the test. Each group of tests consisted of five tests.
Examples of the test are shown in Fig. 11. Results
obtained by SUS were in agreement with results
obtained during the analysis of the test.
Figure 11: I level of generalization and (a,b) [f1] and II
level of generalization (c) [f1]
Progressive matrices test requires good abilities of
visual understanding. SUS needs to find the
representation that shows only relevant features of
the test. At first each figure is converted into
symbolic names and next into strings. Strings, after
refinements, are used to find the final solution.
Testing general abilities of the SUS required
identifying the type of the test and next finding the
solution. In the experiment two different types of
tests were used: the test of the type AO and the test
of the type FR. Solving these two different types of
tests required the proper identification of the type of
the test. Although a number of types of tests could
be large the method that was proposed would
incorporate identification of the different types of
tests. It would require implementing the proper
algorithm in the TestIdentificationExpert. The
algorithms for identification of the type ECW and
the type GA were elaborated and partially tested.
The result shows that proposed algorithm that was
implemented as the part of the
TestIdentificationExpert gives a very good results in
identifying and solving visual tests. The results
indicated that the visual tests can be performed in
two steps: the test identification and finding the
solution. The human subject also seems to perform
the test solving in two steps. However, finding the
type of the test does not guarantee that the human
subject will be able to solve the test.
Testing ability to solve the test of the different levels
of difficulty was performed on the tests of the type
FR. The time performance depended both on the
reasoning process that led to obtaining the symbolic
names and the time in which the test solver solved
the test given in the string forms. The reasoning
process is part of all tasks that are performed by
SUS and the time that is needed to obtain the
symbolic names is characteristic for the perceptual
abilities of SUS. The main indicator of the level of
difficulty is the time in which problem solver solves
the test. In the SUS for all tests presented there is
indication that time performance depends on the
level of difficulty. The time performance of the task
seems to be indicator of the test difficulty, however
the differences between the levels of difficulty are
not very significant. Human subject solves these
tasks in the different way. The levels of difficulty
are an indicator of the human ability to solve the
visual task. The tests that were ranked difficult were
not solved by all human subjects. Although in the
testing of the human subject a small sample was
used the result indicates that there is a big difference
in solving these tasks by human and by SUS. The
main reasons seem to be that SUS has a very good
string representation of the task. Even the test which
was classified as difficult was solved by SUS. It
indicates that for each tests that can be represented
by the string representation shown in this paper the
level of difficulties can be measured by time of
performance of the test. In comparison to the human
subject who after training process has its
performance very depending on the level of the test
difficulty, the SUS performance vary only in the
time that is needed to process the bigger number of
An ability to make generalization was performed on
two groups of tests. All tests were solved by SUS
assuming that the generalization was performed in
ordered manner that means it takes into account the
known structural features of the exemplar.
Generalization requires knowledge of the class
description as well as knowledge of the geometrical
properties of the visual figures. In the case of SUS
the symbolic name that is the result of the visual
reasoning includes description of the class that refers
to the geometrical properties of figures. The
hierarchical structure of the shape classes make it
possible to perform generalization based on the
string representation. The combinatorial manners
that do not distinguished between the types of the
class descriptions require interpretation of the string
which was selected. The proposed method makes it
possible to perform complex generalization based on
the hierarchical structure of the shape classes.
In this paper understanding abilities of the shape
understanding system (SUS) are tested based on the
adoption of the intelligence tests. The intelligence
tests are formulated as the tasks given to the system.
Performance of the SUS was compared with the
human performance of these tasks. The results show
that the SUS is able to perform visual tasks that are
performed by the human observer during
intelligence tests. The tests were based on the