0 5 10 15 20
b) MSE of control.
Figure 8: Trajectory tracking control results obtained
using a fuzzy controller
Table 1: Mean Squared Error of identification and control
Name FNHMM vs. single RTNN
Systems identification: 0.08% vs. 0.27%
Feedforward control: 1.5% vs. 2.3%
Feedforward plus feedback
direct adaptive control:
0.41% vs. 2.7%
Fuzzy control: 5.8% (does not use NNs)
From Figures 6, 7, 8 and the MSE% data from Table
1, we could conclude that: the systems identification
using FNHMM gives better results than that using
only one RTNN; the control schemes which use
FNHMMC works better than that using one RTNN;
the FNHMM feedforward/feedback direct adaptive
control gives better results with respect to the
FNHMM feedforward control; the fuzzy control is
worse with respect to the neural control, especially
when the friction parameters changed.
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with respect to the identification using one RTNN.
The same is valid for the schemes of control. The
better control is the feedforward/feedback control
and the worse control is the fuzzy control.
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A HIERARCHICAL FUZZY-NEURAL MULTI-MODEL: An application for a mechanical system with friccion
identification and control