The proposed characterization framework can be used, first of all, in service
classification efforts. One of such classification examples is represented in figure 4
and is based on a service content value property.
The key goal of this work was a comprehensive overview of existing and emerging
services within heterogeneous environments. Such an overview is very useful for
extracting knowledge about a service from the service itself and from service
provisioning mechanisms. It is also valuable when needing to satisfy one or all of the
requirements of service provisioning, such as ubiquitous access – the capability of a
terminal to access diverse communication networks; cross-network mobility – the
seamless roaming among diverse access networks; service portability – the adaptation
and reusability of existing services across multiple communication systems; context
awareness – the dynamic service adaptability to changing user and network
conditions; and independent service creation – the separation of service creation from
the specifics of service delivery in every communication network.
The primary value of this work is seen in taken the service characterization
approach and categorization from various viewpoints rather than in assigning labels
for concrete entities (properties and types of services).
The results obtained in this work are still subject to further improvements.
However, even now they can be used as one of the inputs in areas such as context
utilization, service portability provision, middleware development, heterogeneous
network integration, and adaptive services support, among others.
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