multiplied by the correlation of the current left
image with the matched left one, and the same with
the right offset. This schema can be useful when the
images of each camera are quite different or when
there is an obstacle or occlusion that affects just to
one of the cameras. In these cases, the control action
of the camera that has the problem will be multiplied
by a very low quantity, so it will have a poor effect
on the robot navigation. As well, the experiments
that have been carried out show how this control
schema improves slightly the results that offers the
differential one. These results are shown in fig. 5.
A solution to the problem of the continuous
navigation using an appearance-based approach has
been proposed. Several control schemas have been
tested, including P, PD and PD with variable
parameters controllers. With these laws, the robot is
able to find itself and follow the route in a band of
about two meters around the pre-recorded route. It
can be done although the scene suffers small
changes (illumination, position of some objects,
partial occlusions in one of the cameras). We are
now working in other control methods, such fuzzy
The main drawback of this navigation method
arises when the scenes are highly unstructured and
varying. In this case, it is necessary to increase
resolution to get an acceptable accuracy in
navigation. The solution proposed is based in the
reduction of the information to store using PCA
subspaces. This method shows two big advantages:
the size of the vectors to compare is much smaller
and we can calculate the majority of the information
off-line so we have it available during navigation.
Besides, the size of the vectors is independent of the
resolution of the images so, it is expected to work
well in very unstructured environments.
This work has been supported by Ministerio de
Educación y Ciencia through project DPI2004-
07433-C02-01. ‘Herramientas de teleoperación
Colaborativa. Aplicación al Control cooperativo de
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Figure 5: Average correlation during navigation for
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