Semantic Interoperability of Authorizations
Mariemma I. Yagüe, Antonio Maña, Francisco Sánchez
Computer Science Dept. Univ. of Malaga.
E.T.S.I.Informatica. Campus de Teatinos.
29071 Malaga, Spain
Abstract. The shift from paper documents to their respective electronic formats
is producing important advantages in the functioning of businesses and Public
Administrations. However, this shift is often limited to the internal operation of
each entity because of the lack of security in the electronic communication
mechanisms. Traditionally, these entities have managed their Local Area Net-
works (LANs) or even Virtual Private Networks (VPN) as isolated islands,
where local identity-based authorization schemes were appropriate. But, the
trend towards paperless procedures leads to the need for these entities to inter-
operate. As an advance, extranets were proposed to connect entities that share
common goals in a way that automates their administrative interactions using
Internet technology. However, the limited authorization and access control ca-
pabilities provided by extranets is a mayor drawback for their application in
open and heterogeneous scenarios. Trust appears as the main issue to address in
order to achieve secure interoperation of different independent entities. This
paper presents a solution to this problem, based on the use of Privilege Man-
agement Infrastructures (PMIs) and the semantic description of the different au-
thorization entities.
1 Introduction
Today, being able to procure and provide access to information is a defining charac-
teristic of successful companies. And as companies open up their networks to partners
and other third-party users to share information, security has become more important
than ever. Companies require comprehensive security systems that allow controlled
Therefore, entities need to be able to limit access so that only permitted users have
access to certain resources. This means that traditional encrypted tunnels such as
VPNs, which require that everyone at both ends is trusted, are inadequate for third-
party access. When it comes to sharing information with outsiders, companies need to
provide one-way directed access to shared information.
An Extranet is a communication network connecting entities that share common
goals in a way that automates their administrative interactions. When properly de-
signed and implemented, extranet systems can be highly effective in improving cross-
entity information flows. Extranet services use existing Internet infrastructure, which
makes extranets far more economical than proprietary networks. However, the limited
I. Yagüe M., Maña A. and Sánchez F. (2004).
Semantic Interoperability of Authorizations.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 269-278
DOI: 10.5220/0002682402690278
authorization and access control capabilities provided by extranets is a mayor draw-
back for their application in open and heterogeneous scenarios.
Trust appears as the main issue to address in the design of a platform allowing se-
cure interoperation of different independent entities. Many distributed application
scenarios such as e-commerce, e-business, e-government, grid computing or web
services can benefit from the services of such platform. Some important characteris-
tics of these scenarios are:
Independence of Authorities. The authorities, as well as the rules governing the
functioning of each party are usually predefined and must be independent of others
and under control of the legitimate authority.
Attribute-based access. Usually, access is offered to previously unknown users
(individual citizens and members of other entities). Knowledge of their identities,
provided by a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is not sufficient in order to interact
with them.
Heterogeneity. In open distributed systems we deal with a large number of stake-
holders or owners of resources with very different policies and interests, but also
with a large number of previously unknown clients, with very different profiles
and interests. Moreover, resources under control are intrinsically heterogeneous in
type, format, origin, validity, etc. Consequently, the security requirements and ac-
cess control criteria are also very disparate. As a result, it is impossible for admin-
istrators to foresee a fixed role-based structure of the users.
Flexibility. A high degree of flexibility is required because of the heterogeneous
nature of the resources (data and services), access criteria and users. In fact, flexi-
bility appears as one of the most important goals to achieve. The model must be
flexible enough to be applicable in different scenarios with few or no changes.
Scalability. The scalability of the scheme is very important. Therefore, a fully
distributed scheme is mandatory. Furthermore, due to the large amount of re-
sources, it is important to be able to determine access conditions automatically,
based on their associated semantic information.
Interoperability. In these scenarios, it is not possible to predict the interactions with
other parties. Typically, these interactions will take place only occasionally and
parties will frequently be related by a few transactions in common. Because we are
dealing with security-sensitive systems, it is essential to guarantee that the interop-
eration with other parties does not introduce any security weakness.
Dynamism. This characteristic is essential in most of our targeted scenarios, where
the existence of highly dynamic resources is frequent. The access control model
must be capable of adapting to frequent changes in access control criteria, client at-
tributes, environment conditions, resources available, etc. To avoid management
overload due to the control of changes, the model must adapt in a transparent and
automatic way to these changes.
The previous list of characteristics poses important challenges on the underlying
security mechanisms and especially in authorization and access control systems. Para-
doxically, it is frequent for access control and authorization mechanisms in distrib-
uted systems to rely on centralized security administration. In fact, existing solutions
for distributed authorization and access control do not provide the flexibility and
manageability required. Summarizing, it is clear that new solutions are required to
address the security needs of some of the new distributed applications, as it is the case
of e-government, but also of web services, electronic commerce or grid computing.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summarizes some background and re-
lated work. Section 3 describes the fundamentals of our proposal and outlines the
system operation and implementation. Finally, section 4 summarizes the conclusions.
2 Background and Related Work
The problem of interoperation among autonomous applications has been extensively
studied. For instance, it received significant attention during the late 1980s and early
1990s in the framework of the research in federated databases. The objective of this
work was to resolve the structural differences among disparate database schemes.
However, practical federated database systems failed because of the problem of se-
mantic heterogeneity [1]. This problem appears when different applications mean
different things by similar terms. Semantic heterogeneity is closely tied to the con-
text-dependent interpretations of the concepts represented. Although interoperability
of applications have been extensively studied (i.e., CORBA, DCom, Java, …), not
much work has been done in semantic interoperation of applications. We have just to
mention Web Services, providing interoperability among components with semantic
heterogeneity. In this sense, a recent approach is to consider semantic aspects, apply-
ing concepts of the Semantic Web, such as ontology, to Web Services [2].
When considering the security requirements of different distributed applications,
authorization often emerges as a central element in the design of the whole security
system. The reason for this is that authorization is the source of the trust chain. There-
fore, many security properties are determined by the flexibility, trustworthiness and
expressiveness of the authorization scheme.
The problem of authorization is well known and has been studied for a long time.
However, the advances in communication networks have fostered the evolution from
centralized to distributed systems and applications. This situation requires the crea-
tion of new authorization models.
Currently, most authorization approaches are based on locally-issued credentials
(containing attributes or privileges) that are linked to user identities. This type of
credentials presents many drawbacks. Among them we highlight: (a) they are not
interoperable; (b) the same credentials are issued many times for each user, what
introduces management and inconsistency problems; (c) credentials are issued by the
site administrator; however, in most cases, the administrator does not have enough
information or resources to establish trustworthy credentials; and (d) they are tightly
dependent on the user identity. But, in practice, it is frequent that the identity of the
user is not relevant for the access decision. Sometimes it is even desirable that the
identity is not considered or revealed. Furthermore, in systems based on identity, the
lack of a global authentication infrastructure (PKI) forces the use of local authentica-
tion schemes. In these cases, subscription is required and users have to authenticate
themselves to every accessed source.
Summarizing, when these local schemes are applied to distributed systems, espe-
cially to open ones, they result very limited and inconvenient. The most relevant
problem when local schemes are applied to open distributed systems is the lack of
interoperability. It is not reasonable to expect that heterogeneous systems for different
purposes and under control of different stakeholders will be able to define a common
homogeneous set of authorization criteria. Other problems are that (i) security ad-
ministration is complex and error prone; (ii) allocation of policies to resources is
explicit and static; (iii) access control criteria are defined either explicitly or on the
basis of the location of the contents; (iv) schemes are based on user identity; and (v)
access policies are dependent on the administrator of the server where the resource
Based on asymmetric cryptography, digital certificates are used to bind a public
key to some information. Identity certificates are the most common type of digital
certificates in use today. These are used to bind identity information to keys. On the
other hand attribute certificates bind attributes to keys. Therefore, attribute certificates
provide means for the deployment of scalable access control systems in the scenarios
that we have depicted.
The latest ITU-T X.509 recommendation [3] standardizes the concept of attribute
certificate, and defines a framework that provides the basis upon which a Privilege
Management Infrastructure (PMI) can be built. Precisely, the foundation of the PMI
framework is the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) framework defined by ITU [4].
This new recommendation defines a new type of authority for the assignment of
privileges, the Attribute Authority (AA), while a special type of Authority, the Source
of Authority (SOA), is settled as the root of delegation chains. One important point is
that PKI and PMI are separate infrastructures in the sense that either structure can
work on its own, or to be more precise, they can be established and managed inde-
3 Semantic Integration of PMIs in the Access Control System
The aforementioned problems related to the use of local schemes, lead us to consider
a fully distributed approach. Accordingly, the inclusion of external authorization
entities in the access control scheme facilitates the separation of responsibilities, en-
hances the security levels, and makes credentials interoperable among different ac-
cess control systems.
By considering attributes to be the basis of the access control model we can de-
velop a very flexible and open model that fits most scenarios. In fact, MAC [5], DAC
[6] and RBAC [7] schemes can be specified using the attribute-based approach. In [8]
we proposed a modular and dynamic approach based on the separate specification of
the access control criteria and the rules of allocation of policies to resources. Addi-
tionally, the use of attributes as the central element of the model is complemented
with the use of metadata to represent the semantics of the different elements in an
access control system.
This new model is called Semantic Access Control (SAC) [9] because it is based
on the semantic properties of the resources to be controlled, properties of the clients
that request access to them, semantics about the context and finally, semantics about
the attribute certificates trusted by the access control system. In SAC, access policies
are expressed in terms of sets of attributes instead of users or groups. For interopera-
bility and security reasons, client attributes must be digitally signed by a trusted certi-
fication entity external to the access control management system. Therefore, attribute
certificates are used to prove that users meet the required attributes. This scheme
scales well in the number of users and also in the number of different attributes used
by the access control system.
In the development of the SAC model, we have considered the operation of several
independent access control systems and authorization entities. In SAC, the access
control to resources is independent of their location. The identification of the user or
client is not mandatory. The independence of the authorization function is the key to
the interoperability because it allows attributes to be safely communicated avoiding
the necessity of being locally emitted by each system administrator.
Additionally, this approach avoids the registration phase of the client, and the
evaluation and issuance of a client attribute repeatedly for each access control system.
Finally, this scheme promotes the operation of specialized authorization entities with
deep knowledge of the domain of the attribute to attest, enhancing the practical secu-
rity and privacy levels of the system.
In access control schemes based on attribute certificates, the semantics of the poli-
cies depend heavily on the semantics of the attribute certificates. For this approach to
be secure, a mechanism to establish the trust between these access control systems
and the authorization entities is required. We have addressed this problem using se-
mantic information about the certifications issued by each authorization entity. This
mechanism is the core of the semantic integration of the PMI, which is essential in
order to achieve interoperability in these scenarios. Furthermore, this integration
solves the problems of separation of duties, scalability and interoperability. The main
reason for this is the necessity of understanding the specific security requirements, as
well as the semantics of the attribute certificates managed. As we will show, a new
metadata model, called Source Of Authorization Description (SOAD), has been cre-
ated for this purpose. The SOAD metadata model conveys the semantics of the attrib-
ute certificates providing semantic information that will be essential in the process of
access decision.
The semantic information about the attribute certificates issued by each SOA also
assist the security administrator through the process of specification of the access
control policies, as it conveys the meaning of each attribute. Additionally, the seman-
tic information represented by the SOAD model enables the automatic detection of
inconsistent policies, through a Semantic Policy Validator (SPV) tool developed with
this objective. The SPV makes inference processes using the rules defined in the
SOAD documents.
The ability to perform a semantic validation of access control policies is an essen-
tial design goal of the SAC model. Both the Semantic Policy Language (SPL) defined
in SAC and the semantic descriptions of the certificates issued by each SOA (con-
veyed by SOAD documents) are designed to serve this objective. The semantic vali-
dation ensures that the policies written by the security administrator produce the de-
sired effects. The SPV can perform three types of validations:
1. Test Case Validation: Given a request to access a resource and a set of attribute
certificates, this algorithm outputs the sets of attribute certificates needed for ac-
cessing that resource. Most of times, this feature will be used to check that a set of
attribute certificates is incompatible with the access criteria for that resource. For
instance, the administrator of our university can use this validation to guarantee
that it is not possible for a student to access a given resource (i.e., documents con-
taining marks). During the validation process, the SPV generates the sets of attrib-
ute certificates that are not excluded by the input set, and checks the generated
ones against all possible combinations of attribute certificates that grant access to
the resource.
2. Access Validation: Given a request to access a resource, this algorithm outputs the
sets of certificates that grant access to that resource. For this validation process, the
SPV generates the policy for the resource and all sets of attribute certificates
equivalent to those required by the policy.
3. Full Validation: The goal of this process is to check which resources can be ac-
cessed given a set of attribute certificates. Therefore, SPV generates the policy for
each resource and, afterwards, all attribute certificates that can be derived from the
input set of attribute certificates. Finally, it informs of every resource that can be
accessed using the input attribute certificate set.
3.1 The SOAD Metadata Model
The set of SOADs represents the semantic description of the PMI. SOAD documents
are digitally signed [10] XML-Schema instances expressing the different attributes
certified by each SOA, including names, descriptions and relations. Such descriptions
are the basis for building a mechanism to provide client applications (i.e., access
control system) with knowledge about the meaning of the attributes issued by each
SOAD documents include a reference to the SOA described (SOA_ID), the declara-
tion of the attribute certificates issued by that SOA and the relations between these
attribute certificates.
The attribute declaration section consists in a set of SOA_Attribute elements.
Each one of these elements defines an attribute certificate issued by the SOA refer-
enced by SOA_ID, described by a name (AttributeName), a value (Attrib-
uteValue) and the signer of the certificate (SOA_ID).
Relations between attributes are expressed using SOARule elements. Each relation-
ship is represented by a logical rule where both, the premise and the conclusion are
set of attribute certificates, combined by a logical operator indicating the relation
among these certificates. Each premise comprises certificates (SOA_Attribute
elements) issued by the SOA being described or external ones. The conclusion com-
prises AttributeSet elements composed by attribute certificates issued by the
SOA being described. In this way, the SOA can declare any kind of relationship
among the certificates it issues and the certificates issued by other SOAs. Addition-
ally, the client applications (i.e. access control systems) can control which relation-
ships they accept and under which conditions.
3.2 Implementation
The system is implemented using three different applications: SOAD Manager,
SOAD Server and SOAD Client.
The SOAD Manager is a Java™ application that allows SOAs to create SOAD
documents. It has advanced edition capabilities that facilitate the definition of SOADs
in an intuitive and easy way.
The SOAD Server is responsible for the publication and distribution of SOADs.
This application implements an interface to allow SOAs to upload their SOADs and
another one to allow clients to locate and retrieve the SOADs they need.
The principal purpose of the SOAD Client is to allow client systems to locate and
retrieve SOADs from SOAD Servers. Additionally, it offers a subset of the SOAD
edition capabilities available in the SOAD Manager. This application is also used to
automate and tailor the process of refreshing the SOAD.
Figure 1 shows screenshots of the SOAD Manager and the SOAD Client Applica-
Fig. 1. SOAD Manager and SOAD Client Applications.
3.3 System Operation
Figure 2 depicts the flow of SOADs from originating SOAs to client access control
systems. Each SOA creates SOADs to describe the attribute certificates it issues.
These SOADs are then made available to client systems in one or more SOAD Serv-
ers. When necessary, clients retrieve the SOADs of the SOAs they trust from SOAD
Servers. Clients are then able to process the received SOADs locally in order to limit
the attributes and relations they accept from each particular SOA. These local SOADs
are then used in the computation of the access control decisions. Associated to each
local SOAD, clients can set different parameters to control when they must be re-
freshed, where to refresh it from, etc.
ccess Control System
SOAD Client
SOAD Server
Fig. 2. Flow of SOADs
3.4 A Case Study in E-Government
We use e-government as the scenario to illustrate our proposal, because it is one of
the most relevant and interesting of the aforementioned applications. The term e-
government is often defined as the use of information and communication technolo-
gies to support and improve the activities of public administrations. This definition
means that, to some degree, e-government is not a new issue. But the real potential of
e-government lies on the possibility of substituting traditional paper-based procedures
by their electronic versions, achieving what have been called “paperless systems”,
implementing the necessary mechanisms to achieve trustful and transparent interop-
eration between the different parties involved (government agencies, citizens, private
businesses and organizations, other arms of government and even foreign govern-
Figure 3 shows a typical e-government scenario. In particular, we use a representa-
tive example, involving the interaction of several government agencies, some private
business and organizations as well as individual citizens. Consider the case of a tax
collection agency starting a judicial process against a citizen, due to unpaid taxes.
This process implies different exchanges of sensitive information among different
parties. The judge from the corresponding court can request information to the Town
Hall cadastral agency about the cadastral value of the buildings belonging to the citi-
zen accused, to the bank about the drawing account of the citizen, to the police de-
partment about the criminal records of the accused citizen, etc. On the other hand, the
accused citizen and his lawyer may request information about the stage of the judicial
Interoperability is an essential requirement in this scenario. The existence of dif-
ferent government agencies that need to cooperate, and the special security require-
ments inherent to these transactions, makes this problem very complex. In order to
securely perform this information exchange, each party has to be recognized as an
official entity with jurisdiction to do the intended task. Identity-based schemes are not
always the best option. Every single piece of information in the different sites has
different requirements making it impossible in practice to assign privileges to identi-
ties. In this case, the authorization of the other party (i.e., the examining judge) is
based on some specific properties or attributes (to be the judge assigned to the proc-
ess), not on identity (to be Mr. Jones). These properties represent the conditions that
the user (or the client agency requesting the service) has to fulfil in order to access the
information, that is, the access control policy.
In this scenario, an access control model based on attributes is very appropriate
and can provide simple solutions to such problems. But, the real advantage comes
when attributes become interoperable. To achieve such interoperability, we must
satisfy two important conditions. First, attributes must be come from trusted sources,
and second, we must be able to understand what those attributes mean.
City Hall
Law Court
Fig. 3. An e-government scenario
Our proposal fulfils the requirements of this kind of transactions, providing fine-
grained access control, enabling the secure communication among government agen-
cies and assigning the attestation of attributes to trusted entities with an in-depth
knowledge of the properties to attest (SOA of the Policy Department, SOA of the
Law Court, etc.).
4 Conclusions
The possibility of automating the processing of semantic information is a big chal-
lenge for the resolution of many relevant problems, as is the case of semantic interop-
erability. The objective of this work is to reach semantic interoperability through
semantic integration in distributed environments, where remote and heterogeneous
parties must exchange information in a controlled manner. We think the development
of mechanisms for the semantic integration in distributed environments where hetero-
geneity is common, implies the development of semantic models supported by meta-
data infrastructures. In the case we are concerned with, the kind of information to be
described is essential to maintain the secure, trustful and transparent interoperation of
the different parties involved in electronic transactions.
We have presented a solution for the interoperability of authorizations (attribute
certificates) based on the description of their semantics. This solution provides a
foundation to build interoperable access control systems with external and independ-
ent authorization services. Additionally, the semantic modelling of the authorizations
enables interesting possibilities, such as the semantic validation of access control
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