The ARTS covers the border regions of the
experimental field and is used as backup when the
VScope-Button activation fails, as it was planed in
the system design.
Our first system for the tele-laboratory was only
based on video streams as feedback from the virtual
laboratory. With this system we examined the
possibility to perform the remote-experiments from
Tianjin University in China. The available
bandwidth was about 14 Kbytes/s to 21 Kbytes/s.
This bandwidth only allows a low picture quality.
These tests and other performance tests showed that
at least medium picture quality is necessary to
provide certain usability of the experiments for the
students with the video-based system. As presented
in Table 2 a bandwidth of least 25 Kbytes/s
(downlink) and 2 Kbytes/s (uplink) for a grayscale
video stream is required.
Bandwidth tests of the system described here
with the virtual representation of the experimental
setup and the external tracking results in required
bandwidth of about 1,3 Kbytes/s for the downlink
and 0,1 Kbytes/s for the uplink. This strong
reduction of required bandwidth makes it possible
for users with even very low bandwidth internet
connection to perform the experiments.
The presented work demonstrates an approach to
enable tele-experiments via the internet for limited
link capabilities. This offers possibilities to perform
experiments with the equipment in our university for
remote students from all over the world.
The described system is applied and will be
further optimized in projects with Chinese and
Indian universities, but also for the local students
using modem connections from their homes. The
flexible user interface allowing operation of the
robot in two- or three-dimensional space enables the
student users to choose the optimal visualization
depending on the performance of their computer and
internet connection.
Future work will include investigations on
improved external tracking systems to cover a larger
experiment area and provide a higher precision. The
application potential of such telematics methods
extends beyond tele-learning to industrial fields like
tele-maintenance, home automation, space
exploration and service robotics.
We appreciated the financial support provided for
part of this research within the “EU-India” program
of the European Union and the PPP China program
by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD.
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