A New Training Algorithm for Neuro-Fuzzy Networks
Stefan Jakubek
and Nikolaus Keuth
Vienna University of Technology,
Institute for Mechanics and Mechatronics,
Gußhausstr. 27-29/E325, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
AVL List GmbH, Hans-List Platz 1, A-8020 Graz , Austria,
Abstract. In this paper a new iterative construction algorithm for local model
networks is presented. The algorithm is focussed on building models with sparsely
distributed data as they occur in engine optimization processes. The validity func-
tion of each local model is fitted to the available data using statistical criteria
along with regularisation and thus allowing an arbitrary orientation and extent
in the input space. Local models are consecutively placed into those regions of
the input space where the model error is still large thus guaranteeing maximal
improvement through each new local model. The orientation and extent of each
validity function is also adapted to the available training data such that the de-
termination of the local regression parameters is a well posed problem. The reg-
ularisation of the model can be controlled in a distinct manner using only two
user-defined parameters. Examples from an industrial problems illustrate the ef-
ficiency of the proposed algorithm.
1 Introduction
Modeling and identification of nonlinear systems is challenging because nonlinear proc-
esses are unique in the sense that they may have an infinite structural variety compared
to linear systems. A major requirement for a nonlinear system modeling algorithm is
therefore universalness in the sense that a wide class of structurally different systems
can be described.
The architecture of local model networks is capable of fulfilling these requirements
and can therefore be applied to tasks where a high degree of flexibility is required. The
basic principles of this modeling approach have been more or less independently de-
veloped in different disciplines like neural networks, fuzzy logic, statistics and artificial
intelligence with different names such as local model networks, Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy
models or neuro-fuzzy models [1–5].
Local model networks possess a good interpretability. They interpolate local mod-
els, each valid in different operating regions, determined by so-called validity functions.
Many developments are focused on the bottleneck of the local model network which is
the determination of these subdomains or validity functions, respectively.
One important approach is Fuzzy clustering as presented in [6, 1,7, 8]. An important
issue in this field is the interpretability of the validity functions, for example as operating
regimes. Recent developments can be found for example in [9, 10].
Jakubek S. and Keuth N. (2005).
A New Training Algorithm for Neuro-Fuzzy Networks.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing, pages 23-34
DOI: 10.5220/0001180200230034