Acho L.
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnología Digital del IPN (CITEDI-IPN)
CITEDI-IPN, 2498 Roll Dr. #757, Otay Mesa, San Diego CA, 92154, USA
Keywords: Lagrangian Networks, Global Convergence, Convex Optimization, Lyapunov Theory.
Abstract: In this brief, a modification of Lagrangian networks given in (Xia Y., 2003) is presented. This modification
improves the settling time of the convergence of Lagrangian networks to a stationary point; which is the
optimal solution to the nonlinear convex programming problem with linear equality constraints. This is
important because, in many real-time applications where Lagrangian networks are used to find an optimal
solution, such as in signal and image processing, this settling time is interpreted as the processing time.
Simulation results applied to a quadratic optimization problem show that settling time is improved from
about to 2000 to 20 seconds. Lyapunov theory was used to obtain our main result.
Roughly speaking, a Lagrangian network is a
dynamical system used to find the optimal solution
to a nonlinear convex programming problem with
linear equality constraints (for more details, see (Xia
Y., 2003)). This dynamical system has simple
structure and its complexity for implementation is
low (Xia Y., 2003). Global convergence of a
Lagrangian network has been analyzed in (Xia Y.,
2003) and stated that it has not been studied before
(Xia Y., 2003). So, the convergence (in time) of the
solution of the Lagrangian networks to an
equilibrium point (or stationary point), which, under
some conditions, corresponds to the unique optimal
solution to the nonlinear convex programming
problem, is an important issue. In this short paper,
we present how to modify it to improve the settling
time convergence. Engineering applications in real-
time of Lagrangian networks, and important
references about it, are cited in (Xia Y., 2003). We
developed simulation experiments applied to a
quadratic optimization problem to show that the
settling time could be improved from about to 2000
to 20 seconds. Lyapunov theory is employed to
prove our main result.
Consider the following non-linear convex
programming problem with equality constraints (Xia
Y., 2003):
Minimize f(x) subject to Ax=b (1)
where f(x) is a smooth and strictly convex function,
L. A. (2005).