system. The main point of the network management system is a group of applications
that join the necessities in order to execute the functions. As a minimum a system will
include basic applications to develop monitoring functions, configuration control and
administration of the user accounts. More sophisticated systems may include more
elaborate applications for these categories with more possibilities for the correction of
On the other hand, the network devices when managed, including servers, work-
stations, personal computers, routers, etc. are equipped with a module that includes a
software agent. The agent is responsible:
• To collect and maintain information about the local environment.
• To provide information to the user of the network, either in the form of an an-
swer to a requirement or as an advisory message that abnormal something is
• To respond to the commands executed by the user to change or alter the opera-
tion parameters or local configuration.
To execute these functions each agent maintains an MIB that contains all of the in-
formation (recent as well as historical) about its local configuration and the traffic
that it manages. The management station will maintain a global MIB with the summa-
rized information from all the agents.
It is important to high-light that all management applications generally share a
common protocol in the entire network. This protocol provides the fundamental func-
tions to request information and execute commands to the agents. This protocol, in
our case SNMP, makes use of communication tools such as TCP/IP.
Specifically versions SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 consist of a group of documents that
define a network management protocol, a general structure MIB and a specific mem-
ber of MIB structured data for management purposes. In essence protocol provides
four functions:
Get Used by the manager to execute a requirement from an agent to an MIB.
Set Used by the manager to change some value in an MIB from an agent.
Trap Used by an agent to send an alert message to the manager.
Inform Used by the manager to send an alert message to another manager.
3 SNMPv3
To correct the security deficiency that SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 have presented until
now, a series of recommendations were written [2]. These recommendations are ori-
ented to define an architecture and new capacities. SNMPv3 is a interoperable net-
work management protocol, that provides access security to the devices by way of a
combination of authentication and encryption of packages that travel by the network.
The security capacities that SNMPv3 provides are:
Message Integrity Assures that the package is not violated during transmission.
Authentication Determines that the message comes from a valid source.
Encryption Encrypts the contents of a package as a form of prevention.