Independent Component Analysis and Raman
Microspectroscopy on Paraffinised Non Dewaxed
Cutaneous Biopsies: A promising Methodology for
Melanoma Early Diagnosis
Cyril Gobinet
, Ali Tfayli
, Olivier Piot
, Valeriu Vrabie
and Régis Huez
CReSTIC, URCA, Campus du Moulin de la Housse,
B.P. 1039, 51687 Reims Cedex 2, France
Unité MéDIAN, CNRS UMR 6142, URCA, 51 rue Cognacq Jay
51096 Reims Cedex, France
Abstract. This paper deals with a promising methodology for melanoma early
diagnosis. Raman spectroscopy is used to record vibrational information of
paraffinised tumoral tissues. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is
performed on Raman spectra to numerically deparaffinise spectra. Resulting
deparaffinised spectra are used to extract discriminant information specific to
malignant and benign tumors. These spectral specificities can be employed as
molecular descriptors of the type of pathology. A comparison with Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) shows that ICA is more suited to process this kind
of problem.
1 Introduction
Cutaneous melanoma is the most severe form of skin cancers and accounts for three-
quarters of skin cancer deaths. Clinical diagnosis of malignant melanoma is difficult
due to its similarity to atypical benign nevi. Therefore new and efficient non-invasive
tools for early diagnosis of melanomas present a crucial interest in clinical practice.
Since few years, several studies have reported the potential of vibrational
spectroscopies to characterise and to differentiate cancerous from normal tissues.
Raman imaging has been often used due to the fact that Raman spectra provide useful
information about molecular composition of biological structures.
The paraffin embedding process enables to conserve biopsies for several years.
However the use of paraffinised tissues for spectroscopical investigations remains
very restricted. This is due to energetic Raman peaks of paraffin that mask important
vibrational bands of the tissues in recorded spectra. Few works are related to the
analysis of paraffinised tissues, but they led on chemically dewaxed and rehydrated
tissues [1–2], a procedure that may induce alterations in the tissue structure, and
which is time and chemical reagents consuming.
Recently Tfayli et al. [3] have successfully used the FTIR to discriminate between
nevi and melanomas on paraffinised non dewaxed skin sections. The discrimination
was based on narrow vibrational bands where the paraffin has no contribution.
Gobinet C., Tfayli A., Piot O., Vrabie V. and Huez R. (2005).
Independent Component Analysis and Raman Microspectroscopy on Paraffinised Non Dewaxed Cutaneous Biopsies: A promising Methodology for
Melanoma Early Diagnosis.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Biosignal Processing and Classification, pages 19-26
DOI: 10.5220/0001195500190026
In this work we propose first to numerically deparaffinise the Raman spectra by
using the Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Second, we show the possibility to
extract discriminant sources specific to malignant and benign tumours, sources that
can be employed as molecular descriptors of the type of pathology. We also show that
ICA is a more efficient technique than the commonly used Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) for this kind of treatment.
2 Data acquisition and properties
Tissue sections of 10µm thick were cut from paraffin embedded biopsies
(Dermatology department of Reims university Hospital). Sections were fixed on CaF
slides suitable for Raman analysis. Spectral images were collected by a Labram
spectrometer (Dilor-Jobin Yvon, Lille, France) in a point by point mode with a 10 µm
step. The light source was a titanium-sapphire laser exciting at 785 nm. In each point,
the spectrum was recorded at 1305 wavenumbers covering a spectral region from 200
to 1800 cm
with a resolution of 1.22 cm
Due to the fact that most nevi and melanomas affect the skin epidermis in their first
step of development, the analysis of each tissue is based on the processing of datasets
composed of Raman spectra from the skin epidermis. The malignant melanoma and
benign nevus datasets contain respectively 152 and 119 spectra. Few recorded Raman
spectra are shown on figure 1.
Wavenumber (c
Fig. 1. Examples of recorded Raman spectra from (1) melanoma and (2) nevus. Peaks labeled
by (*) are associated to the CaF
medium and by (+) to paraffin. The visible part of the keratin
spectrum is labeled by (#).
The analysis of these Raman spectra suggests three remarks:
whatever is the kind of analyzed tissue, paraffin and CaF
spectra exhibit thin
energetic peaks, which are the predominant features of the recorded spectra; the
contribution of keratin and melanin, which are known to be Raman active species,
is not visible in the recorded spectra;
recorded spectra are polluted by a so-called background or baseline that originates
from the skin fluorescence;
due to the spectral resolution of the spectrometer, the thin energetic Raman peaks
of paraffin and CaF
are not aligned on the same wavenumber from a recorded
spectrum to another; source separation techniques as PCA or ICA will fail to
estimate spectra of pure chemical components by computing several neighboring
peaks dispatched in different sources.
Without further processing of data, no information of skin compounds can be
extracted. We are thus investigated methods to extract information related to these
species by examination of statistical and physical characteristics of the dataset.
The first and obvious feature is the instantaneousness data recording because the
scattered light is collected by CCD detectors. Physical laws governing Raman
spectroscopy mechanisms are well known to be linear. Recorded spectra thus result
from a weighted sum of spectra of pure species present in the analyzed tissues. This
instantaneous and linear model is:
where X is the data matrix, S is the pure species spectra or sources matrix, and A is
the mixing matrix. Each element a
of A represents the concentration of the j
species s
(which is the j
line of S) into the i
recorded spectrum. The model can
furthermore be written as a sum, as shows the right member of equation (1). The j
column of A, noted a
, represents the concentration profile of the j
pure species. M
denotes the number of sources of the model.
Spectra of the CaF
medium, paraffin and melanin are well known to be sparse and
to possess few peaks localized in narrow bands. Peaks of one of these three species
are not overlapped with peaks of the other species. Mutual independence between
these pure spectra is thus a verified assumption. The keratin spectrum is not sparse
and has not narrow peaks, but its smooth shape makes it to be independent of the
other compounds spectra.
All conditions are combined to apply source separation techniques to the datasets.
3 Methods
To overcome previously cited problems, we propose to process data by a three step
The first step consists in suppressing the background. For each recorded spectrum,
it is estimated by a five order polynomial. An asymmetric truncated quadratic cost
function studied by Mazet in [4] is used to estimate the polynomial coefficients. The
processed spectra are obtained by subtracting the corresponding baseline from each
recorded spectrum. An example is given on figure 2.
The alignment of CaF
and paraffin peaks is realized in the second step. This part
consists in upsampling spectra in spectral bands where a peak is localized, in
computing the shift between a reference spectra peak (commonly the first spectrum
recorded on each tissue) and the other spectra peaks, in shifting back the peaks in
order to align their maximums, and finally in downsampling spectra. This alignment
is commonly encountered in geophysical signal processing [5].
The last step corresponds to the elimination of CaF
and paraffin influence. Two
different approaches are possible, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and
Independent Component Analysis (ICA). The use of PCA is motivated by its common
application to biological and biophysical datasets [2]. PCA is searching for
statistically decorrelated sources (pure species spectra) that respect the linear model
described above. The decorrelation is only a second order independence, so estimated
spectra may be a linear combination of pure species spectra. In ICA methods [6, 7],
the decorrelation assumption is replaced by the statistical independence of unknown
sources (Raman pure species spectra in our case). This hypothesis is in respect with
the pure species spectra characteristics mentioned in section 2. The JADE algorithm
[7] was used here to estimate the components model. ICA has proved its efficacy to a
wide class of applications [8]. Note that, as usual, application of PCA or ICA is
preceded by centering of data.
Wavenumber (cm
Wavenumber (cm
Fig. 2. Background removal from a recorded spectrum: (1) estimation of the baseline by a
polynomial of order 5 (dashed line) from a recorded spectrum (solid line); (2) removal of the
baseline by subtraction
4 Results and discussion
4.1 PCA
After the alignment and centering steps, PCA is applied to datasets. The two first
principal components are depicted on figure 3.
Wavenumber (cm
Fig. 3. The two first principal components estimated on benign nevus
Even if the study of the principal components may lead to discrimination between
tissues, pure species spectra are not well identified. Paraffin and CaF
spectra cannot
be exactly subtracting. It is shown that the first estimated spectrum at the left of the
figure has its peaks well oriented. The second one at the right of the figure exhibits
peaks oriented to opposite directions. This is physically unrealistic. Moreover,
concentration profiles of these principal components exhibit negative and positive
values. To feat to reality, only totally positive concentrations are admitted. Moreover,
the spectra estimated by PCA are still linear combinations of pure species spectra as
can be observed in figure 3 where influence of CaF
and paraffin are mixed.
4.2 ICA – 3 components
This incorrect estimation motivates the use of ICA. The JADE algorithm [7] was used
to estimate for each kind of tissue a three components model predicted by the PCA
analysis. Estimated pure species spectra, corresponding to sources, are depicted on
figure 4 for a nevus.
Wavenumber (cm
Fig. 4. Independent components estimated by a three sources model on the benign nevus
Identical results are obtained for a melanoma. The first source is associated to a
part of the paraffin spectrum. The second source corresponds to another spectral band
characteristic of the paraffin spectrum. The third source is the spectrum of the CaF
medium. A first conclusion is that paraffin acts differently with the underlying tissue
in function of the considered spectral band. A second conclusion is that paraffin and
spectra are too much energetic compared to keratin or melanin spectra. These
two remarks suggest decomposing spectra with more than three sources. The number
of sources must be sufficient to decompose paraffin in independent behavioral
spectral bands and to estimate the poorly energetic keratin and melanin spectra.
4.3 ICA – 5 components
A four components ICA model lets keratin spectrum mixed with a paraffin source. A
five components model leads to a well decomposition of paraffin (three sources) and
keratin (one source). Nevus estimated independent components are shown on figure 5.
Similar results are obtained for the melanoma. Only the keratin source differs from
one tissue to another. Sources variance is fixed to unity. Paraffin spectrum has been
decomposed in three independent spectral bands. As in the model with three sources,
the CaF
medium conserves its unique Raman peak spectrum. The last source is
similar to the known spectrum of keratin.
Remark 1. Melanin is a priori supposed to be a Raman active species, but its
spectrum is hidden by spectra of paraffin and CaF
. Even if the number of
independent components is increasing, no matching with this spectrum was found.
Remark 2. The accuracy of spectral decomposition by ICA is demonstrated thanks
to the positivity of the estimated mixing matrix. Furthermore concentrations maps can
be organized to show each species repartition in tissue.
The decomposition in several sources of paraffin spectrum does not handicap the
interpretation of results because paraffin is considered as a polluting component in
this application. The interesting information is the keratin spectrum.
Wavenumber (cm
Wavenumber (cm
Wavenumber (cm
Fig. 5. Independent components estimated by a five sources model on the benign nevus. (a), (b)
and (c) independent components associated to paraffin. (d) independent component associated
to CaF
. (e) independent component associated to keratin
Wavenumber (cm
Recorded spectrum
Wavenumber (cm
Noise subspace
Wavenumber (cm
Signal subspace
Fig. 6. Decomposition of initial data space into a noise subspace and a signal subspace. (1) A
recorded spectra lying in the data space. (2) Its noise part lying in the noise subspace. (3) Its
signal part lying in the signal subspace
4.4 Subspace representation
To illustrate the efficacy of numerical deparaffining, let us consider that original data
can be decomposed in two subspaces. The first one is called the noise subspace and is
composed by uninteresting information, e.g. paraffin and CaF
spectra. The second
one, made up by the keratin spectrum, is the signal subspace. It contains useful
information to discriminate the kind of tissue. The original data matrix X can be
written as the sum of the noise subspace X
and the signal subspace X
X = X
+ X
. (2)
Each subspace is defined by:
To understand these concepts of noise and signal subspaces, let us illustrate by an
example. A spectrum of the nevus is shown on the left of figure 6. Thanks to ICA, it
is decomposable in two spectra. The one at the middle of the figure is lying in the
noise subspace, while the second at the right in the signal subspace. Note that this last
one is just a scaled version of the spectrum of keratin in figure 5(e). We can notice
that the signal subspace is not very energetic compared to the noise subspace.
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Wavenumber (cm
Fig. 7. Keratine spectrum estimated on a benign nevus (solid line) and on a malignant
melanoma (dashed-dotted line)
4.5 Keratin spectrum discrimination
A comparison of keratin spectra estimated for a malignant melanoma and a benign
nevus can be done, as shown on figure 7. The sources obtained from ICA show
visible differences between nevi and melanomas. Such differences are visualised with
the changing intensity ratio of the Fermi doublet bands on 850 cm
and 830 cm
melanomas it is around 2.5 while it is only 1.6 for the nevi. Such changes could
inform us about the state of the phenylic cycle in the tyrosine residu and the type of
resulting molecular bands (intra- or inter-).
Secondary structure variations are marked by a predominance, in the melanoma
source, of the α helix vibrations (1650cm
) in the amide I band. Similar information
can be obtained from the high intensity of the band on 934 cm
characterising the C-
C stretch in the α helix. On the other hand, the nevi source represents a shoulder band
at 1670 cm
revealing a more important contribution of the β sheet conformation.
The differences in the secondary structure can be quantified by the decomposition
of the amide I band by creating spectral models with Gaussian-Loretzian functions.
The same information can be obtained from the changes of the amide III band, and
from the intensity of the band on 901 cm
5 Conclusion
When a skin sample is paraffinised, the direct analysis of recorded Raman spectra is
not possible because of the predominant intensity of paraffin spectrum over the other
compounds spectra. Thanks to the mutual independence of spectra of these species,
ICA is applicable and estimates physically meaningful sources.
A first conclusion is that paraffin spectrum can be decomposed in three
independent behavioural spectral bands. It means that the underlying tissue is more or
less reacting with some spectral bands of the paraffin spectrum. A second is that
melanin spectrum is not visible when paraffinised tissues are considered because of
the too energetic peaks of paraffin and CaF
. Third, more sources than suggested by
PCA must be employed in order to reveal the low energetic spectrum of keratin.
The last and important conclusion is that estimated keratin spectra of paraffinised
benign nevus and malignant melanoma contain a large amount of information. Little
spectral differences between these spectra lead to the identification of the kind of
analysed tissue. Molecular descriptors of the type of pathology have been found.
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