generate commands to the CCAS. Integration
between these commands and the operator
commands is resolved by an arbitrator in the UIS.
The execution platform is an on-board
embedded PC. The PC/104 bus (PC104, 2004) is a
widely used industrial standard with many
advantages, such as vibration-resistance, modularity,
mechanical robustness, small form factor (96 x 115
mm), low power consumption, etc. Moreover, it can
be easily extended with boards that provide the kind
of functions needed by robots (digital and analogue
I/O, motion control, PCMCIA expansion, etc). The
chosen OS is RTLinux (Baravanov, 1997), with
which makes it is possible to have a real-time
application running while retaining all the power of
a Linux distribution (though with some restrictions)
The use of a common architecture for a domain or
family of systems allows rapid developments and
the reuse of components. This paper has presented a
common architectural framework for the
development of teleoperated service robots control
units (ACROSET), and also two application
examples in the context of the EFTCoR project that
show the ability of ACROSET to cope with the
needs and requirements of very different systems.
The separation of the conventional functionality of
the systems (CCAS) from the intelligent behaviours
greatly facilitates the addition of new functionalities
and the maintenance of applications. The main
drawback is the lack of language support for
expressing a component-oriented style of
The DSIE wishes to thank the Spanish Government
(CICYT) and the Regional Government of Murcia
(Seneca Programmes) for their support: TIC2003-
07804-C05-02 and PB/5/FS/02.
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