Task completion time for each task is estimated
by a probabilistic model using a normal distribution.
To avoid cases where negative values are provided,
the time domain was limited to truncate the
distribution. Momentary states of cognitive
resources are simulated with the Multiple Resource
Model proposed by Wickens and Yeh (Wickens &
Yeh, 1986), in which five types of resources are
defined: visual, auditory, cognitive, motor, and
speech. Indexes describing cognitive workload,
which are necessary to use the resources in
achieving tasks, are assigned in a model using data
from a reported database (Micro Analysis and
Design, 1997). Monte Carlo simulations provide
quantitative time data and total momentary workload
indices based on the estimated cognitive resources.
3.2 Task network models for
human-robot interaction
The task network model of the Roboflag operation
was constructed considering three fundamental steps
of the operators’ cognitive work: state recognition,
decision making, and operation. Fundamental
information about necessary tasks in the work was
defined through cognitive task analysis on the
experimental data.
We considered two major factors in the model
that would affect cognitive work across the different
Roboflag interface types. One was the probability of
the need for the user to intervene manually in
controlling robots in order to ensure mission
success. For example, an operator assigned whole
robots an option of super-play, and then reassigns
some of the robots another play after he/she
recognized the former strategy was not appropriate
or turned inappropriate because the situation had
changed. We assumed that this probability would, by
definition, be relatively high for the waypoint-only
interface, lower for play operations, and much lower
for super-play operations. Also, we assumed a
higher probability when eight rather than four robots
had to be supervised, because the time constraint
must be highly related with the number. The actual
values assigned for the probabilities are shown in
Table 1.
Table 1: Probability of need for user’s manual intervention
in controlling robots (assumption in this study).
# of robots 4 8 4 8
Waypoint 0.15 0.3 0.2 0.4
Play 0.075 0.15 0.1 0.2
0.0375 0.75 0.05 0.1
ll Select
The level of a
at i on
The second factor was the operator’s time for
decision-making. We assumed that this would be
shorter when the number of operational alternatives
was small, and longer when the number was large.
For example, in the Select-Select condition, an
operator should choose from among three options,
waypoint, play, or super-play, then select the
number of robots to which the option should be
applied, and finally execute the plan.
The cognitive model estimates relative indexes
for mental workload of a human operator playing
Roboflag simulation with one of the alternative
3.3 Monte Carlo simulation
This simulation is implemented on a PC using
WinCrew (Micro Analysis and Design, Inc.), a
discrete event simulation-modeling tool (Laughery,
One thousand trials of Monte Carlo simulations
were performed for each of the eight human-robot
interfaces examined in the cognitive experiment
with either four or eight robots. To compare the
results under the different conditions, the simulated
operational time was set equally at 60 seconds.
Figure 4 shows expected values and the standard
deviations of total time-integrated workload for each
of the eight interfaces.
As expected, workload was higher when eight
rather than four robots were supervised (
15996)=60.297, p<.001
). This finding accords with the
result of the previous experiment.
Also, workload was higher when only waypoint
control was available (individual waypoint, all
waypoint, flexible waypoint) compared to when
automated plays could be used, with the exception
that relatively low values were found for the “All-
Waypoint” interface. Finally, workload was high in
the “Select-Select” interface, particularly when eight
robots were supervised. These simulation findings
closely parallel those reported in the empirical data
from the cognitive experiment (see Figure 2).
One exception is that the estimated workloads
were much lower than the subjective data in the
conditions that the level of aggregation is all (all
waypoint, all superplay). A possible reason of this
validation is that the assumption on the probability
of the need for the user’s manual intervention is not
appropriate, where the probability would be
relatively lower when the level of aggregation is
“All” and higher when the level is “Select.” To