Figure 11: Development of RMS-error
It can be concluded that the presented algorithm has
the following properties:
• The extrapolation results from the interpolation
between the slopes at the borders, which is cal-
culated from the border support vectors and
their neighbours.
• The interpolation as well as the extrapolation
part only needs the input and output support
vectors to perform a mapping. No interpolation
factors and no local linear model matrices are
required. The price is that only 0-order continu-
ity is ensured, which mostly is sufficient.
• The mapping performance is comparable to
other algorithms (PSOM, RBF, ...).
• One mapping for ambiguous inverse system
behaviour can be found within a sufficient
number of iteration steps. Still a comparison to
other algorithms is missing since there is no
commonly accepted benchmark-system that can
be easily set up.
The following problems have not been solved yet:
• The topology is still fixed and must be known a-
priori. There exist algorithms that dynamically
build topologies and neighbourhood relation-
ships, depending on the input data "structure".
• There are still learning parameters that must be
tuned before each experiment and that partially
vary depending on time. For online training
these parameters must be varied automatically.
• The presented algorithm shall be tested in a real
application. One good demonstration is to learn
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