As an experiment for the monitoring and
supervision system the C12 lab door was
momentarily closed when the robot was supposed to
detect it. The second problem appeared in the
corridor, the corridor was blocked not letting the
robot continue its plan, as it is shown in figure 7.
These were the succession of steps that the
system applied without any human intervention.
While monitoring distance and time, the distance
stored in the Navigation Chart indicated that there
was a problem and the robot changed the first plan.
In figure 8, it is shown the navigation interface that
represents the Navigation Chart on the left and the
plan obtained from the planner on the right. A
failure in the node that implies detecting the door
has happened.
Figure 8: Navigation Chart when an error was detected
The navigation skill notified the problem and the
planner generated a new plan solving the problem.
The navigation skill took the new plan and began the
sequence of movements, monitoring distance and
time again. The new plan is shown in figure 9.
Figure 9: New plan generated and new failure detected
Then, because of the obstacle in the middle of
the corridor, the time stored in the Navigation Chart
indicated that there was a problem and the robot
changed the plan again. In this case, the robot turned
180º placing itself in the symmetrical edge and the
robot set a new plan. As the door of lab C12 was
opened during the explained process then it could
finally go into the lab without any problem.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the funds
provided by the Spanish Government through the
MCYT projects TAP1999-214 and DPI2002-00188.
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