The joint use of Simulation, Coloured Petri Nets and Expert System
Fabiano A. Hennemann, Ricardo J. Rabelo, José E. R. Cury
DAS - UFSC, P O Box 476, 88040-900 – Florianópolis – SC, Brazil
José V. Canto dos Santos, Arthur T. Gómez
PIPCA – UNISINOS, P O Box 275, 93022-000 – São Leopoldo – RS, Brazil
Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Simulation, Coloured Petri Nets, Expert System.
Abstract: This works aim to propose a Hybrid Decision Support System (HDSS), based in Simulation and Coloured
Petri Nets as modelling techniques of manufacture processes, and an Expert System to assist in its use. The
HDSS provides a friendly interface for the user that, after selecting input parameters, gets a series of data
about the manufacturing process that will assist in the evaluation of its performance as answer. To validate
the proposal, some particular scenes have been tested, with the objective of elaborate a set of proposals for
improving the performance of productive systems, evaluating the impacts from the change on model
parameters and providing a better understanding about the systems considered. The HDSS makes possible
for managers, without knowledge of modelling techniques, manipulate data and interact with the models.
The developed prototype is generic for applying on general manufacturing processes, making it possible to
use it for any industrial plant, since that the input parameters of the model are adequately fitted.
The companies must constantly improve its
manufacture processes and its methodologies of
work. For this, becomes necessary the improvement
of the productive process, looking for the reduction
of lead times, costs of production, improvement of
the quality, among others. However, this objective is
very difficult to reach. One of the causes is the lack
of good computational systems that assist managers
in the evaluation of the company and the posterior
decisions. The existence of a tool to support decision
that interacts with a model of the manufacture
process could benefit these companies to analyze the
performance of its processes, to establish schedules
of execution with precision, to relate the operations
and to plan the resources necessary in the
manufacture process of each product type. In
literature, the development of systems based on
some specific approaches is found, with its results
presenting, of course, inherent limitations to the used
techniques. This work presents a Hybrid Decision
Support System that combines the potentialities of
some excellent approaches, aiming at to improve the
quality of the diagnosis and the decisions to be done.
The techniques integrated in this work are
Simulation, Coloured Petri Nets and Expert
In this work the shoes matrices production
ent was chosen to evaluate and to validate the
proposal. Its processes can be considered as flow
shop type (Askin & Standridge, 1993), with great
variability and average production, as described in
(Groover, 2001). The research aims, in short, to
study the productive processes in manufacture
environments, with the objective to supply
theoretical subsidies through tools and
documentation, in order to assist administrative
resolutions. The choice of modelling techniques,
whose contributions interact with the processes
managers, through a HDSS, as suggested in (Piesik
& Weglarz, 1999) and (O'Reilly & Lilegdon, 1999)
is a appropriate strategy in this context. The article is
organized as follows: Section 2 presents the
Identified Problems; Section 3 shows the proposed
model and aspects related to the implementation; in
Section 4 the results and the structural validation
with CPNs are shown; and finally, Section 5
presents the conclusions.
A. Hennemann F., J. Rabelo R., E. R. Cury J., V. Canto dos Santos J. and T. Gómez A. (2005).