The introspective reasoning is related to all
inspection process performed by the physical agents
in order to decide if their physical bodies allow them
to execute a proposed task. This self-inspection is
based on the control-oriented knowledge about their
control systems architectures, namely, about their
automatic controllers. Thus, the agents look for the
controllers with which they can perform the task
(e.g. agent 1: cases 2, 4 and 6, agent 2: cases 1 and
2). The capabilities management performed by the
agents aids to choose among the controllers the most
suitable according to task criteria established in the
commitments acquisition process (e.g. agent 1: case
, agent 2: case 1→ C
). Thus, the agents 1 and
2 find the most suitable controller (C
) to perform
the coordinated task and hence they commit to
execute it.
The above results show a good decision tool
established upon the introspective reasoning and the
capabilities management that increase the autonomy
and self-control of the agents. The introspection and
the decisions based on capabilities give a
trustworthy idea about the real reliability with which
each agent can commit in cooperative systems.
This work presents a way of developing intelligent
behaviours in physical agents by means of a suitable
exploitation of the information of their control
systems. This information should be exploited to
enhance the autonomy and the decision ability of the
physical agents for instance in coordinated tasks.
Our proposal based on AC
makes possible to obtain
safer systems taking into account control-oriented
knowledge. Explicitly, this paper shows the need
and influence of AC
on the decisions making
structure of cooperative intelligent agents when
executing coordinated tasks.
This proposal would open the research horizon
towards an engineering perspective that could be
used as an effective design methodology of physical
agents based on AC
. However, this approach is just
one possible technique that can be used to extract the
atomic capabilities. In this paper has been presented
to remark the potential of AC
in the linkage of
control systems with multi-agent systems. There are
open studies on how to take advantage of this
approach. Furthermore, to select one paradigm for
the implementation of these concepts is not trivial at
all, and its development is still open.
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