Figure 6: Target lost, searched and recovered
Due to occlusions that may be caused by corners at
the end of corridors or obstacles, robot can lose the
target. An example of the robustness of target recov-
ering strategies can be seen in figure 6, when the tar-
get person disappeared from the camera images. Then
the visual tracking schemas switched from center
to search, rotating the pantilt unit to the right, look-
ing for the lost green T-shirt. Robot stopped the mo-
tors (stop-robot) and initiated the search with the
pantilt, rotated in the horizontal axis looking in the
last known target position. This searching method
have proved to quickly recover the target.
Figure 7: Robot keeps the distance using only vision
Maintaining a safe distance between robot and tar-
get is a key question in person following as we don’t
want the robot to bump into the human. As can be
seen in figure 7, the designed behavior detects the size
of the person in the image, and brakes the robot when
such size surpasses a safety threshold. There is no
explicit distance measurement. The stop-robot is
then activated, and it continuously checks its precon-
dition. When target moves away from the robot, the
schema hierarchy reconfigures itself, activating the
base-trackingand it starts to pursuing her again.
Person following behavior has been designed and im-
plemented inside JDE as two concurrent groups of
schemas. JDE combines several habilities in a small
hierarchy: target tracking using a color filter, naviga-
tion behavior pursuing the tracked person, avoiding
obstacles and mantaining a safe distance.
The robot exhibits good performance in the ex-
periments: it follows the moving target with smooth
movements avoiding obstacles and mantaining a safe
distance with the tracked person. In addition, when
target is lost the robot is able to recover the tracked
person quickly.
We are working to introduce new behaviors to test
JDE abilities to integrate a larger number of them.
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