Finally, figures 10 and 11 show the active value of
in both simulations.
Figure 10: Active value of
with method 1
Figure 11: Active value of
with method 2
In this paper, a multi-model based discrete control
scheme for a continuous plant has been presented.
The different discrete models are obtained by
discretizing the continuous plant under a FROH
device. The scheme is designed to find the value of
the gain
which leads to the best tracking
performance. Two different methods have been
presented for this purpose. The first one selects the
current value of the gain among a fixed set of
possible values. The second one updates
only to a
close value, avoiding bad transients which may
occur when the changing is big. Finally, the
proposed schemes have been used in two practical
cases. Simulations showed that an appropriate
choice of the value of
leads to a good tracking
performance, even if a continuous plant is under
control by a discrete controller. Moreover, the
advantages and disadvantages of both methods have
been figured out through the simulation results.
The authors are very grateful to MEC and UPV by
partial supports through Research Grants DPI 2003-
00164 and Scholarship of A.Bilbao BES-2004-4261,
and 9/UPV 00I06.I06-15263/2003.
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