suffer from a practical problem where each agent can move to a position which satisfies
the constraints on it once all the other agents are fixed but it is not possible to satisfy all
the constraints on all the agents at the same time.
In Section 2, we formally characterize the above problem, which we call the partial
equilibrium problem, and which is closely associated with unsafe control of a forma-
tion in practical 3-dimensional applications. We then introduce the definition of a struc-
turally persistent graph, a class of persistent graphs free of any partial equilibrium prob-
lem. In real deployment of control of multi-agent system, formations with underlying
structurally persistent graphs are of interest. It is established in Secction 2 incidentally
that in two dimensions, structural persistence and persistence are equivalent.
In Section 3, we focus on the connections between allocation of degrees of freedom
(DOFs) across agents and the characteristics of persistence and/or structural persistence
of a directed graph. We also show how to transfer degrees of freedom between agents,
when the formation changes with new agent(s) added, to preserve persistence and/or
structural persistence. We study cycle-free graphs in ℜ
and show some more powerful
results that exist in this special case, such as the existence of a quadratic time criterion to
verify the cycle-free property and to decide persistence, which automatically guarantees
structural persistence.
We end the paper with concluding remarks in Section 4. Note that all the proofs are
omitted due to space limitations. However, a full version of this work together with the
campanion paper [1] is available in preprint from the authors.
2 Partial Equilibrium Problem and Structurally Persistent
Consider a persistent graph G = (V, E) in ℜ
(d ∈ {2, 3, . . .}). The partial equilibrium
problem we want to avoid is the following: There is a subset
V ⊂ V of vertices such
that all the vertices in
V are at fitting positions whatever the positions of the vertices
in V \
V are, but there exists no position assignment for the vertices in V \
V such that
the whole representation is fitting. For example, consider the 3-dimensional persistent
G shown in Figure 1, an associated set
d of desired lengths d
> 0 for all the
(i, j), and a realization ¯p of
d in agreement with Figure 1. Identify
V with {1, 2}.
Since the vertices 1 and 2 have zero out-degrees, they are at fitting positions for any
representation of the graph, whatever the positions of 3, 4, 5 are. However, there are
representations of
G arbitrarily close to ¯p where the vertices 3, 4, and 5 cannot be at
fitting positions at the same time. From the perspective of formations, in the formation
represented by
G, there exist two leaders, 1 and 2, which are allowed to move freely in
without any constraint. This freedom, however, makes it impossible in some cases
for the agents 3, 4, and 5 to meet all the distance constraints on them, although
G is
persistent, according to the definition given in Section 3 of [1]. In such a case, we will
say that
G is in partial equilibrium.
The existence of such partial equilibrium problems in three and higher dimensional
spaces makes it necessary to analyse persistent graphs further and introduce new con-
cepts such as structural persistence that will be defined in this section. In ℜ
, how-
ever, there is no persistent graph suffering from partial equilibrium problems, as ex-