The human ordered again (example 4), Robovie became to look at the red block.
But in this case, the attention drifted and the response was “the blue one”(example 5).
Then, the context were examined at each step when drift of attention occurs. Figure
4 denotes contents of the context at 42–52[sec]. In Figure 4, the horizontal also axis
also denotes time in seconds, and the vertical axis denotes the number of pairs in the
context for each feature.
In this figure, the most characteristic transition is at 43[sec], which is caused by
Top-Down Update. Then, all of the contents in context is filled with a pair of red block.
Therefore, attention drifts to red block, but this “ratio” pairs are removed as time passes.
Then the context had many “size” pair, but the two blocks has similar size, then Robovie
paid attention to both blocks at this time. Then the context became to contain many
“ratio” again, the attention became stable.
In summary, ACS achieves dynamic maintenance of attention using Feature Drift
and rule-based update of attention via Top-Down Updating.
7 Conclusion
In this paper, we described the problem of fixed reaction of robot and propose a system
called ACS. In ACS, we introduce Feature Drift, then robot can maintain its attention
and drift dynamically. Then, robot has various reactions for each situation, the problem
of fixed reaction is solved. In case that various attention of robot may prevent some
human commands, we also introduce Top-Down Update of context. With Top-Down
Update, the attention is forced to drift to specific target. Therefore robot obeys human
command. Then, the communication between human and robot is achieved by robot’s
In future, we plan to And we will also add multi-robot interchange of context. For
example, two robots pay attention to the same object, or a robot becomes to pay atten-
tion to what a human pays attention to. Because ACS has a few behaviors now, we will
test the validity of ACS after implementing other behaviors.
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