Interlingual wordnets validation and word-sense
Dan Tufiş
, Radu Ion
Institute for Artificial Intelligence, 13, Calea 13 Septembrie, 050711, Bucharest 5, Romania
Faculty of Informatics, University “A.I. Cuza”, 16, Gral. Berthelot, Iaşi, 6600, Romania
Abstract. Understanding natural language assumes one way or another, being
able to select the appropriate meaning for each word in a text. Word-sense
disambiguation is, by far, the most difficult part of the semantic processing
required for natural language understanding. In a limited domain of discourse
this problem is alleviated by considering only a few of the senses one word
would have listed in any general purpose dictionary. Moreover, when multiple
senses are considered for a lexical item, the granularity of these senses is very
coarse so that discriminating them is much simpler than in the general case.
Such a solution, although computationally motivated with respect to the
universe of discourse considered, has the disadvantage of reduced portability
and is fallible when the meanings of words cross the boundaries of the
prescribed universe of discourse. A general semantic lexicon, such as Princeton
WordNet 2.0 (henceforth PWN2.0), with word-senses labeled for specialized
domains offers much more expressivity and power, reducing application
dependency but, on the other hand posing the hard and challenging problem of
contextual word-sense disambiguation. We describe a multilingual
environment, relying on several monolingual wordnets, aligned to PWN2.0 via
an interlingual index (ILI), for word-sense disambiguation in parallel texts. The
words of interest, irrespective of the language in the multilingual documents are
uniformly disambiguated by using the same sense-inventory labels.
1 Introduction
Semantic lexicons are one of the most valuable resources for a plethora of natural
language applications. Incorporating Wordnet or its monolingual followers in modern
NLP-based systems becomes a general trend motivated by numerous reports showing
significant improvements in the overall performances of these systems. Multilingual
wordnets, such as EuroWordNet and the ongoing BalkaNet, which adopted the
Princeton Wordnet [1] as a conceptual interlingua, represent one step further with
great promises in the domain of multilingual processing. We describe a multilingual
environment for word-sense disambiguation in parallel texts, relying on several
monolingual wordnets developed within the BalkaNet European project. The
BalkaNet wordnets are aligned via PWN2.0 which is used as an interlingual index
(ILI). A general presentation of the BalkaNet project is given in [2]. The detailed
presentation of the Romanian wordnet, part of the BalkaNet multilingual lexical
ontology, is given in [3, 4]. The EuroWordNet is largely described in [5].
Tufi¸s D. and Ion R. (2004).
Interlingual wordnets validation and word-sense disambiguation.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 97-105
DOI: 10.5220/0002677900970105
Terminologically, in a multilingual wordnet of the type considered here, one may
distinguish meanings from concepts:
the meanings are lexicalized in different languages by synsets (synonymy lists,
each lemma being indexed by the sense number that justifies the synonymy
relation); the synsets/meanings of the monolingual wordnets are structured
similarly, using both standard relations from the set defined in PWN2.0 and
language specific relations (especially to deal with idiosyncratic lexical relations
among words in each languages); language specific synsets are linked, by
equivalence relations, to the concepts in the interlingual index;
the concepts are “language independent” representations of the similar meanings
expressed in different languages; they are anchor points that allows one to
navigate from a synset in one language to the synsets that lexicalize the same (or a
very close) meaning in all the other languages; currently the concepts in the
BalkaNet multilingual wordnet are in a one-to-one mapping to the PWN2.0 but
several region specific concepts (more often then not they are lexicalized across
Balkan languages by cognates), will be added in the interlingual index.
The BalkaNet project aims at building, along the lines of the EuroWordNet lexical
ontology, wordnets for five new Balkan languages (Bulgarian, Greek, Serbian,
Romanian and Turkish) and at improving the Czech wordnet developed in the
EuroWordNet project. The BalkaNet consortium adopted a concerted strategy for
building the monolingual wordnets so they would maximize the cross-lingual
coverage. To this end, a set of common ILI concepts corresponding to a conceptually
dense subset of PWN2.0 was selected and implemented in each language.
The methodology and the system which implements the multilingual environment
for word-sense disambiguation presuppose the correctness of the monolingual
wordnets and their accurate interlingual linking. If this is not the case, the same
system can be interactively used for identifying missing senses for the targeted words,
for pinpointing conceptual alignment errors between the senses of words in different
languages and for correcting whatever errors were found. Both the autonomous and
the interactive regimes of the system result in uniformly sense-tagging of the words of
interest, irrespective of the language in the multilingual documents. The uniform
sense labels are ILI codes. For instance the ILI-code 04209815-n identifies the
interlingual concept expressed in English by any synonym of the word table (sense 2
in PWN2.0) and which is lexicalized in the BalkaNet language wordnets by the words
(and their respective synonyms) маса (Bulgarian sense 1), τραπέζι (Greek sense 1),
sto (Serbian sense 1), masă (Romanian sense 13) masa (Turkish sense 1) or stůl
(Czech sense 1).
2 Assumptions and the Basic Methodology
One fundamental assumption in the study of language is its compositional semantics.
Compositionality is a feature of language by virtue of which the meaning of a
sentence is a function of the meanings of its constituent parts (going down to the level
of the constituent words). With this tarskian approach to meaning, our methodology
assumes that the meaning building blocks (lexical items – single or multiple word
units) in each language of a parallel text could be automatically paired (at least some
of them) and as such, these lexical items should be aligned to closely related concepts
at the ILI level. In other words, if the lexical item W
in the first language is found to
be translated in the second language by W
, common intuition says that it is
reasonable to expect that at least one synset which the lemma of W
belongs to, and
at least one synset which the lemma of W
belongs to, would be aligned to the same
interlingual record or to two interlingual records semantically closely related.
However, in both EuroWordNet and BalkaNet the interlingual index is not structured,
so we need to clarify what “closely related ILI recods” means. We define the
relatedness of two ILI records R
and R
as the semantic similarity between the
synsets Syn
and Syn
of PWN2.0 that correspond to R
and R
. A semantic similarity
function SYM(Syn
, Syn
) could be defined in many ways [6]. We used a very simple
and effective one: SYM(Syn
, Syn
where N is the number of oriented links
traversed from one synset to the other or from the two synsets up to the closest
common ancestor. One should note that every synset is linked (EQ-SYN) to exactly
one ILI record and that no two different synsets of a given wordnet have the same ILI
code assigned to them. In the context of this research, we assume that the hierarchy
preservation principle [4] holds true.
As a test-bed, we use the wordnets developed within the BalkaNet European
project and the “Nineteen Eighty-Four” parallel corpus [7] which currently includes
four relevant languages for BalkaNet (with the prospects of extending the corpus to
all the BalkaNet languages). The methodology for semantic validation assumes the
following basic steps:
A) given a bitext T
in languages L1 and L2 for which there are aligned wordnets,
one extracts the pairs of lexical items that are reciprocal translations:{<W
B) for each lexical alignment of interest, <W
>, one extracts the synsets in
each language that contain the lexical items of the current pair and respectively
their ILI projections. There will result two lists of ILI labels, one for each
language, L
and L
. Based on the content evaluation of these two lists,
several lines of reasoning might be followed highlighting various problems
related to: the implementation of one or the other of the two wordnets, the
alignment to the ILI; different sense granularity among wordnets; lexical gaps;
wrong translation in the bitext, etc.
The first processing step is crucial and its accuracy is essential for the success of the
validation method. A recent shared task evaluation (
of different word aligners, organized on the occasion of the Conference of the
NAACL showed that step A) may be solved quite reliably. The best performing word
alignment system [8] produced bilingual translation lexicons, relevant for wordnets
evaluation, with an aggregated F-measure as high as 84.26%.
3 Interlingual Validation Based on Parallel Corpus Evidence
Having a parallel corpus, containing texts in k+1 languages (T, L
, L
) and
having monolingual wordnets for all of them, interlinked via an ILI-like structure, let
us call T the target language and L
, L
as source languages. The parallel corpus
is encoded as a sequence of translation units (TU). A translation unit contains
aligned sentences from each language, with tokens tagged and lemmatized as
exemplified below (for details on encoding see
Table 1. A partial translation unit from the parallel corpus
<tu id="Ozz.113">
<seg lang="en">
<s id="Oen.">
<w lemma="Winston" ana="Np">Winston</w>
<w lemma="be" ana="Vais3s">was</w> ... </s>
<seg lang="ro">
<s id="Oro.">
<w lemma="Winston" ana="Np">Winston</w>
<w lemma="fi" ana="Vmii3s">era</w> ... </s>
<seg lang="cs">
<s id="Ocs.">
<w lemma="Winston" ana="Np">Winston</w>
<w lemma="se" ana="Px---d--ypn--n">si</w> ... </s>
. . .
We will refer to the wordnet for the target language as T-wordnet and to the one
for the language L
as the i-wordnet. We use the following notations:
T_word = a target word, say w
= the j-th occurrence of T_word;
= the translation equivalent (TE) for T_word
in the source language L
, say w
the pair (w
, w
) is called a translation pair (for the languages considered);
EQ = the n*k matrix containing translation equivalents of the T_word (n occurrences,
k languages):
Table 2. The translation equivalents matrix (EQ matrix)
Occ #1 eq
Occ #2 eq
… …
Occ #n eq
= the translation unit containing T_word
= a vector, containing the TEs of T_word
in language L
: (eq
If T_word
is not translated in the language L
then eq
is represented by the null
string. Every non-null element eq
of the EQ matrix is subsequently replaced with the
set of all ILI codes that correspond to the senses of the word eq
as described in the
wordnet of the j-language. Thus we obtain the matrix EQ_ILI which is the same as
EQ matrix except that it has a set of ILI codes for every cell. If some cells in the EQ
matrix contain empty strings, then the corresponding cells in EQ_ILI will obviously
contain empty sets. For T_word the set of ILI codes is T_ILI = (ILI
The next step is to define our target data structure. Let us consider a new matrix,
called VSA (Validation and Sense Assignment):
Table 3. The VSA matrix
Occ #1 VSA
Occ #2 VSA
… …
Occ #n VSA
with VSA(i,j) = T_ILI EQ_ILI(i,j), if EQ_ILI(i,j) is non-empty and (undefined)
The j
column of the VSA matrix provides valuable corpus-based information for the
evaluation of the interlingual linking of the the j-wordnet and T-wordnet.
Ideally, computing for each line i the set SA
(sense assignment) as the intersection
VSA(i,1)VSA(i,2)…VSA(i,k) one should get at a single ILI code: SA
that is the i
occurrence of the target word was used in all source languages with the
same meaning, represented interlingually by ILI
. If this happened for any T_word,
then the WSD problem (at least with the parallel corpora) would not exist. But this
does not happen, and there are various reasons for it: the wordnets are partial and
(even the PWN) are not perfect, the human translators make mistakes, there are
lexical gaps between different languages, the automatic extraction of translation
equivalents is far from error-free, etc.
Yet, for cross-lingual validation of interlinked wordnets the analysis of VSAs may
offer wordnet developers extremely useful hints on senses and/or synsets missing in
their wordnets, wrong ILI mappings of synsets, wrong human translation in the
parallel corpus and mistakes in translation equivalents extraction. Once the wordnets
have been validated and corrected accordingly, the WSD (in parallel corpora) should
be very simple. There are two ways of exploiting VSAs for validation:
Vertical validation (VV): the development team of i-wordnet (native speakers of
the language L
with very good command of the target language) will validate their
own i-wordnet with respect to the T-wordnet, that is from all VSA matrixes (one for
each target word) they would pay attention only to the i
column (the VSA(L
Horizontal validation (HV): for each VSA all SAs will be computed. Empty SAs
could be an indication of ILI mapping errors still surviving in one or more wordnets
(or could be explained by lexical gaps, wrong translations etc) and as such, the
suspicious wordnet(s) might be re-validated in a focused way. The case of an SA
containing more than a single ILI identifier could be explained by the possibility of
having in all i-languages words with similar ambiguity.
Figure 1. WSD Tool validation interface (English-Romanian pair of languages)
Our system called WSD Tool implements the methodology described above and
offers an easy-to-use interface for the interactive task of semantic validation. It
incorporates the statistical translation equivalents extraction system (TREQ&TREQ-
AL, described in [9, 10]) as well as a graphic visualization of the two wordnets used
in the validation process. When it runs in the validation (interactive) regime, the WSD
Tool interface displays (see Figure 1):
a browsable list of target words (T-Words);
when a target word is clicked, all the translation units in which it appears are
shown in a new scrollable window with the occurrences of T-word
and their
corresponding translation equivalents eq
being highlighted;
clicking the eq
translation equivalent in the i
translation unit simultaneously
opens three smaller windows: the first one displays the content of the VSA(i,j) cell
while the second and third ones contain browsable graphical representations of the
hierarchies in the T-wordnet and j-wordnet of the synsets that are linked to the ILI
codes in the VSA(i,j) set. Clicking the nodes of these graphs will display the
appropriate entries from the respective wordnet.
4 Evaluation of the Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation
The evaluation of the WSD Tool accuracy in word-sense disambiguation requires
proper command of languages present in the parallel corpus. Therefore we restrict
ourselves on the English-Romanian bitext and use data from the vertical validation
with EN as target language and RO as source language. We should mention that
vertical validations for other source languages in BalkaNet multilingual wordnet are
planned by each consortium team, so that a horizontal validation and a harmonized
sense-tagging of all the languages in the “1984” parallel corpus is expected soon.
For the purpose of this evaluation we selected a bag of English nouns and verbs
occurring in the original text of Orwell with the following restrictions: a) all their
senses listed in PWN2.0 corresponded to ILI records that were implemented in the
Romanian wordnet (this way we were sure that irrespective of the sense in which such
a word was used in the English text, its meaning was present in the Romanian
wordnet) and b) each selected English word had at least two senses. Without the
second restriction, the initial bag of English words contained 530 lemmas but, after
removing the trivial cases (restriction b) the target bag of words contained only 211
lemmas (122 nouns and 89 verbs) with the number of senses ranging from two to
Table 5. The WSD evaluation in the validation regime
occ. occ. not
occ. fully
occ. partially
wrong TEs
211 1756 355 1401 681
These 211 word types, altogether, occurred 1756 times. Out of the total number of
the target English occurrences, 355 were not translated in the Romanian part of the
bitext so that they were discarded from this evaluation. The precision of the
disambiguation procedure for the 1401 translated occurrences of the targeted words is
summarized in the table 5.
Almost half of the occurrences of the target English words (681) were fully
disambiguated (the corresponding cell in the VSA matrix contained a single ILI
identifier). For 514 occurrences (36.86%) of the target words the disambiguation was
partial meaning that the corresponding cells of the VSA matrix contained at least two
pairs of ILI identifiers, each of them being associated with a similarity score. In the
validation mode, we selected the correct disambiguation. In 398 cases the correct pair
was the one with the highest similarity score. In 108 cases there were two pairs with
the best score and the correct disambiguation was among them. The heuristics
according to which our system resolves the draws (picking the pair with the smallest
sum of sense numbers) gave the correct result 104 times. In 3 cases the correct sense
was present but not the best scored and in 5 cases the correct sense was not in the list
(these cases revealed wrong Wordnet alignments).
The last two rubrics in Table 5 show errors in the data used by WSD Tool.
Wrong TEs are mistakes done by either TREQ-AL, our word aligner and
translation equivalence extractor, or the preprocessing phases (tokenization, tagging).
The TREQ-AL error rate (12.41%) in this experiment is consistent with the error rate
(for the dictionary extraction) previously reported (13.32%) in the word-alignment
competition at the NAACL 2003 Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts
(Romanian-English Shared Task) [8]. The slightly better figure in this experiment is
due to the fact that here we considered only nouns and verbs, while in [8] the
evaluation was for all parts of speech. In our current approach, the WSD error rate is
bound to the TREQ-AL error rate so, unless the word aligner is further improved, it
cannot go beyond to 12-13%.
The wordnet errors rubric contains the number of errors directly ascribable to the
Romanian wordnet construction and its linking to the ILI. We identified several cases
of incomplete Romanian synsets (28) and a few cases of interlingual linking mistakes
(8). The table 6 summarizes the discussion above, with WSD Tool ran in the
automatic regime.
Table 6. The WSD evaluation in the automatic regime
occ. Not
translated occ.
occ. correctly
occ. wrongly
211 1756 355 1401 1183
For computing the recall of the disambiguation procedure we considered all the
target word occurrences (translated and not translated in Romanian). The word sense
disambiguation recall in English is 67.36%. However, in a multi-languages parallel
corpus, the recall of WSD for the target language could be significantly improved
considering other source languages. It is very likely that occurrences of the target
words not translated in one language could be translated in other languages, and thus,
by the same procedure, they get a sense-tag from another pair of languages. Also, one
could try an agglomerative sense clustering [10] for the target words the occurrences
of which were not all sense-tagged. Most of the untagged occurrences will be
clustered together with tagged occurrences and again, one could get a strong clue on
the appropriate semantic tags for the untagged words.
5 Conclusions
This preliminary experiment shows that using translation equivalents extracted from a
test-bed parallel corpus may precisely pinpoint various problems in the wordnets
structuring and interlingual linking. Since our wordnet is essentially based on human
expertise and on language resources of very good quality (printed explanatory and
synonyms dictionaries, turned into machine readable dictionaries) the percentage of
errors due to the synsets linking or due to incomplete data in the reference language
resources (missing senses for a literal or literals missing from a given synset) are
reasonably low. However, the detected wordnet errors (very hard to detect by simply
inspecting the synsets of the wordnet under construction) showed that this approach is
not only an effective way to check out ongoing work, but also one way to
continuously update a monolingual dictionary in accordance with the actual use of
languages in multilingual environments.
The WSD Tool system is implemented in Java and is language independent.
Vertical validations for all languages in the BalkaNet are planned for the immediate
future which will enable us to perform a horizontal validation with at least four source
languages. The evaluation of the word-sense disambiguation exercise shows a very
high accuracy. The word-sense disambiguation based on PWN2.0 sense inventory
appears to be much more accurate in a parallel corpus than in a monolingual one (see
for instance the results reported in SensEval conferences). Actually this is not
surprising, because a parallel corpus embeds translators’ expertise which, once
revealed (by the translation equivalents extraction program) is an extremely powerful
source of knowledge for semantic disambiguation.
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