than the EA. Consequently, it can be used only with
slow dynamical systems.
This paper was concerned with the constrained
nonlinear predictive control. A neural network
model is used to predict the system output over the
prediction horizon. Two methods are considered for
the non convex optimization. The first method is
based on the classical ellipsoid algorithm. The
second method combines genetic and ellipsoid
algorithms. Genetic algorithms are used to adjust
the EA parameters. The proposed algorithm allowed
us to overcome the problem of initialization the first
ellipsoid but increases the CPU time needed at each
simple time.
Table 1: CPU time of the ellipsoid algorithm
Value of A 10 10 10
ε 2 10
4 10
8 10
CPU time (s) 9.77 10
6.82 10
5.5 10
Figure 1: Set point, outputs and controls for different
values of ε (Ellipsoid algorithm)
Table 2: CPU time of the Genetic Ellipsoid algorithm
maxgen 25 50 100
ε 10
CPU time (s) 1.0073 1.9641 3.7470
Figure 2: Set point, output and control (Genetic Ellipsoid
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