An XML framework for multi-level access control in
the enterprise domain
Ioannis Priggouris
, Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
, Lazaros Merakos
University of Athens, Department of Informatics & Telecommunications,
Panepistimioupolis, Ilissia, 15784,
Athens, Greece
Abstract. Modeling security information has always been a fundamental part
of every security system. A robust and flexible model is needed in order to
guarantee both the easy management of security information and the efficient
implementation of security mechanisms. In this paper, we present an XML-
based framework, which can be used for controlling access to computer sys-
tems. The framework is mainly targeted to enterprise systems and aims to pro-
vide a fine-grained access control infrastructure for securing access to hosted
services. The proposed framework supports both role-based and user-based ac-
cess control on different levels. Although, the discussion focuses mainly on the
data model, access control schemes and guidelines for implementing fitting se-
curity architectures are also provided.
1 Introduction
Secure service access comprises an area of extensive research and interest in the re-
cent years. Different mechanisms and techniques have been adopted with the purpose
of securing access to computer systems. However, apart from the implementation of
the security mechanism a crucial issue in designing a robust security framework is the
structure of the security meta-information, which is consulted in order to verify eligi-
bility of a user for entering the system.
In this paper we present a framework, which can be used for implementing authen-
tication and access control mechanisms over heterogeneous IT infrastructures. The
framework defines the data structures needed for storing security information, as well
as the actual process for implementing authorization and controlling access to specific
resources. The data model specified using XML [7], which makes the architecture
portable over different information repositories (xml files, RDBMSs, Directory Ser-
vices, etc.). Our architecture is targeted to enterprise systems hosting multiple ser-
vices. Its design is focused on providing a flexible scheme, which could sufficiently
support such multi-service environments.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In section 2 a brief overview of re-
lated work and limitations of existing access control schemes is presented, followed
by the description of our proposed model in section 3. The architectural aspects of the
security infrastructure follows in section 4 and the paper concludes with a summary
of the innovation achieved and a discussion on its potential application domain.
Priggouris I., Hadjiefthymiades S. and Merakos L. (2004).
An XML framework for multi-level access control in the enterprise domain.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 227-236
DOI: 10.5220/0002675302270236
2 Technology overview and related work
The simplest form of access control is the client authentication mechanism, which,
however in its primitive form provides a flat security model. Nevertheless it can be
augmented, with support for roles, in order to provide a multi-level security model,
where access to individual resources is controlled separately. A role is an internal
identity of the system, which defines the resources that a specific user is allowed to
access. Role-based security is an elegant way to provide user authorisation and user
access checks for an application. A user belonging to a particular role can access
code, software and resources for which permissions are granted to the role. Incorpo-
rating roles makes security management much more flexible, while the security
framework is rendered capable of supporting different security levels.
Role Based mechanisms for securing access to resources attracted significant re-
search interest after 1990, when the concept of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
emerged rapidly as a proven technology for managing and enforcing security in large-
scale systems. A significant number of research papers on RBAC models and ex-
perimental implementations has been published in the recent past [1], [2], [3], [4], [5],
[6]. A certain shortcoming of all these models is that they define RBAC mechanisms
based on the assumption that roles have global scope. This assumption makes them
inadequate for large enterprise environments, hosting multiple services, which are
administered from different vendors. In such environments, using global roles is not
advisable as their management may prove significant problem for the potential
administrator, especially if the number of hosted services increases substantially.
Evidently, a more flexible approach for controlling access to the resources hosted by
such systems is needed.
3 Security Model
The model we propose is much more fine-grained than those available today. Each
service defines specific roles, which are authoritative only within its context, having
no impact on other services. Moreover, as discussed below, our architecture achieves
all the above without restricting the potential namespace of the roles or the services.
These characteristics are ideal for service provisioning platforms or other systems
hosting varied functional entities, as it reduces drastically the administrative overhead
needed for managing security roles. Moreover the model allows distributed manage-
ment schemes to be adopted both for roles definition and for security enforcement. In
such schemes, separate administrative entities can be responsible for specifying roles
within a single service and assigning users to them, without caring if these roles have
already been specified inside other services also.
Before delving further into the design aspects of the framework we will try to for-
malise it using propositional calculus. Our aim is to provide the basis for the design
work that follows as well as a notation reference for future research in the same area.
Similar formal approaches have been introduced in the past for equivalent architec-
tures, such as the OASIS role-based access control framework [12]. Definitions of
basic concepts, like services, methods, roles and users, which will help the reader
understand better the security architecture are also presented.
The model is based upon 6 basic sets:
x U: set of users
x S: set of services
x M: set of methods
x G: set of method signatures
x R: set of roles
x N: set of role names
A simple user u is an element of U (
) and is defined as an entity, interacting
with the protected computer system. The user usually is a human; however client
programs or other computer systems can also be considered as users.
A service s is an element of S (
), and corresponds to a software component
running on a computer system. Borrowing the Object oriented terminology the ser-
vice is the equivalent of an object and consists of several methods, which are the
actual resources that need to be protected; since no other access in allowed to the
service entity. Each method has a signature
, which consists of its name and
the list of invocation parameters. We won’t delve further into the definition of the
method signature, as it is not of prime importance to our model. A significant con-
straint of the model, we have presented so far, is that method signatures, although
unique within the scope of each service, are not unique within the computer system.
In order to surpass this constraint we use the pair
GSgs u
introducing the con-
cept of method m as an element of M (
), which apparently bears global
uniqueness because
. Moreover, we denote as
the subset of methods
belonging to the same service s. Evidently
mmmM ,...,
ki dd1
for each
A role name n is an element of N (
) and defines a logical label, which is
used within a computer system for diversifying access to the hosted services. A role
name is unique within the scope of its defining service. However, it can be re-used in
the context of another service. In order to avoid confusion between the two defini-
tions our model uses the pair
NSns u,
in order to define a globally unique role
In order to achieve the objective of protecting critical resources each role
r is asso-
ciated both with methods and users. Association with methods is used in order to
determine the resources to be protected and will be hereafter referred to as
role dec-
. Association with users, on the other hand, defines the access rights to the
method and will be referred as
role assignment. In a more formal notation, a role
corresponds to a pair of
MRmr u,
, while a
role assignment to an-
other pair
URur u,
. In order for the user
u to have access to a certain service
m both a role declaration and a role assignment for the same role r must have
been defined within the model. Another association that can be defined in our model
is that between users and services. This association, which will be referred to as
vice eligibility,
is expressed in the form of pairs of
USus u,
and indicate that a
u is eligible to access the service s.
4 Architecture- Framework design
In this section we provide the foundations of our architectural approach and issues
considered during the design phase. As already mentioned the security framework,
supports the following 3 basic security operations:
x Authentication,
x Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
x User-Based Access Control (UBAC)
Authentication is not actually covered by our model, but it is used in order to de-
termine the identity of a user. The authentication mechanism undertakes the task of
establishing a security context, which will carry all the privileges assigned to the
specific user (e.g., roles). Of course these roles are specified inside the framework
and should somehow be mapped to the specific application domain (e.g., the ser-
vices). However this is an implementation specific issue, which should be considered
when implementing the discussed framework. The simplest way to achieve this map-
ping is by hard-coding them inside the applications. Enterprise software offers alter-
native much more flexible ways, by using deployment descriptors ([9], [10]).
User-based access control is supported in two different levels:
x A low-level access control, which enables controlled access to the whole in-
x A high-level access control, providing a more fine-grained mechanism,
which allows controlling access to a specific set of resources (i.e., a single
User-Based Access Control
Role-based access control
High-level Access Control
Low-level Access Control
Authentication & Access Control
Fig. 1. Overall architecture
Role-based and user-based access control work independently of each other but
they both rely on successful user authentication. Depending on the pursued function-
ality, the framework can be configured to enforce role-based or user-based access
control only. The mechanisms could also stack in order to provide an integrated
multi-level access control infrastructure. The proposed stack order is defined by the
arrow in figure 1; low-level user-based access control is the most coarse security
mechanism so it is the first to be invoked while role-based the most refined one and
therefore it is placed last.
Delving inside the heart of the security architecture we find the Registry module.
The Registry holds all information pertaining to potential users of the system, running
services and their roles. Moreover, the mapping between users and roles is harbored
in it. The Registry is updated every time a new service (i.e., bundle of resources) is
installed on the protected system. It is also updated each time a new user is defined as
well as whenever the association between users and services is redefined. In subse-
quent sections the internal structure of the Registry will be presented in detail along
with the key aspects that differentiate its design and allow it to fit in dynamic multi-
service environments.
4.1 Registry
The Registry accommodates two repositories: one for services and roles and another
for the users. Each Repository contains a set of entries of the same type. In order to
populate the two repositories, specific schemes defining the structure of each stored
element were designed. Specifically we defined:
x The User definition scheme
x The Service/Role definition scheme
Other information contained in the Registry includes the mapping between ser-
vices, roles and users.
User definition scheme. This scheme specifies the way a user entry is stored. User
entries act as a container for user-specific data. The defined scheme is fairly simple
and can be seen in figure 2. Although the specification comes in the form of an XML
schema [8], the presented framework does not consider any particular
implementation. Thus, possible implementations may include xml files, RDBMS
tables and LDAP objects.
Each user entry is identified by the unique
id attribute and also has a unique user-
value. The framework uses the id attribute for internally discriminating between
users, while the
username is an easily memorized alias of the id. The scheme also
defines an optional element for storing certificates, which can be used for supporting
certificate-based client authentication. The rest of the fields (
name, surname, other-
info, addresses
etc.) are rather trivial and are mainly used for storing supplementary
information for each user.
Service/Role definition scheme.
The Service definition scheme specifies the
structure of the service entry, which provides a convenient storage scheme for
service-specific data. The scheme can store various information elements pertaining
to the service, as seen in figure 3. The existing information elements were adopted in
order to apply the security framework in a service provisioning platform, where
services were exposed through a web interface. However, the exact definition of the
service scheme can vary according to the application domain as other applications
may require additional data to be stored or render some of the existing elements
The specification of the
roles element is presented in figure 4. Individual roles are
identified by an
id attribute. The id corresponds to the role name (n), as defined in the
formal model, whose uniqueness within the scope of the same service is enforced by
the proposed service specification. Embedding each role inside the service entry al-
lows for the automatic pairing between service and role
ids (i.e, the (s,n) pairs identi-
fying the globally unique role
r). A status attribute is supported for each role, allow-
ing its enablement or disablement on-demand. The
role is also the entity, which con-
tains the actual association with the users (i.e. the
role assignment that was defined in
the formal model). In order to avoid duplicate
member entries for each role, the corre-
sponding element is marked as unique. The values of the
member elements corre-
spond to the
ids of the users as the latter are defined inside the registry.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
<xs:element name="addresses">
<xs:all maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="address" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="user">
<xs:element name="username" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="password" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="surname" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="
certificate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/
<xs:element name="otherinfo" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="addresses" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="users">
<xs:all maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element ref="user" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:key name="idUniqueness">
<xs:selector xpath="user"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
<xs:selector xpath="user"/>
<xs:field xpath="username"/>
"[POYHUVLRQ HQFRGLQJ 87)"!
Fig. 2.
User entry specification
Fig. 3.
Service entry specification
The service specification contains also the appropriate information needed by the
framework’s access control mechanisms. Linking to these mechanisms is achieved
through the defined
accessControl element. The aforementioned element appears in
two different levels within the service specification (see figure 3); one at the
level, which intends to cover low-level access to all possible resources (i.e., to the
whole protected system) and a second one at the
service level. The latter realises the
service eligibility association, defined in our model, thus implementing the high-level
access control that was defined in the beginning of the section.
The defined schema for the
accessControl element is presented in figure 5. In or-
der to support a flexible definition framework, the schema has the option of choosing
between specifying either a list of users eligible to access the controlled resource or a
list of non-eligible users. The appropriate information is stored under the
allowed or
notAllowed elements respectively, in the form of sets of user ids. The proposed
scheme validates that the same
user does not appear sin two different areas inside the
accessControl element, thus avoiding erroneous situations, where two conflict-
ing restrictions apply to a single user.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="h tt p: // www. w3. org/ 20 01/ XMLSchema ">
<xs:simpleType name="sBoolean">
<xs:enumeration valu e="ENABLED"/>
<xs:enumeration valu e="DISABLED"/>
<xs :el ement name="member"type="xs:string"/>
<xs :el ement name="members ">
<xs :compl exType>
<xs:all maxO cc ur s ="unbounded">
<xs :el ement ref="member "mi n Oc cu rs ="0"/>
</xs :compl exType>
<xs:uni que name="NoDupl icat eUs ersPer Role">
<xs :sel ector xpat h="member "/>
<xs:field xpath="."/>
</xs :el ement
<xs :el ement name="role">
<xs :compl exType>
<xs :el ement name="description"type="xs:string"mi nOc cur s="0"/>
<xs :el ement name="otherinfo"type="xs:string"mi n Oc cu rs ="0"/>
<xs :el ement ref="member s" mi n Oc cur s ="0"/ >
<xs:attribute name="id"type="xs:string"use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="status"type="sBoolean"use="opt i onal " default="ENABLED"/>
</xs :compl exType>
</xs :el ement>
<xs :el ement name="roles">
<xs :compl exType>
<xs:all maxO cc ur s ="unbounded">
<xs :el ement ref="role" mi nO cc ur s ="0"/>
</xs :compl exType>
<xs:uni que name="uniqueRolesPerService">
<xs :sel ector xpat h="role"/>
<xs:field xpath="@i d "/>
</xs :el ement>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
<xs:simpleType name="sBoolean">
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="ENABLED"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DISABLED"/>
<xs:element name="notAllowed">
<xs:compl exTyp e>
<xs:all maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="user" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="allowed">
<xs:compl exTyp e>
<xs:all maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element name="user" type="xs:string" minOccurs
<xs:element name="accessControl">
<xs:compl exTyp e>
<xs:element ref="allowed" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element ref="notAllowed" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:attribute name="status" type="sBoolean" use="optional" default="ENABLED"/>
<xs:unique name="uniqueUserAllowed">
<xs:selector xpath="allowed/user"/>
<xs:field xpath="."/>
<xs:unique name="uniqueUserNotAllowed">
<xs:selector xpath="notAllowed/user"/>
<xs:field xpath="."/>
Fig. 4. Roles specification Fig. 5. Access Control specification
An obvious omission, from our formal model is that no information concerning
service methods is defined within the introduced XML specifications. Apparently, no
role declarations, as defined in the formal model, exist but roles are directly associ-
ated with services instead of methods. Role declarations were deliberately not in-
cluded in our proposed schemes as there are already related XML specifications,
which are widely used today. The most noteworthy of these schemes is the EJB 2.x
declarative security specification [10], [11] an example of which is cited in figure 6.
Fig. 6.
Declarative security definition in EJB 2.0 (excerpt from the EJB deployment descriptor)
4.2 Security mechanisms
A fundamental part of the security framework is the
security context, which is created
after a successful
id is detected. The security context is an internal memory object
indexed by the unique user
id which holds all security information related to the spe-
cific user. An example of its structure (i.e., supported fields) is presented in figure 7.
Following its creation, the security context is updated with the appropriate security
information for the designated user.
Id u1235678
System access OK
roles: service1.role1
Valid until 12/4/2003 11:52
Fig. 7. Security Context definition
Each entry of the security context is filled with the appropriate information by the
corresponding security mechanism. Low-level access control sets the
system access
field, while high-level access control updates the
accessible services field with all
services available to the user. Finally the role-based authorization process retrieves,
from the registry, all the available roles for a specific user and inserts them in the
roles field. The role of the security context is to provide some kind of caching
mechanism for the information pertaining to the authenticated user in order to speed
the authorization and access control process. It can be eliminated without any impact
to the pursued functionality, but then each security mechanism will need to consult
the Registry for every request submitted to the protected system, even if this request
is the same with a previous one. The whole access control process is depicted in fig-
ure 8.
New user
certifica te
ID detected
Lo w -le vel user-
based access
ID eligible?
Failed to access
the resource
Access the
High-level user-
based access
ID eligible?
Role based
access control
ID authorised?No
context (ID)
Create security
Fig. 8. Access control process
User-Based Access Control. It includes the low level and the high-level user-based
access control mechanisms.
Low-level access control. The low-level access control is the first security mecha-
nism, which can be applied in order to restrict/allow access to the whole protected
system. The mechanism is automatically enabled if the accessControl element of the
services portion of the Registry is present and set to ENABLED.
Low-level access control, searches all the entries under the aforementioned ele-
ment for a
member value that matches the id of the user who accesses the system.
Depending on whether the
id is a member of the allowed or notAllowed element the
user can be granted or refused access to the rest of the resources. The mechanism
takes also provision for updating the
system access field of the security context with a
YES or NO value. When a stack access control architecture like the one
depicted in figure 1 is adopted, further invocation of subsequent access control
mechanisms rely on the result produced by this security mechanism.
High-level access control. High-level access control is the second mechanism, which
can be enforced. It performs the same operations with the low-level control, which
was discussed in the previous section but on the service level this time. Depending on
the implementation approach, high-level access control could process the whole Reg-
istry (i.e., all service entries) once and update the security context accordingly or
perform this check on a per request basis each time access to a new service is re-
quested. Before invoking a certain bundle of resources (e.g. a service), the mecha-
nism checks whether the user is eligible to access the specific service and authorizes
his further admission inside the service. Hereafter, the last mechanism (RBAC), un-
dertakes the task of handling the user request.
Role-based Access Control. Supporting different roles per service is the key issue
that differentiates the proposed framework from other security infrastructures. The
RBAC mechanism performs a two phases process in order to determine if a user is
eligible to access a resource inside the multi-service system.
In the first phase the roles of the authenticated user are retrieved and stored inside
security context. All services inside the Registry are sequentially processed, and if
the particular
user owns a specific role, the corresponding role name is appended in
the list of
roles of the security context. A role object consists of the role name, which
is specified by the service administrator/creator, prefixed by the service name, thus
forming the role
r as defined in our model. The latter is unique inside the Registry,
thus, guaranteeing also the global uniqueness of the role.
The second phase involves the actual access control process. At first, the required
roles for accessing the resource/method are determined. This determination could
vary depending upon the used
role declaration scheme. For example, in J2EE envi-
ronments required the roles could be retrieved, by searching inside the deployment
descriptor (see figure 6). Subsequently, the required roles are checked against those
present in the
security context, which were retrieved during the first phase. If a match
is found the user is authorized to access the resource. The second phase takes place
every time a certain resource is accessed, while the first one only once when the
RBAC mechanism is firstly invoked.
5 Conclusions
In this paper, we presented a security framework for controlling access to the critical
resources of a computer system. We focused mainly on the definition of the appropri-
ate data structures, which will accommodate the information needed for performing
the required security checks. A configurable 3-layer resource access control mecha-
nism, which allows implementation of security mechanism on two levels was also
introduced. On the first level a coarse user-based access control is performed on the
system’s level, while on the second level a fine-grained role-based access control is
performed on the service level. The most significant achievement of the framework is
that it allows the definition of role names inside a certain service, without influencing
other services running on the same computer system; yet each role maintains its
uniqueness throughout the whole system, thus allowing the adoption of distributed
(i.e., on a service level) role management schemes. The aforementioned characteristic
is extremely important in enterprise systems and multi-service environments, as it can
significantly reduce the administrative overhead needed for controlling access to their
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