The general problem that we would like to solve is: "What is the lowest-cost con-
figuration of robots that will accomplish a given set of mission tasks with a given
probability of success?" In considering robot team configurations we wish to com-
pare repairable versus nonrepairable robots, different component reliabilities, differ-
ent repair strategies, different numbers of robots, and different numbers of spare
The only known previous work studying how cooperative repair impacts the reli-
ability of robot team missions is [3]. That paper's methods are similar to ours in be-
ing based in the reliability literature, but significantly different in assuming that repair
incurs no cost in terms of time and reliability. We contend that in most cases this cost
of repair is significant—the robots executing the repair must delay their assigned task
in order to perform a repair, and the act of repair increases their own chance of fail-
Additionally, [3] considers only cannibalistic repair, where all replacement parts
are scavenged from failed robots, and all spares are carried by the surviving robots.
Our method has been designed to be flexible with respect to the type of repair.
Finally, [3] leaves open the question of whether repairability is cost-effective. If a
repairable team can do 25% more work but increases the mission cost by 75%, then it
may not be the superior option. We incorporate cost into our evaluation method,
qualitatively in this paper, and quantitatively in future work.
In [4] we present a method for quantifying the reliability of robot modules and in-
dividual robots. In this paper, we begin to address how these reliability tools can be
used to evaluate mission design alternatives for robot teams. In Sections 2 and 3, we
outline a simple mission scenario and our method of representing it. In Section 4, we
derive analytical solutions for the probability of mission success for this mission
using repairable and nonrepairable robot teams. In Section 5, we apply our method-
ology to compare different alternatives for improving the reliability of an example
2 Problem Representation
We treat both repairable robots (RR) and nonrepairable robots (NR) as being con-
structed of multiple hardware modules. A robot might, for instance, be composed of
a computation module, a propulsion module, and a manipulation module. A robot
fails when one of its constituent modules fails. For NR, failure is terminal. For RR,
the failed module can be replaced by a spare module if one is available. The module
replacement procedure is carried out by a robot other than the failed robot.
The probability of a module's failing is found using standard reliability engineering
methods assuming a constant hazard rate. Two inputs determine the module failure
probability: the module's failure rate, often given by mean time to failure (MTTF),
and the length of time the module is operated. Ref. [4] gives more details on the
calculation of module and robot failure.
We have begun our analysis of robot mission reliability by examining a seemingly
simple mission—a group of robots must traverse together for some days, and all of
them must be functioning at the end of the traverse. We specify variants of this mis-