important than supply ones, or teachers constraints
might be more strict than class-rooms ones. In many
other such problems like segment-pairing in robot vi-
sion for stereo reconstruction, motion understanding
or object recognition there is an a priori equal im-
portance of both sets of segments respectively ex-
tracted from a couple of images or from the model
(Bouchafa and Zavidovique, ), (J.L.Lisani et al.,
2001), (Monasse and Guichard, 1998), (Ballester
et al., 1998), (Caselles et al., 1999) : then sex equal-
ity is likely worth accounting for, leading to a fair
algorithm. Moreover, some global satisfaction from
the matching may translate a better balanced solution
among the many possible ones. Neither one is guar-
anteed by GS : the obtained stable matching can be
such that everybody is unsatisfied. A last difficulty
comes from the order in which men or women are
considered inside their own sub-set, it can influence
the result.
In this article, we propose a stable marriages al-
gorithm based on a novel representation, called mar-
riage table. The new algorithm fits stable marriages
with complete/incomplete list and total order. It aims
at stability, sex equality and global satisfaction.
In order to build an algorithm that had a chance
to meet the three criteria of stability, sex equality
and global satisfaction, we first change representa-
tion. The so-called marriage table translates and sup-
plements the preference lists. Stable matchings are
looked for by scanning this latter array and suitable
properties of the solution are associated to the type of
scan. The marriage table is a table with (n + 1) lines
and (n + 1) columns. Lines (resp. columns) frame
the preference orders of men, {1 · · · p · · · N ∞} (resp.
women, {1 · · · q · · · N ∞}). The cell (p, q) contains
pairs (m, w) such that w is the p
choice of m, and
m is the q
choice of w. Cells can thus contain more
than one pair or none. The cell (p, ∞) (resp. (∞, q))
contains the pairs where the woman is the p
of the man (resp the q
choice of the woman) but the
man does not exist in her preference list (resp. the
woman is not in his preference list). A key feature of
this table in the ”complete list” case is that each line
contains all men once and each column contains all
women once. The figure 1 shows a typical marriage
The table 1 is the example of an instance of three
men and women. Every man or woman made their
preference list. The figure 2 is the marriage table and
stable matching established from the population 1.
Figure 1: Marriage table : the pair (x,y), y is the 3
of x and x is the 4
choice of y
Table 1: An instance of 3 men and women and their prefer-
ence lists
Men Women
1 : C, A, B A : 1, 2, 3
2 : A, C, B B : 2, 3, 1
3 : C, B, A C : 1, 2, 3
One advantage of the marriage table is that satis-
faction and equality of sex show concurrently in the
same representation.
For instance let us define a global satisfaction by:
S =
+ ρ
) (1)
Intuitively, the closer S to zero the greater global
satisfaction: in average more people are satisfied. A
solution with maximum global satisfaction would dis-
play matched pairs as close around the origin (table
bottom-left) as mutual exclusion allows. More gen-
erally the table representation is indicative of a result
global satisfaction through the lay out of the selected
couples. Satisfaction is constant along antidiagonals
(straight lines of equation p + q = constant) and de-
creasing with the distance to the origin . And that
provides some criteria to design scans of the marriage
table that could favour better global solutions.
Conversely, sex equality tends to fit the diagonal of
the marriage table. Let us define it as
S =
− ρ
| (2)
Intuitively the closer to the diagonal the more bal-
anced treatment. Elements of a pair in a cell close to
the diagonal are equally satisfied or unsatisfied, de-
pending on the distance to the origin. The smaller the
greater equity. And again that provides some criteria
to design scans of the marriage table that could favour
more equitable solutions.