Tianhao Tang, Tianzhen Wang
Institute of Electrical & Control Engineering,Shanghai Maritime University, 1550 Pudong Road,Shanghai,China
Keywords: Nonlinear time series model, adaptive predictor, artificial neural networks, data mining.
Abstract: This paper presents a new multiple dimension predictive model based on the diagonal recurrent neural
networks (PDRNN) with a combined learning algorithm. This method can be used to predict not only
values, but also some points in the multi-dimension space. And also its applications in data mining will be
discussed in the paper. Some analysis results show the significant improvement to ship route prediction
using the PDRNN model in database of geographic information system (GIS).
The problem of prediction is denoted to estimate the
output of future according to input and output of
now and past in some system. Since Kolmogorov
presented a linear optimal predictor in 1941,
different kinds of trend analysis methods and
prediction models have been used for forecasting
and control. In this field, the time series prediction
model (Box and Jenkins, 1970) and the self-tuning
predictor (Wittenmark, 1974) were two kinds of
classical prediction methods. The tradition
prediction theories based on time series were
developed from linear auto recurrent moving
average (ARMA) models. And then these theories
were extended to nonlinear process. But, if using the
tradition predictive theories, it needs to solve the
problems: system modelling, parameter estimating,
model modifying and trend forecasting on-line.
In order to solve these problems, some
intelligent prediction methods were discussed, in
which the forward neural networks with BP
algorithm were used more popularly. Prediction
based on ANN has made an overwhelming impact
on many disciplines. But there are some difficulties
in prediction, particularly in the prediction of multi-
variable and non-steady dynamic process.
Recent years, scholars had done much research,
and made some progresses in this filed. We have
researched predictive models using neural networks,
such as an ANN-based nonlinear time series model
for fault detection and prediction in marine system
(Tang, 1998) and an adaptive predictor based on a
recurrent neural network for fault prediction and
incipient diagnosis (Tang, 2000). Furthermore a
direct multi-step adaptive predictor based on a
diagonal recurrent neuron network was presented for
intelligent system monitoring (Dou, 2001). These
models increased the precision and self-adaptation
of prediction in a manner.
However, there existed a problem: former
prediction methods based on time series models
could only approach or predict processes with one
kind of attribute, such as temperature, pressure and
flow in an industry process, or stock values and
GDP in the economic process. In this case, every
parameter must be separately denoted if using a
traditional time series model in the dynamic process.
But some objects have more than two kinds of
attributes, and must be represented as one predictive
model. For example, a ship route has two kinds of
attributes: longitude and latitude. A satellite position
has three kinds of attributes: longitude, latitude and
altitude. So the question of how to predict objects
with several attributes is an important problem in
This paper discusses self-adaptation prediction
methods based on ANN, and presents a multi-
dimension predictive model based on parallel
diagonal recurrent neuron network (PDRNN) with
TD-DBP combined algorithms for time series multi-
step forecasting. The paper takes a step forward to
use this model in data mining of GIS. Some
simulation resolves show the model is able to predict
a ship’s route according to its position from GPS.
The basic issue of a predictor can be described as:
if the past output value series {x
} is known, then
Tang T. and Wang T. (2005).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - Signal Processing, Systems Modeling and
Control, pages 52-59
DOI: 10.5220/0001168200520059