Descovering Collocations in Modern Greek Language
Kostas Fragos
, Yannis Maistros
, Christos Skourlas
1 Department of Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,
Iroon Polytexneiou 9 15780 Zografou Athens Greece
2 Department of
Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,
Iroon Polytexneiou 9 15780 Zografou Athens Greece
3 Departme
nt of Computer Science, Technical Educational Institute of Athens,
Ag Spyridonos 12210 Aigaleo Athens Greece
tract. In this paper two statistical methods for extracting collocations from
text corpora written in Modern Greek are described, the mean and variance
method and a method based on the X
test. The mean and variance method
calculates distances (“offsets”) between words in a corpus and looks for specific
patterns of distance. The X
test is combined with the formulation of a null
hypothesis H
for a sample of occurrences and we check if there are
associations between the words. The X
testing does not assume that the words
in the corpus have normally distributed probabilities and hence it seems to be
more flexible. The two methods extract interesting collocations that are useful
in various applications e.g. computational lexicography, language generation
and machine translation.
1 Introduction
Collocations are common in Natural Languages and can be found in technical and
non-technical texts. A collocation could be seen as a combination of words (or
phrases) which are frequently used together. Collocations in Natural Languages with
rich inflectional system (e.g. Modern Greek) could also be seen as phrases where the
occurrences of nouns follow a “rigid” syntactic / grammatical form e.g. the Greek
words “Χρηµατιστήριο” and “Αξιών are only combined in the collocation
Χρηµατιστήριο Αξιών” (Stock Exchange). Other words / phrases are more “flexible”
e.g. the Greek words “Στρώνω / στρωνοµαι andδουλειά could be combined in
various phrases having different meaning, as the following ones:
Στρώνοµαι στην δουλειά (To get to work)
Η δουλειά µου στρώνει (My business is looking up).
There are different definitions based on different aspects of collocations. Firth [6]
defines Collocations of a given word as “statements of the habitual or customary
places of the word”.
Fragos K., Maistros Y. and Skourlas C. (2004).
Descovering Collocations in Modern Greek Language.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 151-158
DOI: 10.5220/0002667101510158
Benson and Morton [1] define collocations as an arbitrary and recurrent word
combination. The word recurrent means that these combinations are common in a
given context. Smadja [15] identifies four characteristics of collocations useful for
machine applications:
a) Collocations are arbitrary; this means that they do not correspond to any syntactic
or semantic variation. b) Collocations are domain-dependent; hence handling text in a
domain requires knowledge of the related terminology / terms and the domain-
dependent collocations. c) Collocations are recurrent (see above) d) Collocations are
cohesive lexical clusters; by cohesive lexical clusters is meant that the presence of one
or several words often implies or suggests the rest of the collocation.
In the work of Lin [10] collocation is defined as a habitual word combination. Gitsaki
et. al. [7] define it as a recurrent word combination. Howarth and Nesi [8] have
approached the use of collocations from the foreign language learner perspective.
Manning and Schutze [11] believe that collocations are characterized by limited
compositionality. A natural language expression is compositional if the meaning of
the expression can be predicted from the meaning of the parts. Hence, collocations are
not fully compositional. For example in the Greek expression “γερό ποτήρι” (heavy
drinker), the combination has an extra meaning, a person who drinks. It is completely
different from the meaning of the two “collocates” (portions of the collocation):
γερό (strong), “ποτήρι (glass). Another characteristic of collocations is the lack of
valid synonyms for any collocates [11], [10]. For example, even though baggage and
luggage are synonyms we could only write emotional, historical or psychological
2 The Rationale for Extracting Collocations in NLP Applications
Collocations are important in Natural Language generation, machine translation
[7],[8], text simplification [2], computational lexicography [14] etc. Smith [16]
examined collocations to detect events related to place and date information in
unstructured text.
In this paper we describe two statistical methods for extracting collocations from text
corpora written in Modern Greek. The first one is the mean and variance method that
calculates “offsets” (distances) between words in a corpus and looks for patterns of
distances. The second method is based on the X
test. In section 3 we focus on the
main ideas of applying the two methods. Some previous work in the field is also
discussed. Then, in section 4, the two methods are described. A short presentation of
the test data used and some experimental results are given in section 5. Discussion
and further work are given in section 6.
3 How to Extract Collocations Using Statistical Methods
The “traditional” approach for extracting collocations has been the lexicographic
one. Benson and Morton [1] propose that collocates, the “participants” in a
collocation, could not be handled separately. Therefore the task of extracting the
appropriate collocates is not predictable, in general, and collocations must be
extracted, manually, and listed in dictionaries.
In recent years, statistical approaches have been applied to the study of natural
languages and the extraction of collocations. Such approaches were partially
influenced by the availability of large corpora in machine-readable form. Choueka [3]
tried to automatically extract collocations from text, using N-grams from 2 to 6
A simple method for extracting collocations based on a corpus is the frequency of
occurrence. If two or more words often appear together then we have an evidence for
the existence of collocation. Unfortunately, the selection of the most frequently
occuring N-grams does not always lead to interesting results. For example, if we look
for bigrams in a corpus the resulting list will consist of phrases such as: of the, in the,
to the, etc. To overcome this problem Justeson and Katz [9] proposed a heuristic
improving the previous results. They use a part-of-speech filter for the candidate
phrases and select only those N-grams that follow specific patterns. Some patterns
used for collocation filtering (in their heuristics) are AN, NN, AAN and ANN, where A
stands for adjective, N for noun. Although the heuristics are very simple the authors
reported significant results.
The method based on the frequency of occurrences works well for noun phrases.
However, many collocations involve words having other more flexible relationships.
The mean and variance method [15] overcomes this problem by calculating the
distance between two collocates and finding the “spread” of the distribution. The
method calculates the mean and variance of the “offset” (“signed” distance) between
the two words in the corpus. Such a method makes sense, intuitively. If the “spread”
of the distribution is low we have a narrow peaked distribution of “offsets” and this is
an evidence of the existence of a collocation. On the other hand, if the variance is
high the “offsets” are randomly distributed, i.e., there is no evidence of the existence
of a collocation.
"Mutual information" is a measure for extracting collocations [4]. The term
"mutual information" originates from information theory. The term "information" has
the restricted meaning of an event, which occurs in inverse proportion to its
probability. Church and Hanks [4] define "mutual information” as “holding between
the values of random variables”. It is roughly a measure of how much one word “tell
us” about the other.
We will describe the main ideas of applying the two statistical methods, the mean
and variance method and the X
test (pronounced ‘chi-square test’). We shall also
give an alternative formula for the calculation of X
statistic in the case of extracting
bigrams based on a corpus. The X
test is a well-defined approach in statistics for
assessing whether or not something is a chance event. This is, in general, one of the
classical problems of statistics and it is usually formulated in terms of hypothesis
testing. In our study, we want to know whether two words “occur” together more
often by chance. We formulate a null hypothesis H
for a sample of occurrences. The
hypothesis states that there is no association between the words beyond chance
occurrences. We calculate the probability p that the event would occur if H
were true.
If p is too low (under a predetermined significance level p<0.005 or 0.001) we reject
the H
(or retain H
, otherwise). To determine these probabilities usually we calculate
the t statistic:
is the sample mean, s
is the sample variance, N the size of the sample and µ
is the mean of the distribution if the null hypothesis were true.
If the t statistic is large enough we can reject the null hypothesis. The problem with
the t statistic is that it assumes normally distributed data. This assumption is not true,
in general, for linguistic data. For this reason we choose the X
test, which does not
assume normally distributed data. However, for this statistics, various side effects
have been observed with sparse data. Dunning [5] proposed an alternative testing the
likelihood ratios that works better than X
with sparse data.
4 Methods for Discovering Collocations
4.1 Mean and Variance
The mean is the simple arithmetic average value of the data. If we have n
observations x
, x
,, … x
, then the mean is given by the form:
The variance of the n observations x
, x
,, … x
is the average squared deviation of
these observations about their mean:
The standard deviation s is the square root of the variance.
4.2 Pearson’s chi-square test
In 1900, Karl Pearson developed a statistic that compares all the observed and
expected numbers when the possible outcomes are divided into mutually exclusive
categories. The form in equation 5 gives the chi-square statistic:
where the Greek letter Σ stands for summation and is calculated over the categories of
possible outcomes.
The observed and expected values can be explained in the context of hypothesis
testing. If we have data that is divided into mutual exclusive categories and form a
null hypothesis about that data, then the expected value is the value of each category
if the null hypothesis is true. The observed value is the value for each category that
we observe from the sample data.
The chi-square test is a remarkably versatile way of gauging the significance of
how closely the data agree with the detailed implications of a null hypothesis.
5 Experimental results
Several files of Greek language texts were collected and a preliminary part-of-
speech tagging process had been done to form a linguistic Corpus of 8,967,432
lemmas (or 29,539,802 words). This corpus will be a useful resource for future works.
We were interested only for the lemmas where the part-of-speech tag is Noun (No),
Verb (Vb), Adjective (Aj) and Adverb (Ad). These lemmas are distributed as follows:
Nouns=6,739,006 , Verbs=0 , Adjectives=2,228,426 , Adverbs=0.
Note that lemmas for Verbs and Adverbs are not provided. The remaining 8,977,083-
8,967,432=9,651 lemmas belong to a category tagged as RgFwGr and are related to
foreign words used in Greek Language.
5.1 Analysis of Variance
The only combination of bigrams we have tried is that of pairs (Adjective, Noun).
We calculate from the corpus the distances and the standard deviation of these
distances, for all the combinations of bigrams (Adjective, Noun), defining a
collocational window of 10 words (including punctuation marks). By a positive
distance d ( | d | <=10) we mean that the noun is found in a distance of d words on
the right hand side of the adjective. A negative distance denotes that the noun is found
in a distance of d words in the opposite side. Table 1 shows the 10 lowest standard
deviation bigrams.
Table 1. The 10 lowest standard deviation bigrams in the corpus
Lemma_adj Lemma_nou stdv
"χρονικό" "διάστηµα" 0,7654
"κεντρική" "σηµασία" 0,8321
"ειδικός" "απάντηση" 1,1875
εγάλος" "βαθµός" 1,1932
"περασµένος" "κανόνας" 1,3007
"αµερικανική-αµερικανικής" "κανόνας" 1,3817
"κυριακής" "ελλάδα" 1,3901
"ανά" "κόσµος" 1,4151
Lemma_adj Lemma_nou stdv
"οικονοµικό" "παιχνίδι" 1,4434
"εργαζοµένα-εργαζοµένη-εργαζοµένης" "διεθνός-διεθνώς" 1,4546
Interpretation: For a bigram with a low standard deviation of the distances between
the words the existence of a half-sided high peak value distribution is a strong
indication that these words form a collocation. In other words, the narrow shape and
the high peak value of the distribution offer a strong indication that these words form
a collocation.
5.2 Analysis of X-square test
The X-square test is more flexible than the method of the variance, which can be
disastrous in the cases of extremely high frequencies. The X
statistic makes a
hypothesis (the null hypothesis) of statistical independence for the two words of a
bigram. That is, the null hypothesis supposes that the two words occur independently
of each other within the corpus. Calculating the X
statistic we can reject the null
hypothesis if it exceeds a critical value as defined from the X distribution
Experimental results. Our corpus consists of 29,539,802 words. Using this number
and a collocational window of 10 words around a target adjective we can calculate the
total number of bigrams (adjective, noun). Hence, the total number can be calculated
by the form Total_number_of_bigrams = (29,539,802-9)*9+36.
For each one of these bigrams we scan the corpus and calculate the
entries of
the 2-by-2 contingency table to evaluate eventually the X
score. Table 2 shows the 10
highest X
Table 2. The 10 highest X–square score bigrams in the corpus
Adjective Noun X2score
a12 a21 a22
"κοινωνικής" "διάλογος" 3,4057 59 117373 41737 265699004
"κοινωνικής" είωση" 3,3964 10 112994 41786 265703383
"διαφορετικός" έλη" 3,3488 11 116863 43135 265698164
"συγκεκριµένος" "σηµασία" 3,3426 11 111553 45637 265700972
"χρονικό" "δηµόσια" 3,3325 9 112041 41553 265704570
"προοπτική είωση" 3,2941 11 112993 45169 265700000
"ίδιο" "παρουσία" 3,1651 11 112471 44161 265701530
"διαφορετικός" "συµφωνία" 3,1563 11 115063 43135 265699964
"σηµερινή" "συµφωνία" 3,1501 10 115064 42776 265700323
"κυπριακός" "σηµασία" 3,1498 12 111552 47454 265699155
6 Discussion and further work
This work presents two methods of automatic extraction of collocations in the case
of the Greek language: The “mean and variance” method and the X
testing. In the
case of the X
testing, we have demonstrated that it is possible to work effectively
with large corpora of the Greek Language.
We could use various other statistical methods for calculating significance, like
mutual information (MI), log likelihood (LL) ratio test, t-test etc., but we choose to
use the chi-square statistics. The reason is that the other tests assume a parametric
distribution of the data. This is unsuitable when calculating frequencies of bigrams.
Likelihood ratio seems to work better than X
, when we have sparse data.
MI compares the joint probability p(w
) that two words occur together with the
independent probabilities p(w
), p(w
) that the two words occur in the data. The form
, w
) = log
( p(w
) / p(w
)* p(w
) ) does not give us interesting results for
very low frequencies.
The X
testing is the most commonly used test of statistical significance in
computational linguistics and can be used in many different contexts.
In the future, our study can incorporate lexical knowledge to assist in extracting
collocations and improve the results. Such knowledge can be based on the use of
lexical thesaurus, synonymy, hypernymy and part of speech tagging available for the
Greek language. Pearsen [13] has worked in a similar way using WordNet Lexicon
[12] for the English language. Using such statistical methods we might have an
effective representation of the knowledge. By combining statistical methods in a
conceptual graph knowledge representation framework, we could collect valuable
information and obtain rich knowledge bases. In general, combining statistical
methods and Computer assessment of knowledge structure seems to be an interesting
and promising next step.
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