Implementation of a Web Services Based Recruitment
Platform for Student Jobs
Rami Hansenne
, Veerle Van der Sluys
, and Bartel Van de Walle
Actonomy NV, Stapelplein 70,
9000 Gent, Belgium
Tilburg University, Department of Information Systems and Management,
5000 LE Tilburg, the Netherlands
Abstract. This paper discusses the implementation of a web services enabled
application framework allowing distributed university websites to register and
exchange information with a centralized recruitment server regarding small or
odd jobs that can be performed by their students.
1 Introduction
Web Services are the next logical step in the evolution of distributed computing.
Based on open industry standards, web services enable integration and communica-
tion of applications in a loosely coupled, simple and platform independent man-
ner.This article discusses the use of web services in the context of an HR recruitment
application, which we have named OddJobs. The OddJobs Central Information Sys-
tem manages a multitude of job openings targeted specifically at university students.
These jobs are typically small jobs – or odd jobs – which can be done in a few hours
or days at most. This excludes in principle any full time or part-time jobs, for which
dedicated job sites are plentiful these days. The main concept behind OddJobs is the
centralized management of these jobs, such that a job opening posted on one univer-
sity website is available to all other registered universities as well. To achieve this
objective, certain considerations need to be made. The number of client websites is
not static as new member sites can join at any time. Therefore, an architecture needs
to be present allowing websites to connect to the centrally hosted OddJobs, independ-
ent of the website’s hosting location. Furthermore, the implementation details of these
websites are unknown and may be set up by third parties. In other words, the server
connection mechanism needs to be transparent and independent of the client platform
(jsp/asp/…). Since these client websites are hosted in a distributed manner, a means
of communication was required, capable of passing through firewalls without prob-
lems. Finally, it should be relatively straightforward for client websites to integrate
the OddJobs functionality into their portal. In order to meet these requirements we
chose to use a SOAP web services architecture, as it allows clients to connect to the
services, independent of the client platform or location. SOAP uses HTTP as its
Hansenne R., Van der Sluys V. and Van de Walle B. (2004).
Implementation of a Web Services Based Recruitment Platform for Student Jobs.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Web Services: Modeling, Architecture and Infrastructure, pages 103-108
DOI: 10.5220/0002677801030108
transport mechanism, which avoids potential problems with firewalls and thus makes
it an ideal choice in comparison to other RPC architectures. The general principle is
that OddJobs offers a number of well defined services, such as registration, user
login, job catalogs or categories, and posting resumes to the system. These resumes
are presented in the format of questionnaires, and can be filled in by the students to
allow the backend to identify the most suitable jobs for the applicant. Participating
websites need to integrate a SOAP client capable of handling the requests/ responses
to and from these services. To ease client integration, a SOAP client module in the
form of a JSP taglib was implemented, such that the OddJobs functionality can be
incorporated with a minimal required knowledge of the web services protocols.
2 The OddJobs platform
The OddJobs platform consists of several main modules, each consisting of a
number of specific submodules, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Overview of the OddJobs Platform
2.1 Data handling and business logic
All jobs submitted to OddJobs via a client website are stored and maintained on a
central server. Client web sites need not concern themselves with the data handling or
business logic involved in managing job submissions or registrations. They can
instead focus entirely on presenting this functionality in a userfriendly manner to their
respective audiences. It is the task of the centralized back-end to process the client
requests. The J2EE compatible (and therefore platform-independent) back-end
contains several submodules for doing just that. The data module is composed of a
central database with an object abstraction layer, shielding the object oriented logic
business layer from the relational database access and allowing easy switching of
database dialects, thus making the back-end portable over a multitude of database
vendor implementations. A separate module is in charge of modeling each of the
system’s use cases. These use cases may for instance be ‘creating a job catalog’,
‘retrieving job information for a certain client website’ or ‘logging out a user’. One
specific business logic submodule, the xMP matching engine, handles the matching
of a job applicants cv and/or preferences and with the job specifications. It does so in
a fuzzy manner in order to determine the best possible matches in case no exact
matches exist (Hansenne et al., 2004). A centralized administration module takes care
of the server configuration and management of functionalities that are not available to
the client websites, such as management of website permissions.
2.2 The web service providers
The SOAP Web Services are a set of Java libraries which connect to the backend to
perform certain services, based on the input they get from the client. These services
mirror the use cases provided by the business logic layer. The data transfer between
client and server is abstracted away from the underlying SOAP XML transmission
and processing, by encapsulated it into POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects). These are
(de)serialized to and from XML by the Soap request handler (described later on) and
streamed to the client websites. The mapping of data objects to XML has been made
as generic as possible to allow an easy modification of the data objects structure (for
instance adding extra fields), without having to redesign the services themselves.
2.3 The web service clients
The websites that join the OddJobs platform need to implement a SOAP client that
is capable of connecting to the SOAP services. Such a client has been implemented
for JSP based websites. The clients actually consist of proxy objects (client stubs)
which mirror the functionality of the web services. This means that the websites can
use the web service classes as if they were locally available to them. All of the XML
mapping and streaming is handled behind the screens and is thus transparent to the
client developer. The XML received by the proxy objects is deserialized into data
objects which can then be read and modified by the client.
2.4 The JSP taglib
Using the proxy objects directly in the web pages would be quite messy and would
make the source code of the JSP pages hard to read. It would also require the client
side programmers to have a thorough knowledge of the inner workings of the proxy
objects. To avoid this, a JSP tag library has been constructed which handles all of the
communication with the proxy objects. The JSP developers working on implementing
the OddJobs functionality into the site need only know how to use and configure
these JSP tags. The JSP tags make the data bean objects available to the jsp page for
getting/setting properties and submitting data to the back-end.
3 OddJobs Webmodule Architecture
In this section, we describe the architecture of the different components that make up
the web module. The Java Beans data objects encapsulate the data that need to be
passed around by the SOAP services and SOAP clients. They avoid having to use
method calls that require dozens of arguments. For instance, all details concerning a
user (login, password, address, email, company or university, gender, …) can be
encapsulated into a single object. Even if the exact amount of fields contained in the
beans changes, the SOAP/Taglib implementation remains independent of the exact
contents of a data object, as mapping/serialization is handled in a generic way
through introspection.
All web services are handled by dedicated service managers. These managers can
be used transparently by the client, as if they were available locally. For instance, the
User Manager handles all requests that are related to the OddJobs users: user
login/logout; user registration; user profile updates, etc. The catalog manager handles
job catalog or job category related requests: retrieval of a job catalog; retrieval of the
questionnaire attached to a certain catalog; posting the answers to a questionnaire
back to the system, etc. In the future, additional managers can be added, without
worrying about the SOAP remoting code. By implementing a manager interface, new
managers can automatically be exposed to clients without having to write a new invo-
cation handler.
The Web service managers do nothing more than calling the corresponding
methods of the backend and encapsulating the sent and received data into Java Beans
data objects. All non primitive data needs to be type mapped however before it can be
serialized into an XML SOAP call. On the server side these mappings are defined as
deployment descriptors and can easily be modified and redeployed (this is only
required if the object types sent and returned by services change, not if the structure
of the beans change). On the client side however a mapping must also be defined
before the SOAP call can be invoked. Most web services deployment tools generate
hard-coded client stub and server skeleton classes containing the logic of type
mapping and serializing the transferrable data. This method has a serious
disadvantage: whenever the deployment parameters change or the structure of the
passed data needs to be modified, the client stub code needs to be regenerated. This of
course is not a valid option when dozens of clients connect to a back-end solution as
each of these clients would need to be updated.
To alleviate this problem, all SOAP requests/reponses pass through a central Call
handler. In stead of defining the serializers for every argument or returned object,
every time a soap call is made, the SOAP Handler dynamically introspects the Java
beans it receives and create the required type mappings at runtime. Furthermore, the
Handler is capable of proxying the serverside service manager objects as local objects
through introspection of the manager interfaces. The handler will create a dynamic
proxy object for every service request and handle all the invocations on the proxy by
relaying the method call through SOAP. This means that the client application
(taglib) will only need to use the proxy objects without knowledge of SOAP or
remote method invocation. As for the deployment details, these are also configured at
runtime by the Call Handler, by parsing the web services description (WSDL) file
made available by the back-end. Any change to the deployment specifications is thus
automatically noticed by all clients and configuration changes are performed as re-
For an even more flexible setup the WSDL file(s) describing the web services can
be published to a UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration) server,
thus allowing the clients to query the UDDI server in case a call to the back-end fails.
Based on the server response the clients can then dynamically update their configura-
tion and automatically reconnect to the back-end using the new setup.
4 Caching
The OddJobs platform features both front-end (website) and back-end caching.
The back-end caches database-queries, while the front-end limits the number of soap-
requests that get sent to the back-end. Both caching mechanisms are absolutely essen-
tial. After all, the back-end is constantly and concurrently handling requests from
numerous client websites, so it is important to limit the number of database queries
while maintaining a synchronized state for all clients. Soap calls are also costly opera-
tions as they require XML parsing on both client and server side. They are also heav-
ily dependant on the connection speed between the back-end and its clients. As few
as possible of these remote calls should be made. All objects transferred to and from
the web services can be cached: individual and lists of catalogs, offers, content items,
user profiles, questionnaires, preferences, as well as form data (countries, nationali-
A typical client request is handled as shown in Figure 5. The web client calls the
correct service proxy to handle the request. The proxy checks it’s local cache for an
existing response to the specific request parameters it is passed. If it finds a hit, the
result is returned without performing a soap call. In the other case, the corresponding
back-end web service is called. The back-end will check its cache and based on the
results, either directly return a cached response or perform the business logic opera-
tion including database access. To make sure all client websites are synchronized, the
back-end may send a synchronization signal to all the client websites, instructing
them to update a specific part of their cache. This action is performed in case the
client request modified the platform state (for example, when a job gets
added/removed) and consists of an http connection with an event listener servlet on
the client side. The original client web site receives the server response and caches it
locally. he back-end cache keeps a record of all the items requested by all the web-
sites, while the website cache only keeps track of items it requested itself. That’s why
a miss on the local client cache might still produce a hit on the back-end cache, even
though they all get cleared on the same event notifications. The caches are based on
soft references, to make sure items automatically get de-allocated when server mem-
ory usage peeks. A time-out can be configured to ensure the cache gets cleared from
time to time, in case something goes wrong with the notification system; for example,
when the back-end temporarily can’t notify the clients due to network problems.
5 Conclusion
The OddJobs platform serves as the backbone of what is intended to become a dy-
namic student job marketplace (Van de Walle 2003). Indeed, while the platform has
been developed in close collaboration with early adapters (in particular the New Jer-
sey Institute of Technology in Newark), the OddJobs roll-out throughout Europe in
2004 is a major objective of Actonomy. Based on the technological framework de-
scribed in this paper, and the underlying fuzzy matching technology described else-
where (Van de Walle et al., 2002; Hansenne et al., 2004), the authors aim to establish
a thriving virtual community of European students using OddJobs to find small jobs
they can take up during their studies (Bieber et al, 2002).
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