A similar behavior will occur in first order
systems with respect to the time constant, as well as
in overdamped and underdamped second order
systems, in which only its coefficient of damping
will show any difference.
For NN training patterns, the variations in signal
amplitude are taken up in %, standardized, from
40% to 90%.
After numerous tests, training was carried out
with 858 input patterns, distributed in the following
• For overdamped second order systems (OSO):
For every
ζ value, 11 patterns are obtained
corresponding to the variations of the
amplitude from 40 to 90, with an increase of 5
(40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90).
ζ varies from 1.2 to 3, with an increase of
0.09, thus obtaining a total of
220 patterns.
For ζ greater than 3, the behavior of the system
is similar to a first order system.
• For underdamped second-order systems (USO):
As for every
ζ value, 11 patterns corresponding
to amplitude variations are obtained.
ζ varies from 0.1 to 0.7, with an increase
of 0.0667, thus obtaining a total of
• For first- (F) and critically damped second-order
(CSO) systems,
11 patterns are created,
respectively, corresponding to amplitude
variations from 40 to 90.
In order to have a similar number of patterns for
each model and achieve a better training of the NN,
the F and CSO patterns are repeated 20 times,
respectively, for a total of 440 patterns. For the USO
pattern they are repeated twice for 198 patterns. 858
Once the patterns were chosen, varied topologies
were used until the simplest with the most suitable
response was obtained. Eventually, a 30-input neural
network was used, 11 neurons in the hidden layer
and four-output neurons. Very good results were
obtained in the training and generalization of the
NN. The training error was 0.15%. Over 1000 test
patterns were used, obtaining a correct response,
with an error of 0.9% of failures.
Satisfactory results were obtained on training the
neural network, having a high level of
generalization. During the operation, the neural
network recognized the signals used, even those
affected by noise.
The research and the technological advances
presented are a satisfactory step forward in
facilitating the use of advanced and efficient
algorithms of predictive alarm by trend, with
minimum processing time. The presented algorithm
guarantees that the prediction will be corrected in
each period of analysis of the alarm condition states.
This method of predictive alarm has been applied
with good results on several occasions, in managing
hydraulic canals for irrigation and research purposes,
and in controlling sequential processes. For
example, a more efficient operation of a set of tanks
was developed by predicting the time in which a
tank level will reach a limit value.
Moreover, work has began to enhance the neural
network to not only select the most appropriate
model, but also make a pre-estimation of such a
model. This optimization algorithm would be
extremely efficient as its initial operation conditions
would be the values pre-estimated by the neural
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