available soon . A further development of the mod-
eling system could consist of the addition of a Func-
tional Level. This level would be associated with the
affordances of the environment, perceived by the ro-
bot. According to Gibson (Gibson, 1979), “the af-
fordance of anything is a specific combination of the
properties of its substance and its surface taken with
reference to an animal.” In other words, the term af-
fordance can be understood as the function or role,
perceived by an observer, that an object plays in the
environment. Such functionalities are quickly per-
ceived through vision, and full tridimensional object
models are not always required so that their function-
alities in the environment could be perceived.
Even though a robot had a full tridimensional
model of the environment and information about the
movement of the objects, it wouldn’t have a human-
like scene vision. When human beings (and ani-
mals) observe a scene, they “see” several possibilities
and restrictions (Sloman, 1989), such as possibilities
of acquisition of more information through a change
in the viewpoint and possibilities of reaching a goal
through interaction with objects present in the envi-
ronment. Hence, Gibson’s affordances are closely re-
lated to these possibilities and restrictions. Once the
affordances represent a rich source of information to
understand the environment, it is important to develop
a strategy to identify and extract them from the im-
ages captured by the robot. Then, it is possible that
the observation of people while executing common
tasks reveal some affordances in the environment. For
example, one can assign to the doors of an environ-
ment the affordance “passage.” If the robot could ob-
serve people appearing and disappearing in a specific
region, it would perceive that region as an access to
such an environment.
While the robot is building the map or navigating
based on a map previously built, it is likely that the
robot faces an object or a person in its way. In order
to avoid the collision, it is necessary to develop an ob-
stacle detection algorithm and an obstacle avoidance
strategy based on information that can be extracted
from images. Besides, an environment inhabited by
people is subject to changes in its configuration. If
these changes are not detected by the robot and repre-
sented in the environment model, the map would not
be a correct representation of the environment any-
more. Hence, it is also necessary to develop a method-
ology to detect changes in the environment configura-
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