effective control of quadriceps muscles contraction
and, thereby, control the movement of the member.
The Zagheni’s software for the electrical
stimulator was developed using Visual C++.
Currently, we have upgraded that software with the
fuzzy controller algorithm in two channels of input
and sexteen channels of output, eight for each input.
In the present moment, it allows two goniometers
connected. Therefore, the knees joint and hip were
chosen for tests, made stimulating and controlling
the Rectus femoris, Gluteus maximus and Vastus
lateralis muscles, and used Gastrocnemius to help
stabilising when the volunteer stands up.
The triangular membership functions of the fuzzy
system had been chosen by being the most
commonly employed, being able to be adjusted later.
The controller was designed with an input called
angle input with 3 membership functions, another
input called the difference between active angle and
the desired one, with 5 membership functions and
the output is the difference of stimulation with 5
membership functions (Silva & Nohama, 2000,2).
In the output of the system fuzzy we had the
value to be calculated from the value currently
applied to obtain a new amplitude. To become the
generic system, at first model, all the values are
normalized (between 0 and 1), because the majority
of the parameters vary from patient to patient, thus,
the data needs to be processed for the input after an
output of the fuzzy system.
We did tests in-vivo to verify the necessity for
adjustments in membership functions. In the in-vivo
application we feel the necessity to establish a
minimum value of stimulation, because there is, in
each muscle of each patient, a sensibility threshold,
a contraction threshold value (when the muscle starts
to contract) and a maximum value of stimulation.
Above that maximum value, there is the risk to
cause damage to the muscle.
In one test a fixed angle of, more or less, 45
degrees was used as target of the member; the
member was initiating the motion with an angle of
more or less 85 degrees (fig. 1 and 2). That angle
was chosen due the difficulty to be kept during
electrical stimulation.
In figure 3, we have the amount of stimulation
applied to the muscle, we can notice the
compensation that the system makes due to the
fatigue that the muscle is submitted to during the
stimulation, also it is important to place that during
these tests, at any moment the stimulation arrived in
the maximum defined for that muscle, in that
patient. It had a small variation above and below the
objective angle that was left on purpose, because,
during our daily activity, the movements are not
totally precise, so an alteration of stimulation for
small natural variations in the contraction wasn’t
The noise present in the input signal will be
filtered in the future.
So that the movement can be more natural and
can have the possibility of a bigger gamma of
movements, with more easiness of configuration, it
is in final phase of development be read the angles
of the joints from a person with normal movements
for posterior reproduction in one patient, through
electrical stimulation. With this feature, the
movement pattern is easier to be constructed than
that one through the planning of computational
systems, where related movements are structured by
means of vectors, on which angles and times are
placed in the way they’re supposed to. In this way,
the movement is better assimilated and later
reproduced through the process of the Central
Pattern Generator demonstrated by Calancie
(Calancie et al.) and also by already existing a
previously stored engram, when the person had the
normal control of its movements, helping the
rehabilitation work if the cure of spinal cord injury
had been discovered.
Figure 2: Leg’s angle during the electrical stimulation
Figure 3: Amount of stimulus applied at Rectus femoris e
Vastus lateralis
In the continuation, the number of goniometers will
be expanded to be possible doing a gait at a
paraplegic. It needs to make a better design of
goniometers to be better adjusted to each joint.
Assembling a major number of goniometers,
allows us to test more complex movements. The
loop of control is already prepared and software will
need small implementations making possible for the
patient to execute movements like walk, ride a
bicycle or go up stairs, depending only on the
correct pattern of the angles to be executed. For the
future, an input system to acquire the intention of the
patient can be installed (Kostov et al., 1995), to