4 Discussion and conclusion
Our method automatically detects failure of the gridding, which is often due to inputs
whose structure does not match the expected logical structure of Figure 1. For instance
there are frequent situations
in which a correct gridding can never be obtained with
our technique because one or more rows are systematically missing at the bottom of
the grids (due to irrelevant expression of the corresponding genes), so preventing any
possible solution solely based on the data. This is a problem specific to the context of
microarrays that is not sufficiently taken into account by the general method.
In the remaining cases
the gridding works very well as both the error mean and
standard deviation often kept around one pixel, which is desirable and comparable to
the results achieved in [4] over synthetic images
In our experience, the prominent cause of failure is the incorrect evaluation of the
number and position of rows/columns, which results in the automatic discard of the
gridding. Probably it would be enough to require human intervention for the introduc-
tion of the correct number of rows/columns
to achieve a much better performance on
most experiments. In our future work we intend to examine this variant.
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Experiments 11704, 14317, 19880, 20385, 21635, 22588, 24047, 34727, 4047.
Experiments 14013, 15989, 17995, 25978, 30855, 32827, 51736, 24047, 32898, 40380.
The authors report a Mean Square Error varying from 1 to 4 pixels, depending on the noise
variance chosen in the construction of the artificial grids (from 0 to 10 pixels).
This would require just one intervention per microarray, being all its grids of the same size.