On Uncertainty in Context-Aware Computing: Appealing to High-Level and Same-Level Context for Low-Level Context Verification

Amir Padovitz, Seng Wai Loke, Arkady Zaslavsky



There is an inherent chasm between the real-world and the world that can be perceived by computer systems, yielding uncertainty and ambiguity in system perceived context, with consequent effect on the performance of context-aware systems. While the problem is complex in depth and breadth, we explore an approach where context is characterized at different levels of abstraction, and where contextual information at high-levels of abstraction and sensed context at low-levels of abstraction can be used to validate and correct low-level sensed context such as location. We describe a randomly generated simulation of locations that might be sensed by a positioning technology, and how our approach can be used to validate and correct the sensed locations.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Padovitz A., Wai Loke S. and Zaslavsky A. (2004). On Uncertainty in Context-Aware Computing: Appealing to High-Level and Same-Level Context for Low-Level Context Verification . In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing - Volume 1: IWUC, (ICEIS 2004) ISBN 972-8865-06-6, pages 62-72. DOI: 10.5220/0002664600620072

in Bibtex Style

author={Amir Padovitz and Seng Wai Loke and Arkady Zaslavsky},
title={On Uncertainty in Context-Aware Computing: Appealing to High-Level and Same-Level Context for Low-Level Context Verification},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing - Volume 1: IWUC, (ICEIS 2004)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing - Volume 1: IWUC, (ICEIS 2004)
TI - On Uncertainty in Context-Aware Computing: Appealing to High-Level and Same-Level Context for Low-Level Context Verification
SN - 972-8865-06-6
AU - Padovitz A.
AU - Wai Loke S.
AU - Zaslavsky A.
PY - 2004
SP - 62
EP - 72
DO - 10.5220/0002664600620072