Ancient Word Indexing Using Fuzzy Methods
Cláudia S. Ribeiro, João M. Gil, João R. Caldas Pinto, João M. Sousa
Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico, GCAR
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa Portugal
Abstract. This paper proposes an optical word indexing system based on fuzzy
logic for 17th century printed documents. A pre-processing stage assures only
interesting word candidates are considered. The main image-space indexing
procedure builds fuzzy membership functions from oriented features extracted
using Gabor filter banks. It proceeds by comparing this data with candidate
word features and assigning each a similarity value. Results on a significant test
set found over 85% of all word occurrences with a false positive rate of less
than 20%.
1 Introduction
This paper proposes an indexing system specifically tailored to ancient documents
(17th century) and corresponding typesets based on a handwriting OCR system using
fuzzy logic [1]. Indexing is performed from a holistic perspective, i.e., by taking a
whole word as a single recognizable symbol, precisely like the original system. The
use of fuzzy classification [2] improves results by providing larger tolerance for
unstable typesetting and printing technologies. The modifications introduced to [1]
are reported and explained along the article. They are mostly related to simplifications
inherent to the indexing problem, such as the elimination of word groups and related
2 Pre-Processing
The pre-processing stage implemented to assist the indexing procedure is based on
word image properties, namely aspect ratio filtering.
Intuitively, aspect ratio filtering finds words whose aspect ratio is similar to that of
the target word and eliminates the others, not supplying them to the main indexing
system. The filtering decision can be expressed mathematically by:
)( =
where I is a word image, I
is the target word image and ar represents an image aspect
ratio. If f(I) is greater than a certain positive threshold value, the two aspect ratios are
S. Ribeiro C., M. Gil J., R. Caldas Pinto J. and M. Sousa J. (2004).
Ancient Word Indexing Using Fuzzy Methods.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 210-215
DOI: 10.5220/0002685802100215
deemed too dissimilar and image I is not considered for indexing; otherwise, I is
processed by the indexing algorithm.
This filtering procedure was afterwards complemented with a second criterion,
based on image area instead of aspect ratio. The filtering decision now additionally
considers the following expression:
This function is very similar to f, only image area is compared in place of aspect
ratios. This filter is used because, within a given book, equal word images have
approximately the same area due to relatively regular character sizes, on average. The
final decision value compared with the established threshold is now the maximum
between f(I) and g(I), disregarding an image if either filter eliminates it. As shown in
the Results section, image area filtering successfully reduces the computational
weight of the indexing process without compromising the quality of the results.
3 Fuzzy Indexer
Fig. 1. System Diagram
Fig. 1 displays a diagram representing schematically the organization of the
developed system and the streamlined design connecting its components. The input
consists in a selected word image and geometrical information that consists in the
segmentation coordinates of the searchable words. This information was obtained
through the ABBYY FineReader Engine [10].
The main block consists in the fuzzy indexing process. It is described in this
section, highlighting particularly the several modifications performed on the original
recognizer. Oriented feature extraction will be presented first, then the membership
function generation algorithm. Finally, the indexing value computation is explained.
3.1 Feature extraction
The dominant features of a word consist of what is more common not to change
between typing styles, as the long vertical stroke in the b’s and t’s, for example. In
this paper their extraction is performed through Gabor filter banks, which allow
oriented feature extraction [1]. The original system required a time-consuming
alignment algorithm in order to match extracted word features among word group
samples. This procedure would make no sense in the current indexing environment,
since there is only one selected word sample, for what could be called a single word
group. This simplification reduces the computational effort significantly.
Before the indexing process can truly begin, a set of fuzzy membership functions
s generated for each orientation based on the extracted features of the target word
image. These intend to provide a description of the image features for use within the
indexing algorithm. This process is performed according to [1] except for the changes
explained in the next section.
3.2 Indexing
The indexer receives as input a selected target word im
age and a set of word images
where searching is to take place, selected through the image property filtering
explained before. The original system considered several word groups, a concept that
does not exist in this indexing application. Therefore, most equations had to be
adapted to this situation. The more complex modifications are detailed in the
remainder of this section, which describes the indexing process. The most important
practical difference concerns the absence of a training stage, making the indexing
system flexible and lightweight in comparison. The operations corresponding to the
training stage are performed swiftly at the beginning of each indexing run.
In the first step of the process, the target word
features are extracted and
membership functions are generated. Next, each of the candidate images is pre-
processed. Namely, each is filtered through Gabor filter banks and resized to match
the target image dimensions and enable the remaining calculations. The intensity
value of point (x, y) of the resulting image is denoted as V’
(x, y) for orientation i.
The objective is to compare the im
age features with the membership function
values. A more accurate correspondence should represent a bigger match probability.
Points that meet the similarity conditions should be considered, and assigned a
positive weight, as well as those that prove dissimilarity, penalizing the rating.
Weights w
(x, y) were assigned to each image point (x, y), for each orientation i, to
measure its influence, related mostly to membership function values. They are
calculated according to:
(x, y) = V’
(x, y), if a
(x, y) = 0 . (4)
(x, y) = w’
(x, y), if a
(x, y) 0 . (5)
Equation (4) assures that points where V’
is not zero, but the membership function
is, will be penalized. This happens when a feature in V’
does not match any of
orientation i. In this case, the value increases the denominator of Equation (6), while
not affecting the numerator, and therefore lowers the computed similarity rating. In
[1], a somewhat different and more complex formal notation is used, in part to
account for the formal distinction between the various partial membership functions
for each word and orientation. In this paper, the partial functions, each corresponding
to a particular feature, were iteratively combined, therefore simplifying notation and
improving computational resource usage.
Equation (5) simplifies the expression given in [1], where membership function
alues were combined by weighting their relative importance considering the concept
of rate of significance, which refers to the relevance of a given pixel in face of its
intensity values along the various word groups. It is not applicable here, since there
are no word groups and no points can be deemed more significant than others for
distinguishing among words. Instead, only the membership function value is used,
representing the importance of any given pixel as a visual property of the target word.
The original similarity matrix S is now reduced to a vector. Similarity values S
each orientation i correspond to an index measuring similarity, within a given
orientation, between target and candidate images. Determining these values will
consider not only information about the image itself but also about the membership
functions and the relative pixel weights. The entries are calculated as follows:
These similarity ratings are determined considering the need to penalize the value
of points with high w
(x, y) but low or zero a
(x, y) or V’
(x, y). In these cases, the
image point has non-zero intensity outside the membership function area or low or
zero intensity within the membership function area. This expression is nearly identical
to the similarity matrix equation in [1], assuming there is just one word group.
The final indexing stage modifies the simple additive weighted (SAW) method [8]
used for recognition. The final indexing value s is computed as follows:
, where
where N is the number of orientations. The relative membership function weight v
represents the importance of each orientation in determining the final result. The
rationale is that orientations with a relatively larger membership function volume
should have a greater influence in the decision-making.
The indexing value expression is based on the word group selection equation,
erasing its denominator because it is a mere scale factor in a single-group framework.
An indexing value is assigned to each word; it is directly related to the likelihood that
the subject word matches the target word. Independently, however, these values have
no formal significance. They are useful when compared with each other, so the words
are sorted accordingly to achieve practical results.
4 Results
In this section, we present the test results gathered for the purpose of analyzing the
software performance and correctness. The test set consists of 20 pages acquired with
variable scanning conditions, namely skewing and paper see-through, with both non-
italic and italic text. It includes 1886 words segmented by the FineReader engine. The
source book [9] concerns Portuguese language orthography, providing a large variety
of characters, in the form of word examples during the technical exposition, and
significant word repetition, ideal for indexing purposes. Several early tests were
performed in order to validate the use of image property filtering. These tests showed
that aspect ratio filtering alone eliminated more than 75% of the word candidates.
When coupled with image area filtering, the candidate set is additionally reduced to
less than 8% of its original size, without degrading the final results. These tests
confirmed the usefulness of the filtering procedure.
Table 1 presents the results obtained with the fuzzy indexer with 20 selected words
on the standard test set detailed previously. Analyzing these results leads to several
conclusions. Firstly, the base fuzzy indexer was able to find 246 out of 288 words,
corresponding to 85.4% success rate. 197 of those (68.4% of all occurrences) were
directly at the top of the indexed lists. Although solving the false positive problem is
not the primary objective, the results show that it is still within acceptable levels: 46
false positives were detected, less than 19% of all correct matches. Nearly a third
were found when processing italic words, a finding justified by the greater visual
density of italic typesets. Additionally, thanks to image property filtering, only 152
candidates were considered on average per target word. Therefore, filtering enabled
an approximately 12-fold decrease in time usage and reduced memory resource
Table 1. Indexing results table
33 15.6 39.4 54.5 66.7
7 7.7 57.1 33.3 85.7
5 6.6 80.0 0.0 80.0
5 5.7 60.0 75.0 80.0
3 1.5 66.7 33.3 100.0
30 7.6 26.7 13.0 76.7
13 15.1 61.5 30.8 100.0
36 10.3 63.9 7.4 75.0
25 2.4 96.0 24.0 100.0
11 11.5 100.0 0.0 100.0
4 6.6 50.0 25.0 100.0
4 1.4 100.0 0.0 100.0
27 9.8 88.9 4.0 92.6
8 11.0 75.0 37.5 100.0
5 3.1 40.0 25.0 80.0
9 10.2 77.8 22.2 100.0
7 2.4 42.9 50.0 57.1
16 15.4 87.5 20.0 93.8
32 13.3 84.4 0.0 84.4
8 3.7 100.0 0.0 100.0
8.0 68.4 18.7 85.4
5 Conclusions
This paper proposed an image-based indexing system based on fuzzy pattern
recognition built specifically for 17th century documents. The processing sequence
was presented, from the early candidate filtering to the actual computation of
similarity values, and test results and procedure were summarized.
The indexer system achieved quality results. Despite some problems detected with
mpact italic text and small word images with few specific features to extract, most
indexing runs returned a large and accurate list of matches, provided word
segmentation worked suitably. False matches near the top of the list were limited. The
filters developed for indexing performed very well, drastically cutting processing time
while retaining high quality output.
Further work can include the development of an aut
omatic parameter adjustment
system based on measurable properties of the documents being processed.
This work was partly supported by: the “Programa de Financiamento Plurianual de
Unidades de I&D (POCTI), do Quadro Comunitário de Apoio III”; the FCT project
POSI/SRI/41201/2001; “Programa do FSE-UE, PRODEP III, no âmbito do III
Quadro Comunitário de apoio”; and program FEDER. We also wish to express our
acknowledgments to the Portuguese Bibioteca Nacional, whose continuous support
has made possible this work.
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