scrutiny of the remaining sub-averages reveals that in the ensemble average, this
peaks is cancelled out by a positive peak at this time position which has a large
magnitude but a small number of repetitions. This represents a possible advantage of
this system over the typical ensemble average system where such a peak is not
evident and could result in loss of information.
Separating overlapping peaks is an important and difficult component of any
singularity detection technique [6]. On occasion, some detected peaks do not have a
close fit to the original. However, it is observed that the vast majority of epochs give
an excellent fit to the original signal.
A new method of peak detection for evoked potentials has been presented. Using
an example of VEP based EEG data generated using 104 experiments, this peak
detection method is shown to retain the same evoked potential information as the
ensemble averaging technique. It is envisaged that this tool could help interpret the
visual evoked potential in two ways. Firstly, the higher concentration locations
indicate a more repeatable evoked potential signal and hence give a reliability factor
to the peak that is being viewed. Secondly, when cancellation of positive and
negative peaks occurs, the make-up of that cancellation may be examined in terms of
size of peak and number of times it occurs. Further testing and analysis of this
technique is being undertaken to broaden its application and to verify the results more
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