progress in designing and implementing ideas based on AI, multiagent systems, includ-
ing cooperative behavior, path planning, team work, etc that can be easily implemented
in soccer simulation league. On the other hand there are many limitations in imple-
menting most advanced methods used in simulation league in middle size. The reason
is due to the hardware and mechanical limitation of robots. If we continue the leagues
as they are, by the time that we could build better robots, we might face some serious
limitations, that is we might not be able to apply the advanced software algorithms on
those robots.
In the other hand, many research groups who are interested in middle size, but be-
cause of the high cost of purchasing real robots, or difficulties in constructing own ro-
bots, the number of teams that have been participated in middle size league are limited.
The trend in recent years shows that there might not be much change in this regard.
Therefore, in order to speed up many research ideas in related fields, the need for a
Simulation Middle Size league seems to be a reality.
In this new league, two teams of modeled robots can play according to middle size
league rules. Each team should provide the model of his robot(s) in VRML97
and also its controller program using which the server will model a simulation version
of them. At this stage the server will arrange a match between these two teams in an
environment similar to that of middle size league.
We highly recommend the reader to look at the movies in the web page of this paper
). These movies show the matches played
in the new league environment. Also, the controller programs source codes (in C/C++
language) are ready to download from this web page.
All our design and implementations were done using Webots
, a commercial mobile
robot simulation software that provides a rapid prototyping environment for modeling,
programming and simulating mobile robots. Using the libraries of this software one can
transfer his control programs to several commercially available real mobile robots[3].
The reason that at this stage we have used Webots, was because we were familiar
with its usage in mobile robots applications. But, there are other simulations tools such
as Player/Stage which is an open source, that can be used for this purpose, or even
a group of researches might develop a special purpose simulations tool for RoboCup
However, although most middle size teams might have their own simulation soft-
ware tools, but such tools are limited to test some specific functionality of their robots.
In addition due to the hard schedule of most teams in developing practical software and
hardware and also mechanical fix ups, there is very limited time left for testing many
available methods and new ideas, for example, path planning, cooperative behavior,
distributed AI, etc, on real robots.
Virtual Reality Modeling Language, version 97: Most 3D modeling software, like 3D Studio
Max, Maya, AutoCAD or Art Of Illusion, include the VRML97 export feature.