A Proposed Model for a
Context Aware Distributed System
Duncan Bates
, Prof. Nigel Linge
, Dr. Martin Hope
, Prof. Tim Ritchings
Centre for Networking and Telecommunications Research,
University of Salford, Salford, Manchester M5 4WT, UK
Centre for Computer Science Research, University of Salford, Salford, UK
Abstract. Our paper draws on research work conducted in association with the
UK electricity supply industry to design and deliver a context aware application
for field engineers. This research identified clear business benefits and the
need for intelligent information flow algorithms, which could match informa-
tion delivery requirements to the capability of the delivery networks. In turn,
our work has now resulted in a proposed generic model for the design and op-
eration of a mobile context aware distributed system. The core objective of this
research is the derivation of an algorithm to allow the efficient delivery of in-
formation to a user, based on the user’s context. The pseudo-code for this algo-
rithm is presented, together with an overview of the inputs to this algorithm, of
which user context is one, and the issues surrounding them. Finally there is a
look towards the future and possible further refinements that might be per-
formed on the algorithm, namely the application of fuzzy logic. …
1 Introduction
The increasing use of mobile computer systems such as notebook personal computers,
handheld PDA’s and ubiquitous computing are by definition, presenting the user with
a dynamically changing environment, where the context of that user and the context
awareness of the mobile computer system are becoming increasingly important. For
example: contextual information can be used in establishing ad-hoc networks, in
routing protocols [1, 2], and to optimise network traffic. In addition, it can be used to
find nearby resources such as printers, speakers, and video cameras and from an ap-
plication perspective; it can make graphical interfaces more user friendly and flexible
through the autonomy and discovery systems that contextual information can provide.
The work presented in this paper builds on previous work into the development of
a context aware application for field engineers in the electricity supply industry [3].
This led to the development of a more generic model that is able to exploit a user’s
context in order to prioritise information flow [4].
Bates D., Linge N., Hope M. and Ritchings T. (2004).
A Proposed Model for a Context Aware Distributed System.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, pages 180-194
DOI: 10.5220/0002679301800194
1.1 Context Awareness
To fully appreciate what constitutes context awareness and what context actually is,
Dey [5] provides a comprehensive review of the most prominent work that has previ-
ously attempted to define context and contextual awareness. These definitions are
probably the most concise and well defined to date and are as follows:
Context: ‘Context is any information that can be used to characterise the situa-
tion of an entity. An entity is a person, place or object that is considered relevant to
the interaction between a user and an application, including the user and the applica-
tion themselves’.
Context aware: ‘A system is context aware if it uses context to provide relevant
information and / or services to the user, where relevancy depends on the user’s task’
Dey and Abowd also propose a hierarchy of contextual types and outline a method
of categorising context aware applications. Identity, Location, Activity, and Time are
considered as the four primary context types [6]. These primary context types are then
used to index and define secondary context types. For example: given a persons’
current location, a secondary context type could be: where they have been and where
they are going. This hierarchy obviously has applications to defining a class structure
of context types that could be used in the development of context aware applications,
or indeed an xml based mark-up language, as has recently been attempted [7].
The rest of this paper presents the proposed model and the justification for it
within the framework of the current literature (section 2). The algorithm at the heart
of the research is presented in full in section 3, together with a brief introduction to
fuzzy logic. Finally the paper is drawn to a conclusion in section 4.
2 A Generalized Model for a Mobile Context Aware System
With the significant growth in mobile communications, the ability to determine lo-
cation is leading to the development of a new generation of multimedia location
based services. However, as other authors have previously pointed out, context is
more than just location [8]. Today’s wireless networks range from low bandwidth
GSM through 3G to IEEE 802.11 WiFi. In the main, network bandwidth forces a
limitation on the deployment of wireless based interactive multimedia applications.
Therefore there will always be a mismatch between the volume of content and the
available bandwidth to deliver it to the users at a location convenient to them. This
will lead to a need for new information processing systems, which are able to under-
stand completely the user's context and appreciate the capacity of their network ac-
cess technology. In this way information is prioritised to ensure that the most relevant
and valuable information is delivered in the most time efficient manner.
A generic model for relating distributed information sources to a user’s context is
proposed. The tasks performed by a user are defined by a workflow process model.
Each user is defined in terms of their user context, which must also take into account
network availability. Given these three inputs it is then possible to create an opti-
mised information flow algorithm which can ensure a quality of delivery which de-
Fig. 1. A generalised model for a mobile context aware system
termines the most relevant piece of information and delivers this to the user in a for-
mat that makes best use of the quality of their network connection.
2.1 User Context
The proposed model is illustrated in figure 1. As applicable to the model, user con-
text is here shown as made up of the elements, user profile, location, reason, time &
access device. The first four of those elements can be matched against Dey and
Abowd’s generalized definition. These are characterized simplistically in our model
as “who, where, what & when. A further element has been added to the definition,
namely the access device, and this can be characterized simplistically as “how”.
User profile represents all that is pertinent about the user, i.e. the user’s id, name,
address, age etc together with the authority that the user would have within a given
company and the expertise of that user. Location is self-evident and would likely be
drawn from network data, which is related to known geographic locations. Reason
(or activity) is that which the user is doing at a given point in time or most likely just
the job that has been assigned to that user. Time has some bearing as a piece of user
context because in applying it to a workflow process model, certain activities may
vary according to the time of day or night. Finally the access device is an important
piece of user context because the format & size of content that we might want to
deliver back to the user would be dependent on the type of device with which the user
is receiving that content.
2.2 The Workflow Process Model
The Workflow Management Coalition, probably the primary standard body in this
area, in their Workflow Reference Model [9] describe workflow management as
Its primary characteristic is the automation of processes involving combinations
of human and machine-based activities, particularly those involving interaction with
IT applications and tools.”
Research in this area draws upon and feeds into this reference model, and the
model tends to be used as a template for ongoing work. Gillmann et al [10] describe
Workflow Management Systems (WFMSs) as ‘geared for the orchestration of busi-
ness processes across multiple organizations’ and comment that they are ‘complex
distributed systems’.
Kappel et al [11] suggest a framework for WFMSs based on objects, rules and
roles. The objects in question refer to an object-oriented model, and in addition there
is a role model and a rule model. The role model concept is common throughout
much of the literature in order to provide a separation between the activities that
agents perform and the agents themselves, where agents can be people or hard-
ware/software systems.
Muehlen [12] discusses resource modelling in workflow applications. Resource
Models are models of people & systems and as such closely matches the concepts
described by Kappel et al. Similarly assignment of activities or tasks is by role, and
Muehlen postulates that ‘the main purpose of the role model is the separation of
workflow and resource model’. There is however, intimation towards the need for
error or exception handling. The author quotes directly from another author, Sachs
[13] who states that ‘the efficiency of work is less dependent on the structure of the
workflow than on the exception handling capabilities of the resources involved’.
Chiu, Li & Karlapalem [14] address what they feel is a fundamental deficiency
with this and other work in the research area. They suggest that a simple role model
does not go far enough towards matching the reality within the workplace. They not
only talk of roles, but capabilities, thereby drawing the distinction that although an
agent may perform a certain role, their capabilities for a given activity may vary.
There is clearly considerable related work in the workflow community. However,
the fundamental contribution that this paper makes is the application of user context
to the workflow management system. As noted by Gillmann et al, WFMSs are com-
plex systems. Our proposed model is an over-arching one across several disparate
areas of research. Therefore it was felt that a faster approach to describing workflow
processes could be made using UML [15, 16] as a modelling language and designing
a simplified workflow model to fit the needs of the system. It is simplified in that it
does not consider the worklists of agents, agent assignment by the system and excep-
tions are generally propagated up to and handled within the presentation layer. It
could also be termed a role-based model.
Note that the term that has been adopted for our simplified workflow model and
henceforth in this paper is the workflow process model. The workflow process model
can be described in terms of the discrete stages able to be performed by a given
worker’s role. Furthermore those stages are then broken down into the tasks required
to complete that stage of the work. Attached to some of these tasks is data in the
form of a set of data choices, which roughly represents the separation of the same
content into a number of different presentations. The data may be distributed in that
it may, for example, reside in different databases or data sources on different ma-
As part of the research, we are examining a small number of case studies to de-
scribe their workflow processes. The electricity supply industry field engineer work-
flow processes were documented within the report that went with that project, and
these act as one of the case studies. In addition we have other companies and organi-
sations on board that primarily employ mobile working practices, and the accumula-
tion of further case study material is currently being investigated. Eventually when
enough case study material has been gathered, this will allow the research to work
towards a truly generic solution by testing the system against these different inputs.
2.3 Network Availability
If data is attached to a task, at the point of delivery, the information flow optimisa-
tion algorithm needs to determine the state of the network. This has an enormous
bearing on the final format in which the data is delivered, in that it allows the algo-
rithm to determine which data choice to send. If the network is very congested it’s
likely that a large file such as a video file could not be delivered within a time period
that would be acceptable to the user. The video file might possibly represent the top
data choice, therefore a lesser choice must be chosen.
The adaptable system needs to look at a number of network parameters, such as
throughput and latency to determine current data bandwidth availability and potential
information delivery times. It should be noted however that the adaptable system is
just taking a snapshot of the network. An instant later the network traffic could have
changed and certainly this might be the case by the time the chosen data choice has
been formatted and delivered back to the user. To circumvent this, the adaptable
system must take measurements over a greater period of time and average the results
or recognise a trend.
2.4 Information Flow
At the heart of the model is the information flow optimisation algorithm, which is
now the main focus of our research. This algorithm takes the three inputs: user con-
text, the workflow process model and network availability and in its simplest execu-
tion determines whether a given (workflow) task should be returned to the user. In its
more complex form, if data is attached to the task, it determines the most bandwidth
appropriate of a set of data choices to return to the user.
The set of data choices, attached to any of the given tasks, range in format from the
most bandwidth hungry choice down to the simplest and smallest. Typically, the first
choice might be a video file, which is of the order of megabytes, down to the last
choice that might simply be a text file, of the order of a few kilobytes. As far as is
applicable, the files that are delivered are initially in the form of an xml file together
with associated xsl files. In this way, the data content is kept separate from its pres-
entation, and the same data can be presented in a number of different formats. For
example the format required if the user is logged on to a web page via a laptop (html)
would be different from that required if the user had a wap enabled GSM mobile
(wml 1.x) as his/her access device. The formatting function applies the xsl stylesheet
to the xml file to perform the xsl transformation (xslt) and the result is then displayed
in the appropriate format, either html, wml 1.x for GSM mobiles, or in the near fu-
ture, xhtml for 2.5G and 3G mobiles [17].
3 Information Flow Optimisation Algorithm
Although not presented here, the model above has been fleshed out into a complete
J2EE design [18], divided into two parts that are intended to be implemented and
deployed on two separate J2EE compliant servers. As such this represents the deliv-
ery system for the information flow optimisation algorithm. It is the derivation of this
algorithm that is the primary goal of our research, in order to achieve the efficient
delivery of information back to the mobile user.
As previously stated the primary inputs to the algorithm are user context, the work-
flow process model and network availability. The elements of user context that are
used most prominently and directly within the algorithm itself are user authority, and
user expertise, which are tested against equivalent values on the individual tasks and
attached data. However, other elements of user context are not redundant, for exam-
ple, the user job is considered to be an instance of and is matched against a workflow
process model stage. User location determines proximity to nearest job (location) and
is needed to return tasks back to the user.
Figure 2 illustrates the structure of the workflow process model side of a system
that could be implemented to satisfy the proposed model. This side of the system is
made up of the classes that reside on the workflow process model server. Primarily,
these classes conform to the J2EE specification, in that they are grouped into pack-
ages of 3 that together make up an enterprise java bean (ejb). An ejb is made up of its
Fig. 2. Generic Structure of the objects on the Workflow Process Model Serve
1 1
Data Deliver
run Al
bean implementation, its remote or local interface & its home interface. The detail of
these classes is not presented here, but briefly enterprise java beans are divided into
session beans (which come in two forms, stateless & stateful) and entity beans. To
quote the J2EE Developer’s Guide [18] “Entity Beans represent business objects in a
persistent storage mechanism such as a database”.
The entity beans in the generic workflow process model above are WfpmEJB,
WfpEJB, StageEJB, TaskEJB, LogicEJB & DataChoicesEJB and these are a reflec-
tion of the underlying database tables. There is a 1:Many relationship between the
ejb’s WfpmEJB & WfpEJB, WfpEJB & StageEJB, StageEJB & TaskEJB, which
reflects the underlying database tables. So in other words for each workflow process
model (wfpm) there are many workflow processes (wfp), and for each workflow
process there are many stages etc. A stage represents a point at which the user, as-
signed to a given job, can be first directed to upon logging onto the system. This is
the equivalent of saying that the user is now performing a set of tasks that carry out a
stage of his/her given workflow process and wants to be given the first task in that
sequence. This in effect is the reason that the user is performing the task, and is rep-
resented simplistically in the user context as ‘what’ the user is doing.
The structure presented represents a generic structure that should allow all work-
flow process models to be fitted into it. However there is a great deal of variation
within workflow process models and it would seem that this structure is too general.
In order to overcome this, specific workflow process models plug into the generic
structure at the level of the set of tasks. Each ‘generic task’ has a redirect URL as one
of its attributes / fields thus allowing the generic set of tasks to redirect to a real set of
tasks. The real set might require extra database tables and thus extra classes or ejb’s
in order to process the information from them.
Returning to the generic structure, the LogicEJB represents a set of logic records
that tell the tasks how to behave, i.e. the order & sequence of tasks that a user must
have delivered, according to the decisions that he/she makes. This logical sequence,
basically follows the permitted paths, splits & joins that are allowed in a UML activ-
ity diagram, e.g. decision points & parallel processing splits & joins. Note that within
the workflow community, this would generally be referred to as activity ordering. In
our work the logic records are just a short hand way of representing those paths. A
system implementation would need to have a class that could handle the processing of
those records back into a logical sequence of instructions for the delivery of a set of
tasks to a user.
Each task in a stage can have attached data, which as identified earlier, is made up
of a set of data choices ranging from the highest bandwidth option down to the sim-
plest choice, which is normally a plain text file. Not all tasks have attached data, and
this would be indicated by a flag as one of the attributes on a task ejb (or field on the
task record). A DataChoicesEJB holds the state of one database record, which stores
the URL’s of the files that would need to be fetched when required.
Finally the Data Delivery package is made up of two ordinary Java classes and a
Java Servlet. Of prime concern is the Algorithm class which performs the routines
referred to in the earlier section. As noted, the main inputs to the algorithm are user
authority & user expertise, task authority & task expertise, user location, the access
device & a set of data choices if data is attached to the task to be delivered. The algo-
rithm then determines whether the task should be delivered, and if data is attached
which data choice can be delivered. This is determined in turn by calling the Net-
AwareAPI, which calculates the network availability. If the data choice is made up
of an xml file & xsl file, the xslt transformation is performed by forwarding the re-
quest to the Java Servlet, FormatFunction.
In an earlier paper we posed a set of key questions that were asked of the design
and the algorithm in order to ensure consistency and its ability to withstand all sce-
narios [19]. Among the ideas and conclusions that came out of this process were
The possibility of a data choice matrix, i.e. of 2 dimensions, rather than a simple
linear set of data choices. This is expressed across the user expertise axis as well
as down the data choice (required bandwidth) axis. As a simple example, it might
be possible to deliver a video file to the expert user, but he/she might prefer an ad-
vanced succinct text file.
The need for a set of advanced tasks at higher levels of user expertise in order to
compensate for the non-delivery of 3 or 4 basic tasks and in particular to maintain
a coherent ‘story of events’ delivered back to the user.
The information flow optimization algorithm can be synthesized down into a fairly
simplistic form. The issues mentioned above, along with the authority, task expertise
and data expertise tests are presented in figure 3 as pseudo-code. An explanation of
terms precedes the pseudo-code.
3.1 Explanation of Terms
(a) Data rates vary according to access device & network. A typical range of data
rates chosen for the algorithm are down from a pc on a 10Mbps Ethernet to a GSM
mobile with typical rates of 9.6 kbps.
(b) Similarly the data choices represent a typical range of files that might be delivered
to the user, ranging from a video file, of the order of 20Mb down to a plain text file,
of the order of 10kb.
(c) The expertise test includes a comparison of user expertise against a maximum task
expertise and a minimum task expertise. The reason for this is that as a user gains in
expertise he/she requires only those tasks that are applicable to his/her expertise.
However, as a user’s expertise gets more advanced, it’s necessary to supplement the
workflow process model with advanced tasks, otherwise workflow meaning is lost.
This is also consistent with working practices, in that sometimes expert users tend to
skip tasks in a workflow process because they feel that they know the job, but in
doing so follow incorrect procedures through over-confidence. In practice, advanced
tasks can be supplemented in place of 3-4 more elementary tasks.
(d) The task is simply a textual instruction, but would need to be formatted appropri-
ately for the given access device (e.g. html for a web browser, wml 1.x for a GSM
(e) This test corresponds to the data choices matrix. Having previously determined
which horizontal axis the data choice lies along (i.e. data choice 1-4), the algorithm
must choose the format appropriate to the user’s expertise along that axis.
(f) Although a typical set of data choices might be as previously stated, video file (1),
sound file (2), text file with graphics (3), plain text file (4), in practice all these for-
mats will probably not all be available against a given task. Moreover, they might be
available for one expertise of user, e.g. the novice user, but not another. Therefore
the highest available choice should be delivered, which is determined as explained
(g) If there’s no data attached to a task, the only processing that the algorithm has to
make is whether the authority & expertise tests have been passed. If so, the task is
delivered in the appropriate format for the access device. Network availability is not
a consideration in this case because a task is typically a textual instruction to the user.
Data Choice Calculation
while (Delivery Flag is false) {
// Data Choice 1
Download Time = (DATA_CHOICE_1_SIZE) / (Data Rate x Network
if (Download Time <= Cut Off Time) {
Delivery Flag = true
Data Choice = DATA_CHOICE_1
// Data Choice 2
Download Time = (DATA_CHOICE_2_SIZE) / (Data Rate x Network
if (Download Time <= Cut Off Time) {
Delivery Flag = true
Data Choice = DATA_CHOICE_2
…. Etc
Access Devices [1 = PC, 2 = Laptop, 3 = 3G (Indoors), 4 = 3G (Outdoors), 5 =
GPRS, 6 = GSM] - (a) Data Choices [1 = Video, 2 = Sound, 3 = Text with
Graphics, 4 = Plain Text] – (b)
// Authority Test
if (User Authority >= Task Authority) {
// [TRUE] Continue
// Task Expertise Test - (c)
if ((Task Expertise Min <= User Expertise ) && (User Expertise <=
Task Expertise Max)) {
// [TRUE] Continue
if (Data Attached) {
// [TRUE] Continue
Deliver the Task in the format appropriate for the De-
vice – (d)
Consider the Network Availability (*)
Calculate the Data Choice (1-4) (*)
// Data Expertise Test – (e)
For given data choice (e.g. 1)
if ((Data Expertise Min <= User Expertise ) &&
(User Expertise <= Data Expertise Max)) {
(Highest) Data Choice = Appropriate format
along User Expertise axis,
e.g. 1 (Novice), 1 (Skilled) or 1(Expert)
} // Data Expertise Test
// Availabilty Test – (f)
if (Highest Data Choice Available) {
Deliver highest Data Choice
else {
Firstly go back across User Expertise axis & de-
liver the less expert data choice format, e.g.
1(Novice) instead of 1 (Skilled) if available
Then descend the data choices, considering firstly the
format appropriate to the user’s expertise,
then the lesser format, e.g. if the user is
skilled… 2 (Skilled) then 2 (Novice) then 3 (Skilled) then
3(Novice) etc etc until a data choice is available,
then Deliver it !
} // Availability Test
3.2 Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy logic was introduced to the world by Lofti A. Zadeh in 1965 in his seminal
paper Fuzzy Sets [20], and is best summed up by Zadeh’s law of incompatibility
which states that
“As complexity rises precise statements lose meaning and meaningful statements
lose precision".
Fuzzy Logic can be thought of as a superset of conventional boolean logic that has
been extended to handle the concept of partial truth. So instead of traditional boolean
logical variables, such as 0 and 1 or true and false, there are linguistic variables.
Linguistic variables embody the concept of imprecision or fuzziness, exemplified by
such terms as ‘hot’, ‘warm’ and ‘cold’, ‘near’ and ‘far’ or ‘tall’ and ‘short’. These
terms mimic the way humans interpret linguistic values, and also imply imprecision
and would depend on the context to which they are applied [21]. Instead of hard
precise definitions, there are fuzzy sets, e.g. the interval [0,1], and an input variable is
mapped to a linguistic variable by the so-called process of fuzzification. A so-called
fuzzy set A, couples each element xX with a membership function
(x) that indi-
cates the membership degree of the element x for the set A [22]
Fig. 3. Membership Function for a temperature x of a Thermometer X
As an example, figure 3 is extracted from the same source [22] as above, as is the
explanation below.
“If X is a continuous set then A is represented by its membership function. Fig.3
shows the membership function for the temperature x of a thermometer X. For x = 60
F, the temperature is in A.
For x = 50
F, the temperature is only partially in A. It belongs to A with a
degree of 58%.”
In other words X represents the set of all possible temperatures measured by a
thermometer and A is a subset of X. If A was a crisp subset it would either contain or
not contain a particular element, xX, and the membership function would have two
values, 0 and 1 across the set to indicate this. However if A is a fuzzy set as shown in
figure 3, each element, xX, is coupled with its membership function,
(x) which
85 55 45 75
Membership Function µ
indicates the degree of membership of that element for the set A. The example x = 60
F is fully in A because the membership function is 1 at this point, in contrast to x =
F, where it is 0.58. Clearly there is much more to fuzzy logic than this simple
example, but hopefully this has served as a brief introduction to the subject.
The design of the proposed model discussed in this paper is largely borne of an ob-
ject-oriented methodology, and indeed as mentioned earlier, it is intended to be im-
plemented as a J2EE design. J2EE, although particularly suitable as architecture for
developing, deploying, and executing applications in a distributed environment [18],
still has Java code at its heart, which is an object-oriented language. Essential arte-
fact types in object-oriented languages are entities, classes, attributes, operations, and
aggregation and inheritance relations
. Contained somewhere within those operations
are likely to be conditional statements of the form
If <test> then <consequence>
which may or may not act on the attributes within instances of the classes [23].
In our hard and fast logical tests in the pseudo-code in figure 2, the variables for
task expertise, user expertise etc take pre-defined quantized values from 1 to 5 and
the tests are simple comparisons of those values. For future work, we would like to
‘fuzzify’ the logic in the algorithm by substituting those values with, for example,
linguistic variables such as ‘novice’, ‘skilled’ and ‘expert’. These particular exam-
ples, of course, apply to user expertise. In this way, we will be able to determine
whether the intuitive design and consequent derivation of the algorithm arrived at by
these human authors would differ in any way from that arrived at by fuzzy logic.
4 Conclusion
A proposed model for a distributed context aware system has been presented based
on experience gained from the development of a context aware application for field
engineers in the electricity supply industry. The fundamental elements of this model
were examined in detail, including the three major inputs to an information flow
optimisation algorithm, namely user context, a workflow process model and network
User context is made up of a user profile, user location, the time, user activity (rea-
son or most likely the user job) & his/her access device. This is constructed and
delivered to the workflow process model. The workflow process model is made up
of stages & tasks. To the stage is attached the logic that governs the tasks, and to the
task a set of data choices can be attached.
Elements of the three major inputs are presented within the pseudo-code for the in-
formation flow optimisation algorithm. This is basically made up of a series of if-
then scenarios, which act as tests in order to determine the appropriate output to de-
liver back to the user. An example of such a test is that of the user expertise against
task expertise. This particular test is complicated slightly by the need for the substitu-
tion of a set of advanced tasks for every 3 or 4 basic tasks, in order to maintain a
coherent chain of tasks back to the user. Lookups against network availability are
also performed and the most appropriate data choice deliverable within a given cut-
off time is determined.
Although it may not be necessary to build a full working system, it would be
hoped that at the least a prototype of the workflow process model server objects could
be constructed, thereby allowing the nature of the algorithm to be tested. The case
studies would provide ‘real world’ input and variation to examine the generic struc-
ture of the model on this side of the system. However, in order that we don’t simply
build algorithms that provide an adequate solution for the model we have constructed,
an alternate approach is considered.
Since the tests within the algorithm, on the whole conform to simple rule based if-
then scenarios, there was felt to be some scope for the exploration of a fuzzification
of those rules. In other words, if fuzzy logic could be applied to the inputs to the
algorithm, then maybe a different outcome would appear from that chosen by the
authors. This now forms the basis of future work that is in the planning stage for the
algorithm. Comparisons will then be able to be made between the intuitive, ‘common
sense’ design for the algorithm and the machine based conclusions, albeit based on
inputs that mimic human linguistic concepts.
One of the major conclusions to draw from this analysis is that it is clear that
workflow process models have to be highly documented, as regards the tasks, at-
tached data and the logic that governs the sequences of tasks that are delivered to the
user. An administrator has to pre-load all of this, including such additional informa-
tion as task expertise, data expertise and user context, specifically relating to authority
and expertise levels. Users must also be assigned jobs by the system, which are in-
stances of a previously documented workflow process model. A full system therefore
relies on all this information in order to match a user job against a set of tasks. How-
ever, as an exercise in marrying together the disparate elements of user context and
‘real world’ workflow process models, our proposed model is a powerful demonstra-
tion that we can move towards the creation of a system that is truly context aware.
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