raceability and Factorization in Class Diagrams:
an Experimentation of their Correlation
Cam-Ngan Tran
and Michel Dao
France T
ecom R&D DTL/TAL
2 avenue Pierre Marzin
22307 Lannion Cedex – France
France T
ecom R&D DTL/TAL
38-40, rue du g
eral Leclerc
92794 Issy Moulineaux Cedex 9 – France
Abstract. In this article, we present a study of the correlation between factoriza-
tion and the quality criterion of traceability. Our work is based on a set of new
factorization metrics and a specific definition of traceability. The results of our
experiment show a good correlation between the increase of the factorization of
a UML class diagram and its traceability.
1 Introduction
A quality model defines a methodology and a set of measures in order to evaluate the
quality of a software system (source code, analysis or conception models, etc.) [1, 2].
MACAO project
has specified its own quality model, based on existing ones [3, 4]. It
uses, besides “classical” object-oriented metrics [5,6], a body of specific metrics ded-
icated to the measurement of factorization
in UML class diagrams [7]. In our quality
model, the results of the computation of the metrics on a given UML class diagram are
combined in order to obtain an evaluation of several quality criteria such as encapsula-
tion, consistency, testability, etc.
Assessing that a quality model actually measures what it is supposed to measure
is an essential task in order to ensure confidence in its results. This article presents a
study of a limited aspect of the validation of MACAO project quality model, namely
the correlation between the degree of factorization of a UML class diagram and the
evaluation of the traceability criterion.
This article is organized as follows:
In section 2 we briefly present quality model validation and explain the validation
we have carried out, which is based on a set of factorization metrics presented in section
CAO is a common project of France Telecom R&D, SOFTEAM and LIRMM (CNRS and
University Montpellier 2.) supported by the french national network on software technologies
We define factorization as the amount of features (attributes and methods) that are shared
through inheritance. The more features are shared, the better the factorization.
Tran C. and Dao M. (2004).
Traceability and Factorization in Class Diagrams: an Experimentation of their Correlation.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Audits and Metrics, pages 38-48
DOI: 10.5220/0002673500380048
3 and on a specification of traceability specified in section 4. We then analyze the results
of our study in section 5 before drawing some conclusions.
2 Quality model validation
Validation of quality models may be roughly divided into two types of activities [8,9]:
the validation that the metrics used in the model actually measure what they claim
to measure. This activity is known as “internal validation”;
the determination of correlations between an external quality criterion (such as
traceability) and an internal measurement. This activity is known as “external vali-
We have chosen to study the set of metrics specific to factorization [7] defined in
MACAO project and we have made a limited internal validation of thoses metrics [10].
Our internal validation was focused on 11 properties extracted from litterature: non-
negativity, null value, simplicity, non-coarseness, non-uniqueness, minimum factori-
sation, maximum factorisation, monotonicity, non-equivalent of interaction, tracking
property, importance of implementation and one property specific to factorization: re-
dundancy. This internal validation is studied and discussed in [10].
Regarding external validation, which is the subject of this article, we have carried
out a study of the correlation between factorization measured by our set of metrics and
the traceability criterion.
Our aim during this study was to (in)validate the following assumption:
The increase of factorization of a UML class diagram leads to an increase
of the traceability criterion
The problem regarding the evaluation of such a correlation is that one must mea-
sure traceability in a way that is not directly based on the factorization. We propose
a definition and a means to compute traceability in section 4 that we believe to be a
good indicator of tracebility’s estimation and to be independent (in its definition) of
3 Factorization measurement
Our set of factorization metrics is based on our previous work on class hierarchy restruc-
turation [11]. We have designed and implemented several algorithms that reconstruct
class hierarchies in order to maximize factorization. Those algorithms use a structure
known as Galois sub-hierarchy which is a restriction of Galois lattice. The Galois sub-
hierarchy provides an organization of classes in a hierarchy where features are max-
imally factorized (they are introduced by only one class and inherited by the others),
thus improving generalization and the number of classes introduced is minimal.
The metrics we have defined measure the “distance” between the existing class
hierarchy and the “ideally factorized” hierarchy that results from the application of one
of our algorithms. Metrics are defined at different levels: feature (attribute and method),
generic feature (set of semantically close features such as all methods with the same
name), class and hierarchy.
As our algorithms reorganize a class hierarchy so that factorization metrics are op-
timal, we used reorganized hierarchies as a benchmark in our study.
4 Traceability
Traceability is a key issue to guarantee consistency among software artifacts of the de-
velopment cycle phases. Together with changeability, modifiability and stability, trace-
ability is a quality criterion closely tied to the software maintenance. The improvement
of those quality criteria will reduce maintenance cost. Their assessment relies, to a large
extent, on software evolution and change impact analysis and is the subject of numerous
Changeability, as “the capacity of the software product to enable a specified mod-
ification to be implemented”, was studied by [12]. The author showed the existence
of a correlation between coupling and changeability and the absence of a significant
correlation between changeability and cohesion.
Modifiability, which is similar to changeability is defined by [13] as “the facility
with which a system can be adapted to the changes in the functional specification, the
environment or the expression of the requirements”. This work is in connection with
the architecture of the system. It argues that modifiability has to be taken into account
in earlier phases of the systems development life cycle.
Stability is also a criterion on which maintainability depends. It is defined as “the
capacity of the software product to avoid the unexpected effects of the modifications
of the software”. Studies on stability are mainly based on the comparison of various
versions of the software [14]. These studies allow to determine the most unstable com-
4.1 Traceability concept
The traceability quality criterion deals with the software modifications which consist in
updating and/or expanding a system during the implementation or maintenance phases.
It is classified in two categories [15]:
internal traceability shows the dependency between objects within a development
phase. It is based on tangible links of the same abstraction level. These tangible
links make the internal traceability easier to compute than the external traceability.
In software design, the internal traceability can be divided into three main types
[16]: object to object, association to association and use case to object;
external traceability concerns relations between objects in different phases of de-
velopment cycle. For example, it could be the relationship between specifications
and testing. External traceability is ensured by cognitive links. These links, by
which objects are connected to others objecs at different abstraction levels, are
determined by an expert who is familiar with the system. Thus, the external trace-
ability links must be manually created, based on the expertise and the intuition of
the designers [17].
In this study, we consider traceability as the facility to find elements impacted by a
modification. A number of research studies deals with code traceability [17–19] and
there are various ongoing works on external design traceability. However, just few
works still focus on internal design traceability.
Our work addresses internal traceability by examining links between elements with-
in a class hierarchy (features, links and classes). In this way, we deal only with the
modification of class diagrams.
The traceability issue regarding class diagrams is to discover which classes, or at
the lower level, which features will be affected when a modification occurs. On the one
hand, traceability does indicate the dependency level of an element in a class diagram.
On the other hand, the dependency level of the element reveals a certain facility of trac-
ing in the class diagram. Therefore, internal traceability is closely connected to com-
plexity and comprehensibility and other quality criteria as stated above. For example,
if a diagram is too complex or too difficult to understand and to analyze, modifications
will be more difficult to trace. In other words, traceability provide designers with an
indicator predicting the consequences of a modification within a class diagram.
4.2 Definitions
p : string
x : real
p : string
p : string
q : string
r : real
p : string
r : real
p : string
q : char
p : string
p : string q : char
s : real
s : real
s : real
s : real
x : real
p : string
p : string
q : string
p : string
Fig.1. Trace and impacted elements of a modification.
Before presenting the calculation method of the traceability concept, we present
hereunder some terms and definitions used in this article.
Modified Element: is a class or a feature where a modification occurs. A modifica-
tion could be :
1. an internal modification such as a modification of an element within a class (for
example: feature redefinition, feature addition/deletion, etc.);
2. an external modification such as a modification of a relation between classes (for
example : class redefinition/addition/deletion or links addition/deletion etc.).
Impacted Element: is a class or a feature that must be adapted after implementing a
In figure 1, a modification of feature q in class C demands adaptations of features x
and p in class D, p and q in class E and s in class AS2. So, features x, p, q, s are defined
as impacted elements by a modification of feature q.
If x/A denotes
the feature x of the class and SET
IMP(X) is defined as
the set of all impacted elements of X, then SET
IMP(q/C) will be {x/D;p/D;
Dependency: is a link between a modified element and an impacted element”.
We say that there exists a dependency between them.
4.3 Impact analysis
(a) (b) (c)
Fig.2. Dependency in an inheritance relationship.
Firstly, our analysis is based on the dependency analysis during which we list down
all the possible cases which are called dependency rules. 15 dependency rules were
defined in our project.
Hereunder is an example of the dependency rule ”features of a child class depend
potentially on all the features of its super class” illustrated in figure 2. In a), feature
m of child class B depends on feature m of super class A. In b) and c) feature q of B
depends on features p and q of A. There exists no explicit dependency of a feature of A
on any feature of B.
Secondly, we used modification scenarios. Three groups of modification scenarios
were delimited:
manipulation of features (addition, deletion, redefinition);
manipulation of links (association link, inheritance link, etc.);
manipulation of classes (addition, deletion, redefinition). The manipulation of fea-
tures and links may be a sub-group of classes manipulation.
The two last groups of scenarios are based on the first one. According to the depen-
dency rules, we found that:
features of the same class are impacted;
features of the children classes are impacted;
features of the associated classes (direct and indirect) are impacted. (Based on the
dependency rules defined for the association links, and taking into account the nav-
igability, the composition, aggregation, etc.);
features of the dependent classes are impacted.
For example, in figure 3, the features impacted by a suppression or an addition of
the feature “nom:string” of class Utilisateur are:
all features of class Utilisateur
all features of class Chauffeur
all features of class TypeVehicule
all features of class Vehicule
all features of class Agence
Altogether, 8 features are impacted by a suppression, an addition or a modification
of feature nom:string of class Utilisateur. This impact covers all the possible scenarios
for the feature.
4.4 Computation method
Two kinds of measures are used to quantify a quality criterion: direct or indirect mea-
sures. Direct measures are the measures of an attribute which does not depend on the
measures of another attribute. Indirect measures are measures which must be calculated
by other measures.
We chose to use direct measures in our project because of the following. Several ex-
isting methods use checklists or interviews to evaluate a quality criterion. Such methods
are based on a cognitive system where information is extracted from the experiences and
expertise parameters. These methods require a significant number of tests, samples and
human resources. The context of our project did not enable us to carry out the external
validation by such methods. Thus, we tried to find internal measures of the class dia-
grams to estimate objectively their traceability. Moreover, computation of these internal
measures may be more easily automated.
Attribute : undefined
Attribute1 : undefined
Attribute2 : undefined
Attribute1 : undefined
Attribute2 : undefined
Attribute : undefined
Nom : string
Nom : string
nomImmatriculation : string
kilometrage : real
estLibre : boolean
est de type
nom : stringnom : string
nomImmatriculation : string
kilometrage : real
estLibre : boolean
permis : char
permis : char
reference : string
dateDepartPrevue : string
dateArriveePrevue : string
commentaire : string
reference : string
dateDepartPrevue : string
dateArriveePrevue : string
commentaire : string
est affecté à
nom : string
hauteur : real
largeur : real
nom : string
hauteur : real
largeur : real
Fig.3. Example of impact analysis in a class diagram.
The distance between the modified elements and the elements impacted was used to
calculate the traceability. The distance from element X to Y is calculated by all the ele-
ments we have to pass from X to Y (figure 4). The relationship between the traceability
and the distances is: the longer the distance, the more difficult to trace and therefore the
worse the traceability.
If there exists more than one track between modified element and impacted element,
the average of distances will be computed.
To calculate the degree of traceability for a given feature, we look for a set of im-
pacted elements of this features. This set includes all the features in the impacted classes
and all the empty impacted classes (an empty class is a class without feature). The dis-
tance between this feature and all impacted elements will be added together. The trace-
ability is the inverse of the distance. If the distance is equal to 0, the traceability is equal
to 1. This means that if the set of impacted elements is null, there is no effort to trace
when a modification is implemented to this feature.
modified element
impacted element
Fig.4. Distance trace between modified element and impacted element.
The traceability of a class will be the sum of the traceabilities of all its features plus
the reverse of the distance between this class with other empty impacted classes.
Suppose that X is an modified element and SET
IMP(X) contains all the
impacted elements of X. We can resume our computation of the traceability of X like
Find SET
Initiate the variable distance DIS=0
For each i
Calculate DIS(X,Y
If DIS==0 then
5 Analysis of experiment results
The traceability measurement is implemented in the UML CASE tool Objecteering
in J language. J is the Objecteering internal object-oriented language that allows to
implement new behaviors on the UML meta-model. The module created allows to find
the impacted elements and to compute the distance and the traceability accordingly.
5.1 Test models
To analyze the correlation between traceability and factorization, we used one of the
algorithms of factorization of class hierarchies (see section 3). This algorithm trans-
forms a hierarchy into an optimally factorized hierarchy which comprises new classes
allowing to factorize features. As a result, the factorization metrics of the elements after
Classes and
Class hierarchy
Factorization metrics
Factorization metrics
Classes and
Statics analysis
factorization metrics after the
transformation is greater than before
Fig.5. Test protocol.
the transformation are necessarily better than before, so a computation of factorization
metrics is not needed.
We use a method combining the replicated and synthetic methods [20]. The compu-
tation was realized on three projects with 100 classes and 264 properties. If a significant
change between the traceability before and after the transformation is found, we will be
able to identify a correlation between the traceability and the factorization of the ele-
ments in the class hierarchy.
5.2 Experiment results
The results of the tests summarize as follows:
For classes:
Only one class among 100 has a worse traceability after the restructuring and the re-
duction for this class is -0,0032 whereas the average increase is 0,1457. The overall
results are:
88% of classes have a better traceability after the transformation;
11% of classes have the same traceability after the transformation;
1% of classes have a worse traceability after the transformation.
the average of the traceability degree before the transformation is 0,1023 and the av-
erage of the traceability’s degree after the transformation is 0,4051 (4 times more).
For features
1. Only 5 features out of 264 features have a worse traceability after the transforma-
tion and the average reduction for these five features is -0,0052 where as the average
increase is 0,1077. The overall results are:
95% of features have a better traceability after the transformation;
2% of features have the same traceability after the transformation;
3% of features have a worse traceability after the transformation.
2. the average of the traceability before the transformation is 0,0560 and the average
of the traceability after the transformation is 0,1638 (3 times enhancement).
As a result, this experiment shows that, on our examples, it is easier to trace modifi-
cations within UML class hierarchies reorganized by one of our algorithms. Therefore,
applying the algorithm of reorganization, allows to increase tracebility, thereby making
maintenance easier.
6 Conclusion
In this article, we have presented a limited experiment of the validation of the correla-
tion between the factorization of a UML class hierarchy and the traceability within this
hierarchy. We have proposed a definition of the concept of traceability that relies on the
fact that the majority of the impacts of a modification in a UML class hierarchy may
be found using the different relations between the classes of the hierarchy (inheritance
and associations). We have implemented an algorithm to compute this traceability and
compared the results of this computation on class hiearchies before and after their re-
structuration by an algorithm that optimizes factorization. On those examples, we could
observe a definite improvement of traceability once the restructuration of the class hi-
erarchy has been carried out.
This work should be extended in two directions. Firstly, we should realize other ex-
periments in order to confirm the positive results of this study. Ideally, we should be able
to have enough numerical results in order to make a statistical analysis. Secondly, there
exists many more quality criteria on which an external validation should be performed
in order to validate our entire quality model.
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