4 Experimental Setup
This section describes the testing environment and experimental setup to the test the
performance of the proposed prediction system.
The testing environment is the RoboCup Small Size League [6] and the research
platform is the RoboRoos. In this league both teams have five robots. The rules are
similar to the human version of the game (FIFA). There are two 10 minute halves.
The robots are fully autonomous in the sense that no strategy or control input is al-
lowed by the human operators during play.
The prediction method is tested within the existing robot soccer system. The simu-
lator simulates two teams of robots in line with the 2003 RoboCup Small Size League
rules and regulations. This includes simulating some of the important human referee
tasks such detection of when a goal is scored and restarting play. The simulator has a
very high fidelity with a one millisecond resolution in the simulation of all robot and
ball kinematics, dynamics and collisions. It closely simulates the performance of the
real robots. The vision and intelligence systems are simulated at 60 Hz. Simulations
including the prediction algorithm ran faster than real time on a Pentium-M laptop
computer. The time between the current and next state, one time step, is 250 millisec-
onds (15 frames). The model is updated at every visual update (60 Hz). The agents
are predicted every 83.3 milliseconds which is 5 frames. The agents are predicted
forward 1 second into the future (a significant time in robot soccer) representing 4
steps in the Markov chain. At the agent’s top speed of 1.5 metres/second they can
move approximately 8 grid squares in the predicted time.
The field is divided up so that each occupancy grid cell is approximately the same
size as an agent. This gives 15 x 12 grid squares. The current heading direction is
broken into 8 directions and stationary to form the motion grid. This is converted into
a 3 x 3 matrix where the centre cell (1,1) is for stationary and the other cells hold
appropriate heading directions. An agent is classified as stationary if its velocity is
below a threshold. This threshold is the velocity where an agent is just as likely to
maintain its current occupancy state as it is to change state. This is half of the cell
width divided by the time step time. This gives a threshold velocity of 0.36 me-
tres/second. When the system is unable to make a prediction (the agent is in a previ-
ously unseen state) the system predicts that the agent will continue with its current
motion. If the agent is stationary then it is predicted to maintain its current location.
The system was tested in three different situations of increasing difficulty.
• Figure of Eight Path – This involved an agent tracing out a figure of eight path.
This has no relationship to robot soccer but is used to demonstrate the approach.
• Goal Shooting - This involved one agent interacting with a ball against five oppo-
sition agents that were held stationary in a defensive formation. The player’s ac-
tions were to acquire, move and kick the ball into the opponent’s goal. Results
were recorded for a state transition tree that modelled the dependency on the mo-
tion of the ball and one that doesn’t. This experiment lasted for twenty minutes.
• Full Game – This was a normal game lasting twenty minutes with most of the
rules of the SSL. This is the most difficult domain for the predictor. Each player on
the opposing team was modelled and predicted relative to the motion of the ball.