The kernel has been obtained via a B
-spline function:
h =
1 2 1
2 4 2
1 2 1
This function has been selected thanks to the fact that it is compact (reducing
the boundary artifacts at block edges), isotropic (not privileging any direction),
and limited to 9 elements, whatever the level i of the scale is (an average personal
computer can calculate each plane w
of a high resolution photo in about 5
seconds). Moreover, other classical scaling functions such as B
-spline, M eyer
or Daubechies
[11, 12] seem to return too smoothed wavelet images.
4 Experiments and comparison of the methods
After applying the above methods we binarize their results by just setting a
threshold value equal to the average luminosity of each single image. This is
valid for all three approaches but, of course, we select the right wavelet plane
according to a priori knowledge of the faults in input image. To compare the
output of each method we have considered only the plane w
In order to put better in evidence the faults we calculate the skeleton of the
selected binary images [13]. Usually the corresponding graph is too dense and
we have to prune it. In particular, many of its cycles are due to small bright
spots inside the faults of the input image. We have verified that, before of the
skeletonization, it is sufficient to eliminate in the binary images all black 4-
connected components which are too small (area less than 35 pixels in the case
of morphology or area less then 150 pixels in the case of the wavelet transform)
and/or too dark in the original photo (average luminosity less than 25%). Please
note that a white zone in the binary images correspond to a possible fault in the
original photo. Finally, we remove all arcs (considered as 8-connected objects)
that are isolated and too small (length less than 20 pixels). Figures 2 illustrates
the main steps of the pruning procedure. We want to stress that we have carried
out an extensive simulation to determine a suitable set of parameters needed to
threshold the auxiliary images or to prune the graphs.
We have analyzed high resolution photos, provided by Dipartimento di Scienze
della Terra in Siena, Italy, [14] or freely downloaded from the web [15, 16]. The
results obtained by the pipeline of methods above describ ed have been compared
with those carried out by photo-interpreters. See Figure 3 for the output rela-
tive to Figure 2a. To verify the robustness of the whole procedure we have also
introduced a range of uniform salt and pepper noise. A successive convolution
with a Gaussian filter was enough to disperse the influence of the wrong pixels.
Morphological opening is simple and fast, thanks to the use of temporary
look-up tables. In practice, filtering along each orientation can be applied in
linear time, so allowing to reach a high angular resolution. We have observed
that pairs of close and parallel faults are often misinterpreted as one bigger line.
Fuzzy correlation makes use of floating point operations and has a time com-
plexity proportional to the size of the structuring element. As for mathematical
morphology, the choice of the structuring element is very important and we
have defined many of them to correctly detect faults with different shapes and
dimensions. Nevertheless, it has correctly detected most of the faults.