line is
is the alert frequency, and is the alert rank. Then we have
Then we can take as cumulative distribution function
Then we can deduce for intrusion attacks the following probability distribution function
and . The previous PDF is valid only for
. This is the well known power law or Zipf-like distribution [1]. For an unknown
number of attacks, we can generalize the attack distribution to a zeta distribution
is the Riemann’s zeta function evaluated on [5].
3 Implications for Intrusion Risk Analysis
In this section, we explore some implications of the power law distribution of attacks that we
already present, for intrusion risk analysis. Let
be the potential loss caused by the occurrence
of the rank
attack, then the expected loss for a set of attacks would be
Also we can have a cost
for detection and response to an event of rank , that can be
calculated by the methodology proposed in [6] and [12].
For a fixed budget
, we want to detect and respond to the attacks that could inflict the greater
loss. Then we can formulate intrusion risk analysis as a combinatorial optimization problem in
the following way: To find a set of possible threats
such that , as defined in (6), is maximized,
subject to the constraint
In the general case, this problem could be hard to solve, but under some assumptions it could
be simplified.
First of all, expected loss (6) can be estimated by its continuous limit
Alert frequency
Fig.2. Frequency versus rank of alerts in a log-log scale.
We can observe that this integral can be computed as the Mellin transform [9] of the loss function:
evaluated at
A simple closed solution can be found under some assumptions. These assumptions are the
1. The potential loss caused by an attack depends only on the kind of attack. That is, the damage
inflicted by, for example, a denial of service, is the same doesn’t matter what particular DoS
attack it is. (For this matter, we can use the attack taxonomy presented in [7].)
2. Similar kind of attacks are close ranked. That is, all the attacks of the same category (see
[7]) are ranked in some rank interval
, and all the events ranked in this interval are of
the same kind.
These two conditions are very likely from what we have experimentally observed.
If all attacks of the same kind are ranked in some interval
and the loss caused for any of
them is a constant
then the loss function for that kind of attack can be expressed as the boxcar
which is equal to
for and otherwise, and where is the Heaviside step function.
The Mellin transform for this function is
and then, the expected loss for that particular kind of attack would be
Under assumptions previously stated, attacks can be classified into different kinds, so that
for all the attacks of kind
, the associated loss to any of them is a constant and all of them
rank between an interval
where is the most probable attack of kind and the least.
Then, we have the expected loss for attack kind
, where the total expected loss would be
Estimated costs for attack prevention, detection and response are much more easier to obtain
for whole attack kinds than for particular attacks [7]. Thus, if we define
as the cost associated
to prevention, detection and response to the
attack kind, where , then cost/benefit
analysis can be obtained from
and values using a methodology like the exposed in [12].
4 Conclusions and Future Work
We have presented some experimental evidence suggesting that intruders attacks follows a power
law distribution, very similar to the kind of distribution associated to several aspects of Internet
We have shown how this power law distribution can be used to estimate expected losses for
diferent kind of attacks, assuming that the loss inflicted by one attack depends only on the kind
of attack and that attacks of the same kind are close-ranked. Further experimental evidence is
needed to verify how valid are these assumptions.
Further experimental study is also required to extend our analysis to virus and worms attacks.
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